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February 11
February 11
Momma another year marked. I miss you more every day, miss hearing your voice , feeling your touch, smelling your smell and hugging you tight. I will be with you again one day, until then I will keep my chin up and take care of the family the way you taught me too.. year was sorta sad, I didn't get to you like I normally do. For that I am sorry. Aunt Fran passed on the 6th, of Feb. so I lost another dear lady from my life. She was there in body for me where I didn't have you. I am at Peace now knowing that you two wonderful ladies, were me guide, where you left off she helped follow. I love you both . I miss you so much momma. I love you forever.
July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday momma, you are loved and missed more everyday. Sissy says I look like you so she still sees you. I do too when I look in the mirror. We are glad you are with your parents and with Ray, and daddy. Wishing you again a happy birthday, this day after Independence Day. Love and miss you so much momma always your friend and oldest daughter.
February 8, 2023
February 8, 2023
Hey mom it's me, I just wanted to stop by and say I love you and miss you so very much. Hope you are hugging all for me. love you always. I am watching over sis down her. we all love ya.
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Mothers Day momma, I wish you were here with us today, to enjoy the gathering and get to know your two youngest great grandchildren, you would have spoiled them bot. You would love your granddaughter, and grandson they are both Special people. I miss you so much, today tugs at my heart most, cause I can't give you a Mothers Day hug and kiss, to let you know how important you are and have been in my life. Forever your oldest daughter, love you always momma, Alberta Marie.
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
Momma seems like I have let a couple times go by, so sorry. I have never forgotten you. Today is the marker day of us loosing you I am so glad that I can leave my thoughts here for you. I know you don't know what they say, but it helps me to tell you. I have bben dealing witha lot with family all regular life things. Not like I thought, you were right some are harder to deal with than others. I want to say I miss you more every day. I need my rock momma, love your daughter.
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020
Today is Mothers Day mom, nothing seems the same without you. I have good days but I don't have you in them. I want to say Happy Mothers Day to you on this day. Love and Miss you always. miss our mom daughter times together. hugs momma.
February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020
Hello mom, it has been 25 years ago today that you left us all. We love and miss you so very much, my hearts breaking more every day. Love and miss you always.
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
Happy Birthday today mom, we all miss you very much. Hoping that it is as beautiful there as you are. Hugs always your oldest daughter.
February 9, 2019
February 9, 2019
Hey mom, it's me sorry I missed yesterday. I miss you so very much. It doesn't seem like 24 years, more like a few days. I hear your voice, smell your cologne, and hear your laughter. Honestly I thought you touched me last night because I didn't make it to this point yesterday. Like sissy she thinks of you when she sees this little white dove that comes around her place in nice weather. It hangs at her back door. She says its mom!!!!. we love and miss you so very much momma, your birthday is coming up soon. I will be back before then. Hugs always.
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
Sorry so long momma, busy a whirl wind lately. You know I never forget you ,I just still am not use to this way. I want to Post Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you this year. Going out of 2018 and into 2019. I am saying prayers that this new year will be better. Not that 2018 was all bad. Learning more about family, we are huge. I found so many new ones. Elaina and the kids are doing very good momma, Todd is great for them. I wish you were here with us so you could even see them and hold them I know that you would have just loved Isabella and Logan so much. Momma she looks like I use to when I was little. Momma you would love Todd, he is so much like us. It is sometimes so hard to get through the days, not having you with me. You were my best friend. As the song says I will always love you. ….I better go for this time and will be back later. Love you so very much momma. Hugs always ..I'm trying to look out for sissy too. Love you mom.. from all of us.
July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018
Sorry I missed this on your birthday mom. I took sis with me to see you, she never said much but I know she felt you near us, like I always do. There has been a lot going on. I think of you everyday, not a minute that goes by lately I think of what we use to do, and things we would laugh at and the silly things that we use to do together. Like driving the country side and find wild flowers and then we would take a start from them, having this awesome flower area in our backyard, for Butterflies and hummingbirds. Those were some fun times. I caught myself wanting to do that very same thing this year. Thinking of going to our old homestead and finding the flowers we planted there, the bushes, the mimosa tree. It was so pretty, and the kids loved playing on their swing under it. This is another year we are going to have a good vacation, I'm taking sis with me again to se Ray, and enjoy some time together. Things you never got to do with her, I am trying mom to keep things going, its hard. But I'll continue as long as I can. Love and miss you dearly.. your oldest.. hugs. Hope you had a Very Happy Birthday, up in Heaven, give grandma, grandpa, hugs and my brothers too.
May 12, 2018
May 12, 2018
Well momma tomorrow is Mothers Day, going to get Sissy and we will come visit you, and leave you some beautiful flowers. we know you are with us everyday, miss you dearly with all of our hearts. til tomorrow momma love Alberta
February 8, 2018
February 8, 2018
Well mom today marks another day. Just lots of times wish you were still hear to give advice and keep me in the right track. Sometimes I just want to scream out that I miss my mother and I need her. Its just not the same with out you. Yes I move on but it isn't easy when you need to ask mom that one question. Anyway your great granddaughter is a little sports girl. Her momma your precious granddaughter says she is a natural out on the floor, she plays her heart out I know you watch over them everyday, well gramma she is playing tonight, please be with her and sail her across the floor help her with those baskets, give her some hope with this game tonight a reason to win, even if its in her heart to know she gave her all. And swing down and softly touch your great grandson on his cheek letting him know you love him too. Give your little bumpkin a hug too.  We are all good momma love and miss you with all our hearts. Cherish my memories always.
December 22, 2017
December 22, 2017
Hey momma, it's me . I love you and miss you.. thinking a lot about you today. I am Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. tight hugs from me to you.
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Hey momma, today is your day. I know you are up in Heaven with gram and gramps. Love and miss you so very much, not a day goes by that I don't miss you. Your two monkeys are growing. Wished you could have been here to see them grow, and even spend time with them. Your granddaughter said today, I remember grandmas walk the sound of it. I remember the way it sounded when she would scratch her hand. She misses you so very much too. She is getting married this Sat. mom, you would love this man she found. He makes her and the kids happy. She is got picture of you, you will be there in picture and Hearts, to help Celebrate this day. Dan and I talked about how much we miss you, and how much we wished you were still here with us. Love you forever and always momma. Hugs from us all , your daughter. Alberta
February 8, 2017
February 8, 2017
Well another year gone by momma, miss you more everyday. I am leaving you a little flower, you know it snowed here today. When I looked out I thought of the angels loosing all their old feathers. The flakes weren't huge but big enough. I wish some days that you were still here, I know you are in Spirit, but not soul. I want to say that all is well, we are doing good. Your granddaughters and great grandchildren are doing well. As is Sis too. I have been keeping an eye on things for you. The Special things that mean the most. Before long the flowers will be growing and blooming so beautifully. I am hoping that your favorite rose will bloom more this year. Well I better sign off here to post this I want to say ,thanks for being with Dan everyday in that truck, and guiding him home safe each time. He misses you too mom. Love you then and still do, for ever and always your Oldest daughter... My memories of you are still strong in my heart. 22 years today we lost you.
June 29, 2016
June 29, 2016
Hey there momma, missing you very much. More and more everyday. Sometimes wish you were here to give me that look, and get me on the right path. Sure could use that lately. All good, granddaughter doing well, her children your great granddaughter and grandson are growing like weeds. They would make you very proud. And your step granddaughter is a teacher also momma, she has three of those little guys. They all would make you proud also. The little girl is my SPECIAL girl. She was born on your birthday momma, she is so honory. You would have spoiled them all. Dan is such a blessing in my life, also. You knew he would be.  

This is really to tell you Happy Birthday coming up on the Fifth. I want you to have a good one up there with grandma and grandpa. I bet you are hunting with him... and learning more things. Love always and forever your Oldest daughter... miss and cherish memories forever.
February 7, 2016
February 7, 2016
Momma, tomorrow is another mark, of the day we lost you. My mind goes in circles because I am getting older and wonder, how will I ever get over loosing my mom. I will never get over it, nor will it , in my case get easier. I miss you more everyday. I lost my number one best friend, the one person that would related back to me and I knew that I would do the right thing then. I have been struggling with something so much, 2 things mainly. One I will get through and move on, a test. the other I don't think I ever will be able to except and move on. I need your thoughts mom., let me know if I need to harden my heart and forget this matter or just laugh it off as a thing I can't ever change in my life. I know that I will do the right thing with your strength in me as I have done before. I need that extra push this time.  Your grand daughter is grown into a beautiful young women, having her ups and downs, but you would be proud of her grandma. Her two are growing into beautiful young ones. They are going through alot right now, if only you could be here to give them all three hugs. SIs is doing ok mom, I try to keep her above float. Her body too is like ours going to ....., we are fine though cause we got your blood and strenght running through us. Sending all my love, til I see you so we can talk again. hugs momma ., Dan keeps me strong.  Always your daughter.
July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015
Mom, so sorry that I am late wishing you a Happy Birthday. I wasn't able to get to the computer to post it. But I wished you a great day. Ataiva , your great grand daughter was born on this special day, she turned 7 . She is tickled she carrys her great grandmothers birthday also. And Tricia calls her , her little Sunshine. Miss you always mom, not a day goes by that I wish you were still here with us. And to guide me when I get lost. Love forever .
February 9, 2015
February 9, 2015
Mom this is to say that there is never a day that goes by, that I don't think of you in some way. Nor a day goes by that I don't miss you so very much. I am blessed to have had such a great mother as you. I still have you in my heart and soul. I may not have you in body, but you are with me always. I am this age myself, getting close to another year.
Often wonder what we would be doing if you were here. You would be spoiling the 5 grandchildren, for one thing. I lost my very best friend the day I lost you. I feel bad that I wasn't by your side to comfort you. But you went the way you always wanted to, wanted to, alone. So we none had to see you go through leaving us all alone. Your in our hearts forever, and I know that everyday you and our sweet brothers are looking down on us. We all love you so very much. Remembering  you mom with all my love.
July 6, 2014
July 6, 2014
Mom, this is a day late. forgive me for being a bad child. Timing has been everything I know. I wanted to wish, my oh so beautiful mom ,a Happy Birthday and a belated 4th of July. I saw fireworks with my dear husband last night on your sparkly and pretty, but not as pretty as you shining in the sky. At the grand finally.I wished you a Happy Birthday momma.. I miss you so very much.!!!!!!!!!!I love you forever. Your daughter...
February 8, 2014
February 8, 2014
Mom it has been a while since we lost you. I feel it was yesterday, the memory and hurt is still there like never before. We loved you so very much and didn't want you to go, but you are better now no more pain or hurt. We all have grown more now and see the real truth of life and it still is hard when we need your advise and you are not there to give it, but we go on, like you would want us to. Still strong in family love..... I will cherish my memories of you momma always. Warm hugs.
July 5, 2013
July 5, 2013
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Momma you are our spirit in the sky keeping us safe down here, We make our mistakes, and have our days, but you watch over us as you did before. We love you always unconditionally.
April 14, 2012
April 14, 2012
Momma I miss you with all my heart everyday. You were there for me no matter what, I feel lost now without you.You were my best friend. Now I have Dan, momma he is my rock now, thank you mom for him. I know you sent him my way to help me through the rest of my journey in my time. You use to tell me he was too old for me but , I found out that doesn't matter. We love each other from the depths of our hearts.  I know that you are with me in spirit and always will be. I will cherish my memories forever.

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