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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, William Downing, 38 years old, born on November 9, 1978, and passed away on July 29, 2017. We will remember him forever.
November 9, 2020
November 9, 2020
Bro... we ain't forgot u, we never will. You're forever engrained in our hearts and we miss u a great deal. Love U big bro... We keep Ur memory alive down here and send our thoughts up to u.

Rest easy big bro... love u!
November 9, 2017
November 9, 2017
Hey homie... Hope your birthday is full of passed relatives and homies.... Say wassup to everyone for me. We're missing you here and still healing a lot of hurting hearts when you passed. We love you and you'll always be a part of us here. Happy birthday! Love Nikki..
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
Cousin Billy, I pray you are in the presence of the Lord, in peace and happiness with your Daddy ♡ So young to leave..
August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017
I grew up next to Bill & his family in a duplex on Old Park Road so many years ago. My memories of Bill are dotted through the years as we drifted apart and somehow always managed to find each other again, but I'll never forget him. Now when I find old pictures of our childhood, it's going to be hard to keep together. We may not have been as close as we should have been, but I've always considered y'all family.

The best day off my life was finding out that my best friends were also best friends with Bill & Mike. Small world huh? I always called Bill one of my bodyguards when I needed backup... I guess he's got my back from the other side now. The night after he passed, I walked outside and a very bright shooting star caught my eye, I knew at that moment that he was watching over me.

As tears roll down my face ... I guess I'll wrap this up. Bill, you'll be so very missed by all of us here who knew you and loved you. There's no one that can ever take your place... Rest easy hun... Love, Nikki!
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
My cousin billy was my first best friend.. I will miss him. Not only was he my cousin but also my brother.. Fly high billy.. I love you
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
A lot of my younger years were spent with Billy and his brother always full of laughs and jokes! You will be missed dearly! Fly high... rest in peace
July 31, 2017
July 31, 2017
True friends are the ones who never leave your heart, even if they leave your life for a while. Even after years apart, you pick up with them right where you left off, and even if they die they're never dead in your heart.

Billy and I instantly became inseperable best friends the day we met in the summer of 1992. We were regulars at each others' homes and soon became loved and respected by each of our families. So many memories have flooded my thoughts about our friendship and the impact Billy had on my life. Billy was an intelligent and funny person who asked for little and could make the most out of almost nothing. Although he is gone from this earth, he will forever be missed as my brother.

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November 9, 2020
November 9, 2020
Bro... we ain't forgot u, we never will. You're forever engrained in our hearts and we miss u a great deal. Love U big bro... We keep Ur memory alive down here and send our thoughts up to u.

Rest easy big bro... love u!
November 9, 2017
November 9, 2017
Hey homie... Hope your birthday is full of passed relatives and homies.... Say wassup to everyone for me. We're missing you here and still healing a lot of hurting hearts when you passed. We love you and you'll always be a part of us here. Happy birthday! Love Nikki..
September 8, 2017
September 8, 2017
Cousin Billy, I pray you are in the presence of the Lord, in peace and happiness with your Daddy ♡ So young to leave..
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