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This memorial website was created in memory of my father, William H Graeff Jr you was met with esophageal, liver and lung cancer one month to the day before he passed on 5-24-17. He was just 61 years old. "Bill," "Billy," "Short Sh*t," Pain in the A*s," "Uncle Bill or Uncle Billy," "Dad, "Daddy," "Mr. William Henry Graeff Jr, Sir (upon his request, lol) and my personal favorite for him "Old Man, Soldier," was born on November 28, 1955 and raised in Pottstown, PA his most of his life - however on Owen J. Robert's side of the river (GO WILDCATS!!) Keeping the family home and renting it out, he moved to Douglassville with his eldest daughter several years after the passing of my mother, Barbara J. (Haas) Graeff on December 2, 2009.  My father loved camping, collecting bottles he found along the river bank, metal detecting, watch tv, especially "Married with Children," "Bonanza," "Gunsmoke," and his beloved "JJ"; "Judge Judy." Although sports were not his thing, he did like the Philadelphia Eagles however it seems every game he tuned into watch, they lost.. LOL.. Every now and again, he would succumb to a Phillies Baseball game as well.  He loved to take his motorcycle out for journey's up state to visit relatives in Schuylkill County, PA.  

He was an excellent provider by working countless hours at Merck as a boiler operator for 20+ years eventually having to go on SSD due to several strokes he endured caring for my mother her last two years of life.  He loved money, but was kind and would share if he felt someone was in need. He was the strongest man I ever knew. He carried a lot of life lessons on his shoulders and never even spoke of them. He could go from being extraordinarily angry to an absolute hoot in .6 of a second. 

His favorite past time was to go to the WaWa in North Coventry and talk with other patrons, the employees and even had family gatherings around the trash can with 2 of his brothers every now and again. He loved his WaWa Coffee and Marlboro cigarettes!!!

He was not a saint and he made A LOT of mistakes as a parent, however he was my "Old Man, Soldier; my father, my Daddy..." I will love and miss him forever and fight to honor his will until my my dying day!! <3 ^This I promise you, Daddy!^<3

May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
Hi Old Man Soldier...

This day never gets easier. It's so hard to believe it's been 6 years since I last saw your face. It seems not a day goes by but I don't think about you. Whether it be to answer a "how do I question," to share a "guess what" story or just simply to call you to say "Hi, how are you" the desire is always there. But I know I can't do that anymore. You trained me as much as you could before being called home and for that I'll always be thankful.

Since you left, my life got more difficult than even you could have predicted. I must admit you were right. If I had just listened to your words of caution, I wouldn't find myself where I am today. I chose to throw caution to the wind and for that, I am truly sorry, Dad. Probably more in a selfish way, but nonetheless I am sorry. You knew the answers to most everything, or so it seemed but if you didn't, you had a backup plan in Mom. Neither of you ever left me at least not pointed in the right direction. Having to rely solely on myself for the right direction on my life's journey has proven to be far more challenging than I ever expected. I've definitely gone the wrong direction more than once and I know how disappointed in me you'd be if you knew. At the end of the day, I seem to always find myself in a direction that doesn't have a dead end though. When I find myself heading down the path of this disappointment, eventually I do a 180 and get myself back on the desired path. It hasn't been easy and is probably won't get any easier but I know my ultimate destination and someday, I hope sooner than later, I'll get there. I know you knew I would.

Sometimes, I think about the party you, mom, and Mam-Mam must be having with Genesis and the others. I look forward to the reunion I'll have with the three of you someday.. it will surely be Amazing Grace!! Until I come home, rest easy, Daddy. I miss you and love you so very much!✝️♥️

Love Always, Your Daughter,

~Sherri Lynn ~
November 28, 2020
November 28, 2020
Dear Fa: Happy 65th Birthday. I’d like to start things off by thanking my mom if it wasn’t for her writing down how old you would be on the calendar I would have had no idea. Well it’s been a ride since you’ve passed people having their ups and their downs and now what with this Coronavirus stuff it’s been something. I could only imagine how you would have reacted when hearing about this sickness in the beginning. Well 2020 is looking to come to a close here soon hopefully 2021 will be better. I’m 22 years old now and boy does it seem time is just flying. I’ve been practicing my Karl Childers impression from Sling Blade I’m getting pretty good at it but it scares mom hehe. Isaiah is doing good he’s been working at the Recycling Plant for about 8 Months now and he seems to be getting along. As for me I gotta get my butt moving no more of this being in the house 24/7 nonsense. I can’t just exist and let life pass me by it’s just not how life works. I need to get out and explore what life has to give me sure it’s a big and scary world out there but that’s just what it is no way around it. Staying inside being “fearful” of the big world only makes you more vulnerable and I don’t want that. I’m sure you knew all of that but me typing that all out really just puts it further into my head that I need to get moving. Well it’s not all bad news for me I did have an interview at Staples and I think it was one of my best interview experiences I’ve ever had. Well I’m gonna head out and send a message to Ganny what with her 11 year anniversary coming up and I figured while I’m leaving you a message I should leave one for her as well. It was nice talking to you again Fa even though I’ve done all of the talking. I’ll speak with you again down the road.
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
Dear Fa: It’s been 3 years since you passed and damn I’m surprised it’s been that long. Time sure does fly. Anyway you are very missed by your Daugthers and Grandkids. Yes even though Isaiah and I never had time to really spend with you because we were up north and all we still miss you. I kinda wish some days that we took the time to get to know each other. No not because Mom said we should have I actually mean I wish we got to know each other. If you were still around today I’m sure if I asked you what my favorite color was you would tell me you had no idea and vise versa. I’m not trying to be rude I’m just saying I wish we could have bonded better like you and Cory. You were my only grandfather I had besides Leonard Mayne and he was a Step Grandfather so in all actuality you were all I had for a Grandfather. Yes I know for a good portion of my life I had Edward Mengel in my life and I’m one of the few people that can happily say they met their Great Grandparents. I wish I had more time to spend with him too. But enough about that you’re flying with the Angels and you probably don’t want me to go on and on about stuff. I just want you to know you are missed. I love you Fa.
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019
Happy 64th Birthday In Heaven, Old Man Soldier! And Happy Turkey Day. God, what I wouldn't do to turn back the hands of time about 20 years so that we would all be together celebrating another OJR win whilst rubbing it in the faces of all those Trojan fans. Life was a lot easier those days and nothing could have prepared me for where my life is at right now. But you know me, Dad. I'm a warrior! I press on. I fall, I stand up and brush off my knees and face my enemy and say, "let's do this again." I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this year I have taken a lot and I mean A LOT of falls. Those falls left bruises that will last until my dying day but I'll be ok... because what are my options. Not being ok isn't an option. I can hear you now, "I told you.. You didn't listen to me." I can see you wagging your finger at me and all I can do is say, "you were right, once again, Dad, you were right." With that said... I'm going to go enjoy Thanksgiving alone. You know the story, possibly, but if not, you're not missing anything that I haven't or am not in the process of handling. Your Will will be seen through if it takes every last breath in my body to do it, it'll get done because "you were right." I love and miss you deeply! Love your daughter, Sherri.
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019
April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
Hi dad,
It's brandy, Ur not biological daughter, but Ur daughter!!!! It's almost been a year since Ur passing! I think of u often as u were like a dad to me! I miss u alot. U were one of the best dad's, brother, uncle, gdad, n cousin n husband! I know mom is happy Ur up there with her. I miss her as well. Cancer surely sucks cuz it took u, uncle barry, my godmom n other people I love. I will always remember the memories I share with u, mom, brooke, Sherri, n Kelly! U took me in Ur family with no question. (Well maybe a lil question, cuz I know I was weird n still am lol) but y'all r a kick ass family n I love every single one of Ur family members! I really love meeting brooke in fourth grade she is my bff n I wouldn't trade her in the world I'm keeping an eye out on her for u n mom. N Kelly n sherry there my sister's for life, n i wouldn't have it any other way. I love them. U r truly missed n loved by myself n many! I love u n mom! N miss u both terribly! Until next time .....
April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
I hate this day.....I miss you so much you were always my rock you always supported my weight loss effort and always worried about my say my life changed on this day would be an understatement to say the least ***side note*** I'm sitting in my classroom putting my kids to sleep and crying and the one little girl asked what was wrong and I said "I miss my daddy " she said "don't worry he will be here soon" man how I wish that was true dad I would love to wake up from this horrible dream to have you and Mom still with us would be a awesome.....but that bis just me being selfish I know you are sitted with our heavenly father with no more and suffering just know we all miss you daddy
April 23, 2018
April 23, 2018
Dear Dad a.ka. “Old Man, Soldier…”

One year ago, today, our family received the worst news that every family fears they may hear someday about themselves and/or their loved ones. “If I get the stent, I have four to nine months to live, but if I don’t get the stent, I’ll have one to four months.” My shock of hearing you tell your prognosis in such a direct and nonchalant manner was surreal. What do you when your father tells you that he knows that he is going to die within the next nine months?

I am beyond thankful that we got to discuss many “things” before you did pass away. Even though it was clear I was no longer “Daddy’s little girl” you still trusted me with confidential information which gives me hope today that somewhere within you, you still had hope and trust in me.

Thank you for the letter that I found a month after your passing. How quaint of you to put it in a Sympathy card. :) LOL... That letter has become one of my most cherished pieces of property and I reread it often. Thank you for taking the time to not only write the letter but also for using your twisted sense of humor by putting it in a Sympathy Card amongst a bunch of other blank cards (cards given to me by my Dad who got them for donating money to different charities.) Each time I read it, I cannot help but smile. I am quickly reminded how much I love and miss both you and Mom and my smile fades away fast. Heck, I miss a ton of people that I pray are with you in our eternal home with Our Almighty Father. (and “NO Dad, that is not you, lol.”)

This day is going to be a bit tough but exactly one month from today will be a lot more difficult of a day to handle. It feels like it has been forever since I have heard your voice. I speak to you often though, but I am not sure if you can hear me. If not, I hope it means that “the Big Guy” is keeping you busy.
January 22, 2018
January 22, 2018
Stopping in to say "Hi" since it's been a minute since I left my last message. I promise I will work on your Biography page this week. Procrastination strikes again. You are missed beyond words and you would be so excited that THE BEAGLES ARE GOING TO THE SUPER BOWL!" :) <3 Hopefully we get them this time. Just don't watch! If you do, we are guaranteed to lose, LOL....Rest well, Old Man Soldier! Love you, Daddy!
November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017
♡♡♡Hey old man Soldier! And I do mean Road since today you would be 62! Of course I know that's not an old number anymore especially since I get closer to it everyday. I sure wish you were here to bust your balls about turning 63 today LOL! Still can't believe you're gone and not here for this day. Last year at this time, we had no clue that come the next year you wouldn't be here or that you would have gone so fast. But it was the way you wanted it despite our desires. Well I know if there's a way for you to find a shot of old Grand Dad and mom a 7 & 7, u guys would throw one back together. Damn Dad. I knew this day would suck but I honestly didn't anticipate you leaving us for quite some time yet. It just goes to show that it's God's playground and he does not like to share the ball. Everything is His plan. So I'm a lighting a candle in your memory today on your page to say "Happy Birthday Old Man Soldier! I love and miss you very much! See you sooner than later! ♡♡♡
November 28, 2017
November 28, 2017
hmm I am not good at this stuff I'm just going to talk as if I was talking to you ...Happy Birthday old man, to say I didn't expect that you wouldn't be here on this day would be an understatement. I think this is the first time in years I didn't make your meatloaf for dinner on this day.... I don't think I have made meatloaf since you've gone... yep.. I'm sitting here talking about meatloaf lol :( Sherri is right .. I think your apartment smells a little less like you everyday ...your clothes don't smell like Polo anymore ... I love and miss you dad.. I miss you being an agitating shit ....  I always knew I would miss you but i never realized just how much, I don't think anyone could have made me understand how not having you here would feel so empty or leave me feeling so lost ....
November 26, 2017
November 26, 2017
Hey Dad... Thanksgiving came and went and we made it. It was not easy especially when I went to open your apartment door. That's when the realization that when I opened the door smoke was not going to come bellowing into my face, the TV was not going to be blaring, you weren't going to be down there sitting in the corner of your couch with a blanket draped across your legs and your suspenders were not going to be all twisted up. I took a moment to compose myself the best I could and opened your door for the first time since the day you left us. Stinky was sitting at the bottom of the stairs and Brooke & Andy were deep into making stuff, which btw, kicked ass again this year. Kudos to Brookie! I began my descent down the stairs and the reality was overwhelmingly that this was no longer your home. It was just a shell of where you once resided. The smell of wood chips no longer polluted the air. I still can't figure out why it was that your house began smelling like wood chips when you still lived on Riverside Drive. Anyway... without your couch, the entertainment center and a clean table, it was barely recognizable as your apartment. As much as it saddened me, I was relieved as well. It just warmed my heart once more to get another sign to ensure me that you are exactly where I knew you would be. It's pretty ironic that you use to always say, "if they ever move that big white camper where I'm supposed to turn into your place, I'll never find you." You hadn't left us one week and the camper left and has yet to return. Something tells me it is not coming back. Also, that although you didn't make it long enough to listen to the Thanksgiving Day Game; Pottstown vs. Owen J. Roberts, it was announced that this would be the final game and OJR shut them out!!!! 

Dinner went well. The turkey was great and this year Michael carved the turkey. Hey, where did you put the electric carving knife? LOL! The stuffing Brooke made was banging and of course we had Brussels Sprouts and Corn. With everyone seeming to have an ailment that keeps them from eating something whether it be gluten or sugar, we all still had plenty to eat. Michael made peanut butter and M&M cookies and Kelly made CANNED Pumpkin Pie.. Meaning the pumpkin was not fresh, it was canned. Can you even imagine the horror?LOL...

I'm going to start working more diligently on completing this page as I just paid for the one time Lifetime fee to keep the memorial page permanent and I believe that the upgrade allows us to add additional photos and music,I believe. I'm not sure...... But I really hope it does...

Until we meet Papa... I love you Old Man Soldier! Rest well with Momma!!

I Miss you being a pain in my ass!

All My Love,
~Cher (btw, thank you soooo much for the letter. But come on, inside of a sympathy card Dad, really? You certainly were morbid but that letter means more to me than you can even imagine. Writing a letter was not your way of communicating so I am so gracious you took that time to leave me something that would say so much just a few months after you left.
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
Hey; Old Man Soldier!

Dad, I still can't believe you are gone... I love and miss you more than anyone could ever know and I still don't understand how I am able to feel this emptiness without even accepting that you are truly gone yet. I made Mom a page on this website a few years back, so this one is for you... I chose the themed layout because you were so patriotic (and YES; I KNOW, MY FATHER WAS NOT A VETERAN!) You wouldn't even want to know, Dad... Anyway...I chose this song because you did everything with the "I Did It My Way" attitude.:) 

It will take some time to get this page fully functioning but I wanted to light a candle for you so that all can see your eternal flame will never burn out!

Rest well with Mom, "through the years!"

All my love,

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May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
Hi Old Man Soldier...

This day never gets easier. It's so hard to believe it's been 6 years since I last saw your face. It seems not a day goes by but I don't think about you. Whether it be to answer a "how do I question," to share a "guess what" story or just simply to call you to say "Hi, how are you" the desire is always there. But I know I can't do that anymore. You trained me as much as you could before being called home and for that I'll always be thankful.

Since you left, my life got more difficult than even you could have predicted. I must admit you were right. If I had just listened to your words of caution, I wouldn't find myself where I am today. I chose to throw caution to the wind and for that, I am truly sorry, Dad. Probably more in a selfish way, but nonetheless I am sorry. You knew the answers to most everything, or so it seemed but if you didn't, you had a backup plan in Mom. Neither of you ever left me at least not pointed in the right direction. Having to rely solely on myself for the right direction on my life's journey has proven to be far more challenging than I ever expected. I've definitely gone the wrong direction more than once and I know how disappointed in me you'd be if you knew. At the end of the day, I seem to always find myself in a direction that doesn't have a dead end though. When I find myself heading down the path of this disappointment, eventually I do a 180 and get myself back on the desired path. It hasn't been easy and is probably won't get any easier but I know my ultimate destination and someday, I hope sooner than later, I'll get there. I know you knew I would.

Sometimes, I think about the party you, mom, and Mam-Mam must be having with Genesis and the others. I look forward to the reunion I'll have with the three of you someday.. it will surely be Amazing Grace!! Until I come home, rest easy, Daddy. I miss you and love you so very much!✝️♥️

Love Always, Your Daughter,

~Sherri Lynn ~
November 28, 2020
November 28, 2020
Dear Fa: Happy 65th Birthday. I’d like to start things off by thanking my mom if it wasn’t for her writing down how old you would be on the calendar I would have had no idea. Well it’s been a ride since you’ve passed people having their ups and their downs and now what with this Coronavirus stuff it’s been something. I could only imagine how you would have reacted when hearing about this sickness in the beginning. Well 2020 is looking to come to a close here soon hopefully 2021 will be better. I’m 22 years old now and boy does it seem time is just flying. I’ve been practicing my Karl Childers impression from Sling Blade I’m getting pretty good at it but it scares mom hehe. Isaiah is doing good he’s been working at the Recycling Plant for about 8 Months now and he seems to be getting along. As for me I gotta get my butt moving no more of this being in the house 24/7 nonsense. I can’t just exist and let life pass me by it’s just not how life works. I need to get out and explore what life has to give me sure it’s a big and scary world out there but that’s just what it is no way around it. Staying inside being “fearful” of the big world only makes you more vulnerable and I don’t want that. I’m sure you knew all of that but me typing that all out really just puts it further into my head that I need to get moving. Well it’s not all bad news for me I did have an interview at Staples and I think it was one of my best interview experiences I’ve ever had. Well I’m gonna head out and send a message to Ganny what with her 11 year anniversary coming up and I figured while I’m leaving you a message I should leave one for her as well. It was nice talking to you again Fa even though I’ve done all of the talking. I’ll speak with you again down the road.
May 24, 2020
May 24, 2020
Dear Fa: It’s been 3 years since you passed and damn I’m surprised it’s been that long. Time sure does fly. Anyway you are very missed by your Daugthers and Grandkids. Yes even though Isaiah and I never had time to really spend with you because we were up north and all we still miss you. I kinda wish some days that we took the time to get to know each other. No not because Mom said we should have I actually mean I wish we got to know each other. If you were still around today I’m sure if I asked you what my favorite color was you would tell me you had no idea and vise versa. I’m not trying to be rude I’m just saying I wish we could have bonded better like you and Cory. You were my only grandfather I had besides Leonard Mayne and he was a Step Grandfather so in all actuality you were all I had for a Grandfather. Yes I know for a good portion of my life I had Edward Mengel in my life and I’m one of the few people that can happily say they met their Great Grandparents. I wish I had more time to spend with him too. But enough about that you’re flying with the Angels and you probably don’t want me to go on and on about stuff. I just want you to know you are missed. I love you Fa.
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