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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Victor Brown II, 18 years old, born on February 17, 1983, and passed away on April 28, 2001. We will remember him forever.
April 30
April 30
Hi Pacman, Miss U like Crazy. I hope that you are hanging with all of our family members that has left us on this earth. Tell everyone to take care of each other. Love ya for life
April 30
April 30
My dearest vic, ♥️ I miss you more than words can ever say. I pray that you are surrounded by all of our family and love ones. Kiss them and give them my love. You are always in my heart.
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Hello my Pacman, another year has gone by. You are truly missed by all that knew you. What an awesome Godson. I think about you all the time. I went to work today, and I was ask if I wanted to go home after I put up my route. I said 100% yes, this way a new carrier could have work. I and your spirit headed to the casino. I called your mom headed that way, didn't get to hear from her. I knew you were on her heart and soul. We had a great time, enjoyed the date. Went home and watched movies. Thanks for enjoying the day with me. I felt your presence. Love you for life
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
Barbara said it all. I wasn’t sure how today was going to go but I had a super busy good day. I recall when you first went home to glory I had no clue what would become of me for you were truly the best part of me… I believed things got better or a little easier as each year passed but now I’m not sure. What I k is for sure is you’re not coming back to me, but I’m a child of God a done day I will come to you and what a reunion it will be..,, I love and miss you son. You were the Best son for me.
April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
My dearest Victor ♥️ I left a candle because you were always the brightest person in my life, your goodness, love, and the most beautiful smile. Victor you warned my heart then and now. I thought that I would be a little sad today but when I woke up I said today is going to be a beautiful day and it is. Saying I love you don't come close to just how much I love and miss you. You will always be my precious son..Sorry Mary but that's my baby ❤️
February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023
To my handsome, beautiful son/nephew
Happy Heavenly Birthday , Vic isn't it something that everytime I think of you I smile.I love and miss you so much but I know that you are up there bringing so much love to everyone ❤️ loving and missing you with all my heart.
February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023
Happy 40th Birthday (2/17/2023) Vic, you are dearly missed and loved . Mom
April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022
Good Morning my love another year for you to watch over everyone, and I know that most of the time you are laughing and scratching your head.I pray that you and the rest of our family are having a great time enjoying one another until we are all together again. Kiss waldrena on the cheek for me and I pray that tyron turn his life around. You are so missed my love. Auntie Barb.
February 18, 2022
February 18, 2022
Good morning handsome yesterday was a little rough, I woke very early and sent out a birthday wish to you and Patrice waldrena mom. I said a prayer for your mom and sister and thought about how we all miss you so much. I was told all my life how time heal but it doesn't, it makes it a little bit easier. Anyway happy birthday  my love auntie barb kiss my moms, hug papa, and give everyone my love.
February 17, 2022
February 17, 2022
Hi Pac man happy happy bday, I hope that everyone up there with you did a good bday party for ya. Love you for life. Miss you everyday like crazy. You know how I talk to all of you guys every morning as I'm driving to work.
April 30, 2021
April 30, 2021
My precious baby, also a man, hello my love I was so exhausted on the 28th and I know that you know why. That drive was more than stressful. But I knew from the start all was going to be well because I had my faith in God, myself, you and all of our family sending up prayers. Thanks for always watching over all of us my love. 20 years!! No I can never believe it. But you know that I keep you very close to my chest. Take care of everyone and I hope that Terry has finally slowed down. I love you son. Kisses and hugs until we see each other. Auntie barb
April 29, 2021
April 29, 2021
PACMAN what a blessing to have had you in our life. 20 years since you have been gone, it seems unreal. I remember when you were running up the hallway at papa and pearley house, and the jumped up and pulled the frame of the door down. We laughed so hard. Papa said that lil Pac man tearing up the house. Every time I go in that hallway I think about you. You brought us so much joy in the little time that God loan you to us. May you keep all of our love ones happy in heaven. Love you forever. The Thomas Family
April 28, 2021
April 28, 2021
Good Morning
What can I say, year 20. It’s unbelievable but true for I’ve lived it. I’m going to do something fun today, and might have a drink in your honor...
April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021
My sweet sweet boy, how I love and miss you. It's been awhile since I've been on here but you know we meet daily in the closet. A day don't go by that I don't think of you.  It's hard to explain to people that you and I had 18 years together and that is short to some and long to others depending on circumstances. I don't think that way ... I live and seek the word of God. I look at the big picture, when my days come to and end here on earth ... I will reunited with you my love for all eternity.  Thanks for being in the spirit looking in on babies and I... We love you. 
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020
Pac-Man another year, another year. Think of you all the time, I know that you saw Liz and I looking thru all of pearley books, loving all of the pics that we enjoyed of you and family. I know that you are there with the rest of the family, taking care of them. Hug them all for me. You are the man. Love ya for life
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
My dearest Victor, you are in my heart daily. Missing you more than words can ever say. Do me a favor give both my mom's , dad, waldrena and Terry a gentle kiss for me. And here's a big one from me to you. I love so much!!
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020
Hi my wonderful son. I truly miss and love you. It’s unbelievable that this is year 19. Vic you’ve been gone longer than you lived. There is so much I want to say, but not today. I’m trying to hold it together. You know I was thinking about my mansion in heaven; telling you I would love my home to be water-front. I thought about when you and I were at shore line village and we walked around looking at boats and you said I would have so many plants on the back of the boat that no one would be able to see the boat. Well now I’m working in the back yard and I want eight more large planters.. you’re right I love plants and flowers so we will see if I go over board. Talk to you soon. I know you’re watching over us.
February 17, 2020
February 17, 2020
Well hello my wonderful handsome nephew/son another year has come and it's as hard as the 1st. No words can express how I feel and the entire family. I keep you in my heart, mind and prayers almost daily. I remember one day your grandfather and I was setting outside his house with lucky his dog and tears was running down his face. And I said softly you are thinking about vic aren't you and he answered me kind of roughly well what do you think? Vic my heart went out to him that day because like all of us he loved you from his soul..I said all of this to say there is no more tears for him because he's with you. Just tears from us because you were so special. Iam missing you but I know that you are just fine.
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
My dearest victor words are so hard to come by. You are missed as much today as the day that you left us so swiftly. Life is very hard as you know but I take some kind of comfort hoping that you spread your wings and protect the entire family. Give your grandma, papa and all of our relatives my love. Until we meet again my love this is sealed with a kiss and my undying love for you. Auntie Barb.
April 28, 2019
April 28, 2019
Pacman, we are going to your mom house to pick up some items that she is getting rid of, since she is moving. Also want to help her with packing things? Love and miss you so much. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Time is flying. Just want everyone to do and be the best that we can be until we leave this earth. You would be so proud of Vicki and chanelle, those girls are doing it. Keep your arms around us until we meet again. Love you forever auntie/ godmother  Patricia Ann Green Thomas
April 7, 2019
April 7, 2019
02/17/2019 Happy 36th Birthday. 
Kimberlyn came over today and picked me up.. She brought me flowers, we then went looking at new homes, stopped by lotion and lace, and final stop the yard house. We talked, and laughed today and had great fun.. Vic, Kimmie and I had a drink in memory of you and Steve.. Steve,s birthday is the 20th. We love and miss you, however; decided to do some things we believed you would want us to do instead of being sad.. By the way Mia(sister) has returned to CA and of course she don't remember you but know all about her oldest brother and how proud and happy you were to have another little sister.
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
Vic....I wasn't sure how I would feel mentally 4/28/18 for this is year 17 and you were only 18 when you went home to glory. I spoke with Anntawn and Victor yesterday; they were ok. Well, Victor was chilling (laying around doing nothing). He is still my best friend who sits on my nerves. Well, to make a long story longer I did just fine and so did babies (Vicky). Vic, I truly miss you...not one day has gone by in 17 years where I've not thought of you nor mention your name. I just purchase another automobile in blue, your favorite color. I didn't feel your presence near me yesterday, however; your grandfather stopped by for a quick moment. Baby... I'm fine and (babies) are scheduled to graduate college again, September 2018 we know you will be there and proud of her...I will find time in the near future to add more photos, music etc. Love always and forever (mom)
February 17, 2018
February 17, 2018
Pacman another year with missing your presences. I know that you are there, helping all of the newcomers.there are some clowns out there killing up school kids, and other clowns (the po po) taking us out. What has happen to this world. Well continue to kick it with the rest of the family, until we meet again. So you and miss you so much. We got your mom and tortor.
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
Hi Pacman, another year has gone. We love and miss you so much. Gary jr is a music teacher. Nana has two degrees, working on three. They love and miss you so much. I and they think of you everytime that we pass by the lake. We are also very proud of vicki, she is doing it. Your mom needs auntie of the year for pushing cece to keep on keep on. This girl graduated from H.S and now in college and working. Big up's to both of them. Take care of everyone up there, you will see us all one day. Much love from the Thomas Family
February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017
This birthday was difficult.... It doesn't get easier. Age 34, I Recall being 34...I was 35 when you went to your heavenly estate. There is so much I want to sit and speak with you about. Babies is a junior in college now... You're dad and Anntawn need you desperately. Mommie is with you now and I expect to see many doves. Not one day has gone by without my thinking f you. I loved you from the day I laid eyes on you, and loved you more and more each day. This year make 16 years being away from you...I will be with you for All ETERNITY. You are with the Best...our Heavenly Father. Love you mommie
February 18, 2016
February 18, 2016
Pacman, i cant believe you are 33 today. Boy are u getting up there. I know that you have really gotten to know all of your awesome relatives up there. You guys keep watching over us, until we join you all. Love and kisses from The Thomas Family. Auntie Pattcake
February 18, 2015
February 18, 2015
Hi Victor, you know that I miss you. I think about you alot. I went to visit you yesterday for your birthday, I know its been forever. I remember when we were younger you always wanted to race somebody. And how when ever yo momma / mary berry would make u go to bed youwould just bump your lil head against the wall until you fall to sleep. Lol I do miss that. Well I will be back to visit you again soon. I love you always. Xoxoxoxo.:-) :-) :-) :-)
February 18, 2015
February 18, 2015
Happy Birthday to my godson Victor Brown AxKxA Pacman. I miss you to pieces. Our favorite song to sing was Chain Of Fool. I would hum to start of the song, and you would have the biggest smile on your face, before we start singing. You will forever be in my heart and soul. I think about you each day. Thank you for all the joy that you brought to my family. I have so many fond memories of you. Thanks you for having your spirit around us each day. I know that you are showing them how to run, and all the other talents that you have. We will see each other again but im not in a rush. Hopefully a long time from now. Love you forever Auntie Pattcake
February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015
Hello my dear cousin..... Boy how I miss you. How fast the years pass, all of these years since GOD called you home and you became an Angel. When looking at your pictures I am brought to both smiles and tears, the feelings become automatically fresh and I realize how fragile life is and I rejoice in the memory of you. So you see that Moe, is a little you. Can't wait for your mom to meet him. FOR EVER MISSED YOU SHALL ALWAYS BE. LOVE YOU ETERNALLY!!! YOUR COUSIN....Essencie.
February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015
My dearest Victor you know I talk to you all the time and mostly it's happy things, but I cannot fool you my love your b day and your omega are very hard on me. But because you brought so much love and happiness to me and so many other I will keep smiling and tell myself that you are with some wonderful people. I cannot be selfish you are with your grandmother, grandfather, waldrena and most importantly the big cahuna! !!GOD!!! How can I touch that. But until we meet again run like you always did. Ride your Lil bike that made you look like a giant. And most of all keep smiling that wonderful, handsome, beautiful smile until I can touch your precious face and say vic I am here! !I love you so. Aunt Barbara. Happy Birthday my baby.
February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015
Hey there, so Unfortunately I never really had the chance to be close to you but I've always admired and looked up to you, I've also ALWAYS wished you were my Brother. It's funny because I've also been impartial to to death b it when you had your accident It cut me deep, it hurt me and It bothered me like crazy. None of us understand and we will never understand but God wanted you. So I love you,I always will and I really can't wait to see you. We have so much to talk about lol.
February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015
Happy Birthday Son.... Today is your 32nd Birthday and I miss you dearly. I was going to cry and cut up however, I could hear Babies (Victoria) voice from 14 years ago saying "Mom you're not going to cry or act out because Victor wouldn't want this". So today I choose to celebrate you life and love. Thank you for choosing to come to earth and be my son and Vicki's brother for 18 years.P.S. your dad and brother miss you. MGJ
February 16, 2012
February 16, 2012
To the Angel who walked amongst us....Thank You for your love, award winning smile and always positive attitude. You've given me 18 years of yes mom, love peace and joy. Thank You for protecting me and Victoria. Love You...See you sooooon

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April 30
April 30
Hi Pacman, Miss U like Crazy. I hope that you are hanging with all of our family members that has left us on this earth. Tell everyone to take care of each other. Love ya for life
April 30
April 30
My dearest vic, ♥️ I miss you more than words can ever say. I pray that you are surrounded by all of our family and love ones. Kiss them and give them my love. You are always in my heart.
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Hello my Pacman, another year has gone by. You are truly missed by all that knew you. What an awesome Godson. I think about you all the time. I went to work today, and I was ask if I wanted to go home after I put up my route. I said 100% yes, this way a new carrier could have work. I and your spirit headed to the casino. I called your mom headed that way, didn't get to hear from her. I knew you were on her heart and soul. We had a great time, enjoyed the date. Went home and watched movies. Thanks for enjoying the day with me. I felt your presence. Love you for life
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