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His Life

The Best Brother anyone could ask for.. Always & Forever

March 22, 2011

Help me celebrate My Brother Vinny RIP <3 for the kind of he man he Was...


We were very close. He call me almost everyday. Always expressing how lucky he felt to have me in his life. He didnt have things easy growing up. ANd i was always there by his side. So he always tried to look out for me and had to always thank me for being such an amazing sister.. He was taken from us way to soon. We wre all stocked , one minute here the next gone.

Other than being a die hard Yankee Fan and Philadelphia Flyers.. He loved music.. I would say his favorite music was oldies & disco!!! He dance better than any of the dancers of  today.. He always loved with his heart would do anything for anyone !!!! His laughter was your laughter.. Never this liked anyone . Went to church every week, worked as Emt and had hands of gold!!