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Veronica D Jenkins

March 21
Wanda losing you  was  hard for us all  yet we know you are  at peace now and for that we are greateful and yes you will so be missed, you were My First Best Friend, my Road Dog for sure, you were a great  mom ,sister and friend, and I will miss our morning talks and our outings we were so Blessed to have you in our life. We  All Love You So Much and  we will keep the love you have shown us all within our Heart's. So  Rest Easy Little Sister Missing You Much your Eldest "
Sister  Ronnie
Wanda I still remember growing up as a very young child and our Sisters being best friends and seeing your beautiful smile and calm personality always welcoming me into your home as if it was mines. I hadn't seen you in years as I haven't lived in Dayton in over 40 years now but I will miss you and truly blessed that God allowed our paths to cross. Rest in piece

Auntie Wanda

March 19
I love you sooooo much and we will truly miss you!!! You made the simple things in life good for all of us!!! Love you Tangie 

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