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March 21, 2022
I miss you so much mommy > I always thought you wouldve been with us till this bday . I love you .
March 22, 2016

Mommy....porque, porque te fuiste y nos dejaste. Toda mi vida cambio el dia que te fuiste. Si tu supieras como te extrano Vicky. Te misteo munchisimo.

Happy birthday mami

March 21, 2015

Happy birthday to you my beautiful mamita....o Vicky vie como yo te llamaba. Que la pases feliz y contenta en el cielo con papi y todos los angelitos. Te quiero y te extrano mucho Vicky. Besos y habrasos!

I'll Never Forget...

January 13, 2015

I will never forget the last few days we spent together..a week before you left. We sat on your Couch and talked till 430 in the morning! I kept telling you to go to sleep and you kept telling me to go to sleep but Everytime we agreed, we started a different conversation. You told me stories about your Childhood and I remember the expression on your face that made me pause for a just a second and realize how beautiful you were. How blessed I felt to be sitting right in that spot and that exact moment..I remember I kinda zoned out just focusing on your face, your beautiful wrinkles that made me want to reach out and touch your cheek, the way your voice sounded  as you told your story, and how you noticed I was just staring at you and you laughed because you thought I was dozing off with my eyes open! It makes me Smile and Cry even I remember...I remember how you used to ask me WHY I Always called you Grama ..and not Mami, and I said because my kids called you Grama their whole life, so I kinda just did it too...and you said well I'm not your Grama..but that's ok, cause your the only one who does that.. I Remember singing to you in the hospital and asking you to tell me if you were getting tired of my Voice! I knew you could hear Every word we said to you. ..I Miss You Soo much..I Still Dial your number broke my heart when I could no longer reach your message machine :( 

I Love you Mami..."Grama"" 

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