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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Vincent Michael Contreras, 20 years old, born on August 28, 1988, and passed away on April 22, 2009. We will remember him forever.
April 22
My ever loving first grandson who always took care of his grandpa n me and all the rest of the family. Our Lord knows how MUCH I MISS HIM EVERYDAY. If only I could give him a hug n tell him how much he means the world to me. Although I cannot give him all the hugs I have for him I believe that he will get them through the grace of God. Mijo me n your Papa miss you always n forever and are sending you hugs and kisses forever. Please continue to watch over us 2 old folks ok. We love you always out dear Vincent‍, LOVE PAPA N NANA.
April 22
Hey kid, I miss you more than ever, I always think of you. Your papa and I are always talking about you, I know he misses you so much too. I never thought I would miss someone as much as I miss you. I will always remember, and speak of you, love your Tio Chump, I miss hearing you call me your chump..
April 22
April 22
I miss you bro. I carry you with me daily. I wish you were here. I miss your energy.
April 13
April 13
Driving home today and a song came on called If Heaven Had A Backroad.... The first verse hit me hard! I broke down and had to pull over. I miss you so much Handsome!
March 1
I wish I could give you a hug and a kiss so that my day would be complete but I can't but I do carry you in my heart everyday n remember all the good times n things we did together n I especially remember when you used to dance just to make us all laugh , we loved you then n forever. Love Nana n Papa
February 29
February 29
Hey kid, just have had you heavy on my mind lately, just know I miss you just as much today as I ever had. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you or feel you with me. I posted a song, I like it, and I think you will too. I love you, too Chump
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
Another year old and still as handsome as ever! You will forever be my bestie!
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
Happy Birthday Vincenzo the pizza boy, I miss you daily, but I know I will see you again. I always wonder, who you would be today and what would you be doing. I know you would be leaving life to it's fullest. I love and miss you, and I will never stop remembering and talking about you, love your Tio Chump.
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
Happy 35th heavenly birthday my big baby boy! Many things have happened in our family that I wish you were here for, but I feel the God winks and smile because I know you are shining down on us.
I love you for always, I love you forever ♾️
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
Day 240 of 365
God is saying to you today, "In the gentle breeze that touches your face and the rustling leaves that dance to nature's rhythm, hear My whispers. These are My messages to you, subtle reminders that I am always close, always wrapping you in words of love, guidance, and assurance. As days rush by and nights grow quiet, pause and listen. Amidst life's clamor, My still, soft voice remains, affirming your cherished place in My heart
and guiding you on this blessed journey."
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
My first grandson who always took care of me n his papa and who loved us unconditionally. He had a heart that was made of gold as he always wanted to help everyone. He loved spending time with family n making us laugh with silly jokes or just anything. Our hearts will always have a piece missing because we can't physically see or hug him but I know that he always walks along side of us n takes care of us. Mojo I will always love you n I carry you in my heart ❤️. Love Nana n Papa.
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
Hi My Chump, there are no words, I miss you just as much as ever, the comfort I get comes from knowing you're with me, and that I will see you again. I love and miss you my dear Nephew, love your Tio Chump
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
Another year and still not any easier. I know your with me and still giving me that push I need to stay sane. I love you beastie!
April 22, 2023
April 22, 2023
Every day I wish more and more that you were here with us . Fourteen years feels like an eternity, so often I stop and think of how much you would be doing, the love you would be giving, the laughs you would be sharing. My son I send you my love to the heavens.
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Another year! I swear it never gets easier! I still find myself talking about you and missing our time together! Happy heavenly bday handsome!
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
34 today, wow. So many thoughts go through my head. What would've you be doing, would you have a family, how many adventures would we have taken together, who wouldve caught the biggest fish (me). I miss my Vincenzo the pizza boy. I feel your presence around me daily and will never let your memory disappear, I love you boy, your CHUMP..
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Happy Birthday Vincent. We see your Daily reminders that you are with us!!!! My Family and I think of you and your Beautiful spirit every time we see a Hummingbird. Hope your enjoying your Birthday Celebration with your Family and Jesus!!! We Love you❤️
The Rodarte Family ❤️❤️❤️❤️
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
34 years ago I was blessed with my Vincent Michael, at the time I didn’t realize that every day after he would be the one to teach me the true meaning of how to TRULY LIVE . PRICELESS MEMORIES
July 17, 2022
July 17, 2022
Hey Chump, I'm just sitting around and watching tv, and started thinking about you.. I miss you sooo much, I wish everyday that you were here and enjoying life as much as you did.. I will never forget you and always love you Vincent, love your Tio Chump
April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022
My Vint 13 years have been a daily challenge without you with us, knowing how much you loved our get togethers and looked forward to starting your own family. Your name is said daily and we know you are with us forever in our hearts 
Love to the HEAVENS
April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022
Missing you even more than ever.. Not a day passes without me thinking about you and Missing you.. always wondering what adventures we would have taken together and what journey your life would have taken you on. I miss you and hold you in my heart and memories forever.  Tio Chump
August 29, 2021
August 29, 2021
Happy Birthday it’s hard to believe you are 33 but I will always remember you as that sweet boy that enjoyed fishing and panning for gold I know you will never be forgotten your always in our hearts and mind until we meet again continue to watch over the family and friends
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
Another year older.... Another year that passes where I can feel you with me but can't see you.... It never seems to get easier. Tears still fall & I still wish you were here with us! Happy Birthday Bestie!!!!
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
Happy Birthday Vincenzo the pizza boy..Missing you like crazy always.. Not a day goes by without me thinking about you. Miss all the goofy stuff you would do, just to make me laugh. I remember when you broke your fishing pool amd dropped your glasses in the little creek at convict lake. You just started laughing about it.. wishing Birthday day wishes, keep watching over everyone especially your mom,dad,Josie,Giovanni, Marlene, Marissa and your little nephews and niece.. I know you're always around me,I feel you with me always.. love you Chump
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
Happy 33rd Birthday my big baby boy
The years since you have been gone have been so tough , all of the “IF MY BROTHER WERE HERE”, or “VINCENT WOULD HAVE”
Today we say Vincent would have wanted KFC and cold stone cupcakes , so we shall celebrate with you LOVE TO THE HEAVENS
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
Happy birthday bro! I been thinking about you a lot lately. I miss you all the time. I found some old pictures I had of that time we all went up to convict lake. It had sasquatch juice written on the back haha.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
Hello my wonderful n loving grandson. As you well know we miss you with all our hearts and wish you were here with us. To this day I always look around whenever I go shopping waiting for you to jump out from the clothes hanging next to me to scare me like you used to. Although you have been gone physically from us for 12 years you are always alive in my heart and mind and I like the warm feeling that I get from knowing that you still take care of me. By the way your Xena girl passed away last night and I know that she will be with you sooner than you think, just make sure that you give her a daily treat ok cause she loves them. I miss her already but I know that you 2 will have one heck of a time together. I loved you then, now and forever, your Nana who misses you very, very much.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
Not a day goes by that I don't miss you! Always a great time together wether we were going for a cruise or drinking our "monsters". You are my bestie & that'll never change! Last year I got a random post on FB from a lady who moved into my old house in flag. She found all your pictures & our memories. Thank you for leading them back to me!
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
Papa n Nana's boy Vincent who was and still is a big part of our hearts. Mijo we always think about you in one way or another whether it's a picture, a memory, or something that you would say. We thank the Lord for all the memories we have to recall of you and the things we did together. Our hearts will always have a special place for you cause you were our first grandson n because you took care of us. Our lives have gone on and we always hear or see something that lets us know that you are always with me n papa taking care of us as you used to. Mijo when I go shopping I think of the time you scared me when I was looing at some dresses n you jumped out from between them n scared the heck out of me. Mijo please know that we loved you then n we love you now n forever. Love Nana n Papa
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
My Vint
These years keep passing and I miss you more and more. I know we would be having the Sunday’s that you dreamed about, you had it all planned out to bring your family over for dinner and laughs.
April 22, 2021
April 22, 2021
Hey Chump, missing you like crazy everyday and always wondering who you'd be today, what you would be doing and the adventures we would have experienced together. Not a day goes by without a thought of you popping into my head.. I miss you Vincent and will never forget the bond we shared..l

Love your Tio Chump
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Another Christmas looking up to the heavens and missing you so much.
My bid baby Vint I love you
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Happy Birthday Chump, another year that you celebrate your birthday in heaven and I celebrate and miss you from down here.. Like your mom and dad, I too often think and day dream about the whatifs and who you'd be today.. I know that you would be living life to the fullest and making great memories.. I hope you have a Great Birthday my Angel, miss you so much.. love your Tio Chump.
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
32 today.... Dad and I talk of the what if’s . If you were here with us today you would have a beautiful family with at least 5 children ( you LOVED babies so much). We would have the traditional Family weekends filled with PRICELESS MEMORIES, I can just imagine you helping your Daddy-O at the grill and us laughing until we cried.
Unfortunately all we can do is imagine and know that we will have our laughs and ginormous hugs when we get to Heaven
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Happy Heavenly Birthday Handsome! Miss you and love you SOOOO much.
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
Hey there my Chump, missing you more than ever.. i often catch myself wondering what you would be doing in life. I lost a part of me when God called on you to be by his side,so I like to think that part of me is already in Heaven.. i miss your goofiness and your unconditional love and the way you made me feel ,knowing how much you liked being around me.. i will always think about you and never forget how special you are to everyone who loves and misses you.. love your Tio Chump
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
My Vincent Michael 11 years ago this evening you met our great Lord... I still don’t know why he called you home when your life was just beginning. What I do know is that everything that happens is Gods plan, I know he had a little blessing for you here on earth, and when you entered Heaven you received the true love and happiness that you so sought after while you were on earth. So with that knowledge and the love and support from Daddy-o, sisters, peanut, family and friends I am able to keep the remaining half of my heart beating.
Until it is time for our huge bear hug again I will look up to the heavens and feel your warm smile from the sunshine and your gentle hug in the breeze.
Fly high my Hummingbird
Forever and always you will be my baby
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
I can’t believe it’s been 11 years, seems like yesterday. Your Face and Spirit is still so fresh to us all. Your Bigger than Life Personality is Missed so much. You are definitely the Light in your Mamas Eyes. Rest In Peace Vincent ♥️ We All see you All around us everyday and will always love you and Remember. Love All of The Rodarte Familia. Howard, Tina, Robert and Vanessa
September 2, 2019
September 2, 2019
Hey Bestie! Missing you today and always. Really hoping to make a trip to Cali here soon and see you. Sucks it's been so long since I've got out there, but kids are expensive. I love you bestie and I'm so grateful to have such an amazing guardian Angel!
September 2, 2019
September 2, 2019
Hi my mijo, I couldn't or can't sleep and thought I would get you up to date on mine and grandpa's comings and goings....well and you know we bought a house here in Chandler to be closer to your mom, dad, Geo, Josi, Marlene (Gabi your niece) n Marissa (Elijah your nephew) and and to spend quality time with them, although we have a good time we all still miss you because our family circle us not complete without you my big boy. Time goes by but there is always that empty feeling cause you are not here. I wonder who you would have married and how many great-grand children you would have blessed us with (only the Lord would know) and we know you would have been a great dad. Mijo your pap and I love you more than words can ever say. I know your Chump misses you like crazy and I know you 2 would be living together and having a great time. You brother Gio is growing up to be such a wonderful young man and good son and your jelly bean is getting tall and very pretty, Marlene and Marissa are both mothers but I know you already knew that. Mijo life goes on for all of us but it is not complete without you, we love you with all our hearts, I am sending up a big hubba-bubba hug to you until we meet again, love nana.
August 30, 2019
August 30, 2019
Hi there my chump, you have been heavy on my mind. Not just because it was your birthday, i dont know why, but i wanted to tell you i miss you so much. Time passes, but the pain is the same, life goes on but its not the same without you. I know you had a great birthday up there in heaven, i love you boy.. Tio Chump
August 29, 2019
August 29, 2019
Another year of missing you my dear hubba-bubba, the years go by and I always wonder how many great-grand children you would have given me and grandpa and what you would be working as. Mijo I know that you are always with papa and me cause I feel you or I see something that reminds me of you. You are my constant companion now and forever my loving grandson Vincent, love nana.
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
My Vincent, my first grandson who I love and miss with all my heart. Although you are not physically here for me to hug you on your birthday please know that I just hugged you and gave you a big kiss on those sweet cheeks of yours. Know that you are truly missed by all of us but I know you are watching over all of us and keeping us safe. Mijo please continue taking care of the family. I love you more than words can ever say. Love Nana.
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
Happy Birthday kid, i miss you like crazy. I feel you in my heart like i just saw you, thats how much i love you and why i will never forget you. I know you are celebrating, i wonder what you would have been asking me to buy you for your birthday. Happy Birthday i love you boy, l9ve your Tio Chump
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
31 Today my son. I always wonder who you’d be today? A great husband and daddy for sure, at least that’s what you often told me you couldn’t wait to become.
I know you are in HEAVEN with your little mamas and she is happy to have you. 
I will look up to the blue skies and send my love on a hummingbirds wings.
Happy birthday my big baby boy VINCENT MICHAEL
April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019
Wow.... ten years.... still feels like yesterday that I got the call. It still hurts worse then ever. I miss you bestie!!!!
April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019
10 years ago tonight I had to make the most difficult and heartbreaking decision ever, taking you off of life support. To this moment I struggle with whether or not I should have??
I miss you so much
January 20, 2019
January 20, 2019
Hi mijo this is nana sending you all my love and to tell you that I miss you with all my heart and your papa feels the same. It is not right for time to go by and you are not physically with us. The holidays and your birthday are always the hardest. As you know we are back in Arizona so we could be closer to your mom, dad, sisters and brother, although we get together and have a nice time there is always that time when I look around and say to myself where is mijo and realize that you are there with us in spirit. I miss my big boy who used to take care of me and the wrestling matches we had. Please continue to watch over us and protecting us. Love nana and papa.
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April 22
My ever loving first grandson who always took care of his grandpa n me and all the rest of the family. Our Lord knows how MUCH I MISS HIM EVERYDAY. If only I could give him a hug n tell him how much he means the world to me. Although I cannot give him all the hugs I have for him I believe that he will get them through the grace of God. Mijo me n your Papa miss you always n forever and are sending you hugs and kisses forever. Please continue to watch over us 2 old folks ok. We love you always out dear Vincent‍, LOVE PAPA N NANA.
April 22
Hey kid, I miss you more than ever, I always think of you. Your papa and I are always talking about you, I know he misses you so much too. I never thought I would miss someone as much as I miss you. I will always remember, and speak of you, love your Tio Chump, I miss hearing you call me your chump..
His Life
Recent stories

Never forgotten

August 29, 2019
I hope you can see how much you are loved and missed by everyone who truly got to know you. Seeing you enjoy time with my Son Robert and my Grandsons Joshua and Jonathan fishing and having fun being guys on A  fishing Trip you even did some planning for gold with my husband Ralph. You became A grandson in my heart until we meet again HAP

Your CHUMP got in the ocean!

August 19, 2015

We went to Puerto Penasco and your Chump who hasn't been in the ocean in over 20 years actually went in several times with your Peanut and JellyBean!!
I found one of your ANGEL WINGS  on our last morning beach walk..... I know you put only one there so that your Tio will come back and RELAX and create PRICELESS FAMILY MEMORIES WITH US . I LOVE YOU MY VINT

Happy Birthday

August 28, 2019
Happy Birthday kid i know you are up there celebrating. I feel you in my heart as if i just saw you 10 minutes ago.  I love and miss you so much. I always wonder what you would be doing and how both of our lives would be, if you were here. I wish you the best Birthday,  love your Tio Chump.

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