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To my little brother

January 14
I would like to say a few things about my brother.   I've known Steven ever since he's been a young man.  He's been a very near and dear friend to me. He sometimes did some silly things, but who in the hell doesn't in life?  I loved him, he was my family.  My wife and I miss him dearly and I wanted to let you know Steve,  that now I know you're in a better place. I love you. I'll see you on the other side
January 11
I knew him as Steve or Snake. He and I set records for pipe installation at Kelchner that will remain forever. We were friends as well and he often got himself into trouble with his then wife Kay when we got rained out and went bar hopping. He had his heart attack back then and I was VERY happy when he recovered and came back to work with us so we could go back to putting up big numbers again. We lost touch when he left Kelchner and I am saddened at his passing. I wish his family the best

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