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Our family has created this online memory page in honor of Vicki Poerio, 84, born on November 11, 1932 who passed away on April 5, 2017.

Out of respect for Vicki and Joe's wishes, there will be no calling hours or formal service. For those of us who would like to share memories, our family has created an online space to share pictures, stories, and favorite moments with Vicki.
Please feel free to add to this tribute to our mother, wife, grandmother, great-grandmother, sister, aunt and friend.  Our appreciation to you all for your love and support during this difficult time.

Please add a note or memory under the "about" tab or on the "stories" tab.



April 5, 2023
April 5, 2023
Hard to imagine you’ve been gone 6 years…still hear your laugh…missing my mom so much…2days…and remembering dad who I miss as well with all my heart. Love, your little girl
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
Thinking and smiling remembering our funny and fun times together! So many memories to share with the kids & grandkids! So many wonderful parts of your (and dad’s) lives have been shared with them-and in those-you are with us forever! Love and miss you even more through the holidays-making shrimp and ravioli the night before Thanksgiving is one that Comes to mind-such a family affair. Love is eternal-miss you both so much.
April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022
My wonderful Aunt Vicky! When I was with her she always made me feel special, like I was the only person in the room and that whatever I was saying was the most interesting thing she had ever heard! It is a gift that she had and I pray I’ve inherited even a tiny bit of the uniqueness that was Aunt Vicky!
April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022
Mom- It’s been 5 years and as much as I miss you and dad (who passed 4-7-19)…I am so glad you weren’t around for Covid and the other issues that would’ve saddened you. Would rather share the joys you’ve missed-new babies, marriages, musical leads, dances, and love. Your commitment and love of family above all has hopefully persevered through your grandkids and great-grandkids. They are all healthy, happy and joyous. Thank you for passing on the pure joy of our children/grandchildren as that will forever be your legacy! I miss and love you both!
April 5, 2020
April 5, 2020
Grandma, it's been three years since I last saw you but you are in every moment of everyday. I've got a beautiful little 8 month old baby and I swear I see so much of what made you amazing in her.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.

Love, Tigger
November 11, 2019
November 11, 2019
Today is your birthday and as I think of you, I am sitting on my porch, drinking coffee with you and looking out at the turkeys, deer, and birds-smiling at the wonder and joy you shared in stories you'd create while sitting there.
Oh-all the years we spent on your birthday waking up-meeting on the porch and having coffee while you smoked and we laughed as all the grandkids joined us as they woke-all wrapped in blankets with dad stopping out only long enough to tell us it was too cold for him! How I miss our morning "family coffee hour."  We tired to continue them after you passed with dad at Mitchell's, and although they were wonderful, you were missed terribly.
What a year-Mark's health crisis lasted 3 long months filled with fear, hope, love and joy as he won his battle. During this time, I was caring for dad and losing my company of 25 years.

But 3 days before Mark's last treatment, dad fell terminally ill. I was devastated, overwhelmed and felt so incompetent and ill-prepared for what lied ahead, and the decisions that fell to me that were far too heavy for me to bear. In the end, with support of the family, dad passed as he wished-at home, surrounded by his family, listening to your tribute and looking at pictures of you. My only consolation is that he is with you today celebrating your birthday-the love of his life.

But his loss was the last link to you-my parents and the Poerio name. In that moment, I became an orphan-alone without the daily reminders of the family history that comprised my memories and defined me. To minimize the hurt I saved your last voice mail (and dad's) and play them often as I fear I will forget you-all the years of my life. Mark has often said that births and deaths bring out the best, and the worst, in people-so true in family as well. Thankfully, our family members and my brother have been such an amazing source of support for me, reminding me of how important family is during difficult times as they offered non-judgmental acceptance, love and understanding.

What a year. As you raised me to be resilient, independent and optimistic I have tried to move on, focusing on the celebrations and good fortune our family has shared. Such loss...yet so much to celebrate, including 2 new babies! I can just hear you scream with joy and excitement at their names and their beautiful little faces while you hold them with glasses on your head. And dad-ever amazed and laughing as they cried, and at their small but strong fingers that he loved to kiss.

Then, mom, your little princess (who we all raised) was married! Oh how I wished you were there-you would have been so thrilled-she is everything you always knew she would be-beautiful, joyous and "sparkly." And your family-wow-you would be so proud of them all- "busting your buttons" as you used to say.

And yet today on your birthday, I sit all alone on the porch, drinking my coffee with my glasses on my head, looking out at the landscape missing you and those special moments.....Happy Birthday mom-I love and miss you.

PS-Oh...and Dad-you are right-It's cold out here!
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
You were on my mind all day today. You are always with me and I love and miss you so much.
November 11, 2018
November 11, 2018
Luci said she hoped God gave grandma a birthday cake and sang Happy birthday to her since we couldn't do it...
September 7, 2018
September 7, 2018
On August 18, 2018th your "tigger" married a beautiful, brilliant, and wonderful woman-the person you would have dreamed to be his wife if you could have picked. We have been so fortunate at the amazing grand sons/daughters in laws your grandchildren have chosen to be partners/parents. I know you are smiling and "busting your buttons" with pride (as you used to say!). You were so missed...but watching the grandkids dance until midnight reminded me that you are not far each of us...and with us always. I love you.....
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
Ive been missing you so much lately. Spring was the season that makes me think of you the most; and i can hear you complining about the fact its still snowing. I miss you all day every day, and my love still grows somehow.
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Grandma- A year ago today, I lost you, one of my best friends since childhood. It seems surreal to me that you are gone. Not because of how people may think, but because I choose to "talk" to you every day and laugh at the small things that I take as signs from you. You still seem so present in my day to day life, and for that, I feel truly blessed. What I would give to hear your voice again or see those rosy red cheeks when you'd smile and laugh. I feel you watching over all of us and probably getting a good laugh at some things, but id much rather you be experiencing it first hand. You probably join us, but every Wednesday I sit with Grandpa and have lunch. I thank you for bringing him and I closer since before that, you and I were so selfish with one another's time, him and I never got to truly know one another. I love you so much and think of you always! Ill be seeing you...
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Grandma Vicki.... your infectious laugh and love for your family is something I’ll never forget. While your presence is truly missed at each gathering, the fond memories carry on with each of us, including your great grandkids. How lucky were we that you had such a special relationship with them?!! Thank you for the joy and love you gave all of us then and continue to give through the cherished memories. Miss you!!! Love- Eddie
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Thinking of you today, Grandma, and your enthusiastic zest for life! I love to think about your pride and excitement in celebrating your grandchildren’s (and great-grands!) accomplishments, no matter how small. You didn’t just express how proud you were; you always showed up. Just thinking about your smile gives me a boost :)

I’ve also been thinking a lot about how much Grandpa Joe thrived off your energy too. It was infectious and so uplifting. I hope I can share some of that same light with my children in the same way you did for us all.

We Iove you and miss the joyful times together.
—Kathryn, Eddie, Maeve, Roisin, and Fionnuala
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Grandma, you've been on my mind a lot the past few weeks. I miss you so much and want you to know that your little Tigger is engaged to the woman of his dreams...and you even gave me your approval!

I love and miss you so much, and hope that I can raise my family with all of the joy and love of life that you showed me. I know you'll be there on the 18th, looking down and smiling.


Your Tigger
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Joey was 24 hours old when Grandma drove up to "help" take care of Katie-then 18 months. Katie LOVED nursery rhymes and we would read, act and sing them over and had to have been a full day of this that Mom took on until about 7:30 when mom was on a quilt with Katie reading them for the 3,000th time-I was feeding Joe and exhausted....delusional as I was sleep deprived when I literally thought I was losing it. Thought I heard mom say a nursery rhyme wrong....only to look up and see her with tears rolling down her face laying face up on the quilt laughing and saying "I can't read this again." Her version of the rhyme:' Jack be nimble...Jack be Quick...Jack burned his Dick on a Candlestick!!" we laughed.....
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
Per Nicky re grandma-- She was a nice person. She is, was a beautiful person. She super nice, super kind, and super snuggly. And kissable. That's it.
April 5, 2018
April 5, 2018
I remember the Christmas that we tricked Grandma into smoking pot. She had mentioned earlier in the evening it was something she had wanted to try but never did. Later on when I was outside with Dale smoking she came outside and said it again. Dale went to his car and got a 'special cigarette' which he let Grandma take a hit of. Afterwards we told her it was in fact marijuana to which she was aghast. I called her 'pothead' for the rest of the evening and told her i couldn't leave the kids around alone with a druggie.
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
I've been thinking about Grandma this week in anticipation of the winter olympics. I loved watching ice skating with her growing up during the weeks we would go up to Cortland. She was so enthusiastic about the skaters and would really get engrossed in the performances. She loved the entertainment of watching the performance, the costumes and would always give her own feedback afterwards. Thinking of her tonight as I watch with Sophia, who is about the age I was during my memories of watching ice skating on the Olympics. I remember a lot of talks about Michelle Kwan, Nancy Kerrigan, Tonya Harding, etc.

I love that I was able to spend so much time with her growing up even though we lived hours away, and am so thankful that these memories continue to remind me of those times.
November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017
It would be strange to let this day pass without spending some time thinking about how much grandma loved celebrations. She loved the excitement, the reason to have a special dinner, and mostly, the indulgent dessert. She was so good at celebrating the little things and making them feel huge. She loved giving gifts as much as she loved receiving them. She spent so much time finding the perfect gift, and relished in your reaction when you opened it. Good or bad, you also knew in a second what she thought of the gift that you got her! I miss her today and everyday. Happy birthday grandma...enjoy your cake and chocolate covered cherries!
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
It has taken me some time to write-too much emotion and I am not as eloquent as my children! So forgive me if my memories and thoughts seem random-but they are important to share, as only through sharing them will her memory live on-oh...and will her antics and memories live on!

Mom was such a fantastic grandmother-always so supportive of their efforts, accomplishments, and even of transforming their failures into some type of positive outcome. She loved and attended every dance recital, performance, and honor that the kids had, and welcomed Chris and Kathryn into the fold seamlessly-"adopting" them as their own and celebrating their successes as well. We were all so blessed to have her in that role-and her presence will be felt forever as the legacy she created will be passed down through me, and the kids as they raise their kids.

Sophia was having difficulty with mom's passing so we shared with her Billy Joel's "Goodnight My Angel" so that she and the kids would remember mom every time they sang her favorite songs. One song in particular was one that she sang to Mark and I growing up-in the pool or in the bath tub, that the grandchildren AND great-grandchildren have adopted and sing in the pool with glee!

"Alice where art thou going? Upstairs to take a bath". Alice-with legs like toothpicks, and a neck like a Giraffe. Alice-into the bathtub, pull out the plug and then-"Oh my goodness oh my soul-there goes Alice down the hole" GLUG... GLUG...GLUG!! 

I will miss mom's songs, dances (like when she played the air trombone in Italy with Geno and Connie while Pepino played or when she danced with Joe and Chris at our wedding), her silly sense of humor, her love of life, and her love of her grandchildren. I was so fortunate to have her live near us for 1.5 years as it was during this time that I really think she understood me, was so supportive of me, and loved me for me. Some never get to experience that-I was so fortunate, and for that I am forever grateful! I will cherish those moments forever....I love you, mom.
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
Mom was someone who was NEVER going to shy away from trying something new-she did so with a child's enthusiasm that permeated through anyone else's concerns or fear around her, and making us all enjoy her successful ventures with her, and DESPITE us!

I remember she and dad coming to "help me" coordinate Kelly's 7th birthday party at the ice skating rink. There were 12 other 7 year olds, and as I was helping Kelly, two others fell. I asked mom, then 65 years, to help Kelly while I helped her friends. Kelly was taking one step at a time...then I heard Kelly crying out for me to help her up, laying on the ice. Frantically I looked for mom-there she BACKWARDS with an ear to ear grin while on ONE skate apologizing saying "OHHHH Debbie, I couldn't resist!"

Let's not forget her front flips off the diving Board well into her 70's,...or her swing off a pirates' ship rope into the ocean....or parasailing with Kristie at 72... All with the enthusiasm and joy of a child opening their first present!

Yes...she was never one to shy away from a challenge! Mom was the dreamer, the adventurer, the creative artist. I remember walking onto the beach in the Carribean one morning and her running up to me and Bryant telling us about the family that is on a raft out in the ocean-probably from Haiti or Cuba....until Bryant told her it was an umbrella that was upside down floating on the ocean! we laughed! 

And what a silly thing to miss....but I so miss her calling me "little one"
May 16, 2017
May 16, 2017
"how DO you DO???"

"Oh Kelly, Debbie, Katie, Joe"...she would just rattle through everyone's name until she found the one she was looking for. This wasn't an old age , dementia thing. It was just her thing! Sophia told me one day as we were going to Grandma's house " mom, I don't care that she calls me Katie all the time...I just think it's funny." Grandma got to a point where she called Sophia "Katie" and called me "Debbie". I wonder what she called Mom?!
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
Another favorite of grandma's:
Hi. My name is Joe. I work in a button factory. One day, my boss said "hey, are you busy?" I said "no". He said "push this button with your left hand". Etc...
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Grandma Vicki. A personality that will never be duplicated. To say she was one of my best friends would be an understatement, even writing this I am finding it hard to put into words what this woman has meant to me throughout my life.

Since I was a child, I have always been close to Grandma. Thankfully, Grandpa never took offense when I would call every Mon-Fri beginning in college and never had more than a sentence or two with him before he knew to give the phone to Grandma. Those were the conversations I will miss the most with her. On my way to class, on my way back from an event, while I was avoiding doing homework, we would talk for hours sometimes. I would fill her in on even the stupidest details of my life, right down to what I was having for lunch and even then she would be completely entertained and interested in what I was eating. We would talk about what she was painting, what my dream guy was like, how I was failing calculus and it didn't matter because she swore she never used that kind of math a day in her life. She made me feel like the most important person in her world every single time when in reality she was one of the most important people in mine. I pray she knew that, I like to think she did.

The next thing I will miss is our visits. Whenever she stayed in CT I knew she woke up early to have a cup of coffee, pick on whatever sweets were in the fridge before anyone else was up and would sit outside on the porch and have a cigarette. Anyone who knows me well knows I hate the mornings, but I would wake up early, come downstairs and lay on her lap. She would rub my head and we would talk about anything and everything. We appreciated the same things in life. She was a kindred spirit, no matter the 58 year age gap. Those moments were always so peaceful and completely ours. No one interrupted us. I remember after getting my first tattoo for her, I called and told her over the phone, she yelled "JOE! you'll never believe what Kelly did FOR ME!" The next time I saw her she ran me down the hallway, lifted my entire shirt up and starred at it. Instead of being mad that I had printed something on my body forever, she was so proud. She wanted to show everyone! I told her nobody else knew and it had to be our secret for awhile, she loved that even more.

I believe that spirits live on, but with such a wild, loud and amazing spirit as hers, I know she is watching over all of us still. I still plan to keep our moments, whether I take up "painting", take up smoking (not likely) or just enjoy the calm mornings with a cup of coffee, I believe she will be there with me, enjoying the peace and calm. I loved her to no end and hope I can be as bright and loving as she was. Forever and always Grandma.

"I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places..."
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
I couldn't narrow down all of my favorite Grandma Vicki stories to just I thought I'd start with a list of some of the memories that keep replaying in my mind over the past few days.

- The nicknames that she called us: KatieLee, little Joe from Cocomo, Kelly Belly (that one stuck, sorry Kells)
-Her enthusiasm when you would tell her news. She was the best person to call when you had to share something because the reaction was always over-the-top. There was always a scream, yell and then you would hear her yell to Grandpa "Joe, Joe, you have to hear this". Chris and I would wait to share news until we could both be on speaker phone because her reactions were the best and we didn't want to miss it.
- Her acceptance and open-arms to anyone and everyone. She could make friends anywhere and at any time. Family to her was both blood relatives and created family. She celebrated everyone's accomplishments and was genuinly interested in what you were doing, how things were going and your happiness. 
- Her catchy phrases, songs, rhymes, etc. "Alice where are you going" is a staple for three generations in the bath and pool; Joey and I enjoyed finally finding the lyrics to the song we learned in elementary school that she constantly wanted us to sing her, even into our 20's "Mr. Wilson had a cat". Come to find out it was a pretty depressing song...she would have laughed. (Please post any of her sayings/phrases...I'm blanking right now, but she had some really good ones!)
- She and Grandpa came to every performance, graduation, dance recital, sports game and birthday they possibly could, despite living 5 hours away. She was always the loudest cheerer (? I'm allowed to make up words...) in the audience and the most embaressing. But you felt like a million bucks when she was there.
-She was an athlete...she played golf until 10-15 years ago, tennis and dove off the diving board up until 3 years ago...I kid you not. Pointed toes and great form...amazing!
- Despite how many times she had tried a certain food, she would claim that she had NEVER eaten it before and would be shocked by how delicious it was. Imagine her delight when she tried shrimp cocktail (again) for the first time ever at the age of 82!  
- We were lucky enough to go on some amazing vacations with her. Our family trip to Italy in 2004 deserves its own post. Italy, Barbados, Jamaica, Florida, etc.
- She loved reading and Grandpa will tell you that when she stopped reading in the past year or so is when he knew that she was in a decline. Her coffee table has always consisted of stacks of books, crossword puzzles, a creepy coffee mug, an ashtray and a little bowl with a nail file and nail polish. I loved watching gymnastics or ice skating with her during our summer vacations in Cortland.
-She made the most simple, delicious Italian food. I swear her recipes have 1/3 of the ingrediants any recipe nowadays have, but they tasted so much better. Pasta fagioli, her sauce, fried cauliflower.  
-When I was younger we used to all run around the house cleaning before Grandma and Grandpa arrived. I would be so excited to show her any new clothes I got since her last visit; she was as excited for each and every $9.99 shirt from Marshall's as the last.
- I always admired how much she loved my Grandpa. The admiration and love they have for one another is inspiring. "He's a handsome devil, Katielee".
- She went on this artisitic, painting kick later in life. We all have some original artwork from Grandma. We hope you enjoy the still life paintings that hang around our house as much as we do. Feel free to ask us to pull the portraits of ourselves out of the closets if you would like to see them...maybe not her strong suit.
- She loved any type of performance that we would, dance, acting. And as much as I resisted singing her favorite songs (Mira) around the piano at reunions and holidays, I would overcome my shy, bashful, fear of performing (maybe with some liquid courage too) because I knew how much she loved it. And her smile and praise during and afterwards made it worth it.

Grandma loved life and lived it to the fullest. I could not be luckier to be her granddaughter. I am so happy that she did not have to suffer long. I am thankful for all the wonderful gifts that she have given us; we will continue to live with these memories and share them as often as possible.

We love you forever and always Grandma.

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Recent Tributes
April 5, 2023
April 5, 2023
Hard to imagine you’ve been gone 6 years…still hear your laugh…missing my mom so much…2days…and remembering dad who I miss as well with all my heart. Love, your little girl
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
Thinking and smiling remembering our funny and fun times together! So many memories to share with the kids & grandkids! So many wonderful parts of your (and dad’s) lives have been shared with them-and in those-you are with us forever! Love and miss you even more through the holidays-making shrimp and ravioli the night before Thanksgiving is one that Comes to mind-such a family affair. Love is eternal-miss you both so much.
April 5, 2022
April 5, 2022
My wonderful Aunt Vicky! When I was with her she always made me feel special, like I was the only person in the room and that whatever I was saying was the most interesting thing she had ever heard! It is a gift that she had and I pray I’ve inherited even a tiny bit of the uniqueness that was Aunt Vicky!
Recent stories

90 th Birthday

November 11, 2022
Thinking and smiling remembering our funny and fun times together! So many memories to share with the kids & grandkids! So many wonderful parts of your (and dad’s) lives have been shared with them-and in those-you are with us forever!  Love and miss you even more through the holidays-making shrimp and ravioli the night before Thanksgiving is one that Comes to mind-such a family affair. Love is eternal
July 16, 2017

a few of my favorite things

April 10, 2017

I couldn't narrow down all of my favorite Grandma Vicki stories to just I thought I'd start with a list of some of the memories that keep replaying in my mind over the past few days. 
- The nicknames that she called us: KatieLee, little Joe from Cocomo, Kelly Belly (that one stuck, sorry Kells)
-Her enthusiasm when you would tell her news. She was the best person to call when you had to share something because the reaction was always over-the-top. There was always a scream, yell and then you would hear her yell to Grandpa "Joe, Joe, you have to hear this". Chris and I would wait to share news until we could both be on speaker phone because her reactions were the best and we didn't want to miss it. 
- Her acceptance and open-arms to anyone and everyone. She could make friends anywhere and at any time. Family to her was both blood relatives and created family. She celebrated everyone's accomplishments and was genuinly interested in what you were doing, how things were going and your happiness.   
- Her catchy phrases, songs, rhymes, etc. "Alice where are you going" is a staple for three generations in the bath and pool; Joey and I enjoyed finally finding the lyrics to the song we learned in elementary school that she constantly wanted us to sing her, even into our 20's "Mr. Wilson had a cat". Come to find out it was a pretty depressing song...she would have laughed.  (Please post any of her sayings/phrases...I'm blanking right now, but she had some really good ones!)
- She and Grandpa came to every performance, graduation, dance recital, sports game and birthday they possibly could, despite living 5 hours away. She was always the loudest cheerer (? I'm allowed to make up words...) in the audience and the most embaressing. But you felt like a million bucks when she was there. 
-She was an athlete...she played golf until 10-15 years ago, tennis and dove off the diving board up until 3 years ago...I kid you not. Pointed toes and great form...amazing!
- Despite how many times she had tried a certain food, she would claim that she had NEVER eaten it before and would be shocked by how delicious it was. Imagine her delight when she tried shrimp cocktail (again) for the first time ever at the age of 82!    
- We were lucky enough to go on some amazing vacations with her. Our family trip to Italy in 2004 deserves its own post. Italy, Barbados, Jamaica, Florida, etc.
- She loved reading and Grandpa will tell you that when she stopped reading in the past year or so is when he knew that she was in a decline. Her coffee table has always consisted of stacks of books, crossword puzzles, a creepy coffee mug, an ashtray and a little bowl with a nail file and nail polish. I loved watching gymnastics or ice skating with her during our summer vacations in Cortland.
-She made the most simple, delicious Italian food. I swear her recipes have 1/3 of the ingrediants any recipe nowadays have, but they tasted so much better. Pasta fagioli, her sauce, fried cauliflower.    
-When I was younger we used to all run around the house cleaning before Grandma and Grandpa arrived. I would be so excited to show her any new clothes I got since her last visit; she was as excited for each and every $9.99 shirt from Marshall's as the last. 
- I always admired how much she loved my Grandpa. The admiration and love they have for one another is inspiring. "He's a handsome devil, Katielee".
- She went on this artisitic, painting kick later in life. We all have some original artwork from Grandma. We hope you enjoy the still life paintings that hang around our house as much as we do. Feel free to ask us to pull the portraits of ourselves out of the closets if you would like to see them...maybe not her strong suit.
- She loved any type of performance that we would, dance, acting. And as much as I resisted singing her favorite songs (Mira) around the piano at reunions and holidays, I would overcome my shy, bashful, fear of performing (maybe with some liquid courage too) because I knew how much she loved it. And her smile and praise during and afterwards made it worth it.

Grandma loved life and lived it to the fullest. I could not be luckier to be her granddaughter. I am so happy that she did not have to suffer long. I am thankful for all the wonderful gifts that she have given us; we will continue to live with these memories and share them as often as possible.

We love you forever and always Grandma.    

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