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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Abiola Adelowo-Aiyenigba . We will remember her forever.

Celebration of life and Funeral Services will be as follows:

Service of Songs
There will be a virtual Service of Songs via zoom on Friday, Sept 4th, 2020 @ 6pm
Zoom ID: 87028877944
Password: 146833
Follow this link to join >> {ZoomLink}

Funeral Service
There will be both an in-person ceremony and a live-stream via YouTube on 
Monday, Sept 7th, 2020 @ 10am
Please click on this link to view the service on Youtube

July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I always remember Biola as the ever smiling classmate back in med school. She was soft spoken and friendly. Now she has joined the saints triumphant. Forever smiling! No more tears and sorrow.
May God comfort the loved ones she left behind.
Rest In Peace Biola. Rev 14:13
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
It’s hard to believe you are no more, I still feel like it’s a dream, my ever bubbling, no nonsense aunty.
You will be greatly missed.
I take solace in the fact that you have gone to be with the Lord
Until we meet to part no more.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
It’s been 8 years I lost a sister now you short of words, rest on sis,u will be missed.may God comfort the rest of us.adieu
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Tribute from ALIVE BELIEVERS CHURCH, Liverpool, UK
Abiola, its very difficult to put down in few statements how much your homecall mean to Pastors, Leaders & Members of Alive Believers Church. Everyone & Every Department have been recalling with amazement how you can leave us when the things we laboured together for have begun to blossom. We can summarise your memory with the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 25: 21, 23 "Well done, good and faithful servant... Enter into the JOY of your Lord".
Pastors Johnson & Dee ("daddy & mummy")
On behalf of Alive Believers Church, Liverpool UK
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020! Oh life!!

I'm shattered! Biola, I'm devastated beyond words! Ehnnnnn.... Biola Adelowo? Adelow? Why?? How?? Biola Aiyenigba? Why Lord?? But you're still God...Take all the Glory Lord!

Hmmmmm....where do I even start from? Is it from over 31years ago when we started our friendship in Sagamu whilst we were in the same class and house? Or should I skip those 6 years and move to OSU where we were again together for another 5 years? Or do i skip those years too and reminisce about how I'd drive from Lagos to OSUTH to see you guys whilst you were still in Med School? Or do I skip those years and talk about all that happened the day you got married, or when Levi was born or all those times you talked so passionately about your love for 'iwe' and how you would keep acquiring knowledge 'to stupor' like we always joked about? Or how you tease me on how you're 1week older than me?

I recall every single day of our friendship like yesterday.....our crazy laughters, even crazier fights and arguments especially the ones around food; our never ending gists and tatafo which was your major!

Haaaaaa ......Biola, how do I forget how you tried to hook me up with your BIL - Bro Ade and the other Ade.....just because you wanted me to be happy and settled?

I recall you asking me 2yrs ago because of yet another misunderstanding, if I wanted our friendship of 30yrs to go down the drain??? I remember how those words hurt us both.

I also remember your last words to me including: 'You know I love you dearly'!!!! Haaaa.....Biola!! So this is it??? I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd ever get to pen down tributes for you o....ore mi, pasero mi, friendship mi!! I am so sorry Biola.....please forgive me that I wasn't there in your last days!

I pray for Tola, Levi, Seyi, Tope, your bro & other sister and all your other family members and friends....may we all be comforted knowing you are resting in the Lord!
Sun re o..ore mi! Friendship mi! Omo iya mi!!

Love you so much!!! I'm glad you knew that!!! xoxo
Funmi Bankole Nee Ogunbayo
Fummiebobo! Funmero! Friendship e! Pasero e!
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Abiola, I am completely at a loss for words. You were so full of life, energy and spirit - a wonderful colleague and friend, and someone who so inspired me with your work ethics, achievements, but most of all your thoughtful kindness. I’m so glad to have known you. Your loss will be keenly felt in many hearts. My deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I am so saddened by this news. Abiola was such a fun and positive person in the work place and had such a bright career ahead of her. My deepest sympathies to her family whom she spoke of often and warmly.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020

My champion, my voltron, my best best friend, co-mother of my children, cheerleader, prayer partner, encourager, big sister...I could go on and on.

I do not understand this, I can't wrap my head around it. I am beyond shocked. I am still hoping this is a bad dream and I'll wake up and call you to pray with.

Abiola I love you, I miss you, the boys are devastated, and I don't know how I'm going to parent them without you. Who will they share their biggest wins with, you were always the first person they wanted to tell even the smallest wins. Your Seannie wants to talk to you, Damisi wants to show you what he's cooking next. Your Koko baby will not get to experience your amazing big love? Ah how you loved my children. Thank you Abiola, thank you. You gave so much, sacrificed so much, loved us so big, gave the biggest cuddles.

You are amazing, my life can never be the same. Ah! Abiola, we were supposed to raise these kids together, dance together in our aso-ebi on their big days. How will I do it alone.


July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I remember the first time i met you at Alive Belivers Church and you join Lightup Liverpool choir. Always on time and dedicated. Our last zoom meeting you made it clear that we should ensure we check up on each other. Biola we will Soprano team miss will miss you Rest in peace
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Such a humble soul gone too soon! Oh dear God this has rocked our community!! Rest on my dear sister only God knows why. ❤
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Death where is thy sting?
Where were you when she was overcoming the challenges of medical school, long years of academic research and PhD? Now that the light became visible at the end of the long tunnel you came calling!!!
God please comfort her family and friends and receive Biola with a warm and tight embrace.... till we meet again, Adieu Biola Adelowo Aiyenigba
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Had to believe u re no more....u will b greatly missed. keep resting in d Lord till we meet to part no more .
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Such a shock to hear the news of your passing. You were such a beautiful Soul. You will forever be missed. Rest in Peace.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I don’t even know what to write. It’s a shock hearing about this today. Although we were not really close , you always come across as someone calm, gentle and always doing your own thing. It’s so sad and painful having to write this. May your soul rest in peace.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
My darling Biola my friend turn sister,I remember the first time you were introduced to me by Tola almost 20yrs ago just as you first started dating,i was jealous cos i taught you were taking my bestie away from me but it turns out you were the best thing ever to happen . We became best friend/family. We both helped each other through the highs and lows. Withness you give birth to Levi ❤❤ that was amazing,you were panicking and i was trying to make you and the doctors laugh while mum was praying. I have never seen Tola so happy and I would continue to say you were the best ,you had an amazing soul.
Am refusing to believe you have left this earth, why why why . There is still so much you had left to do.
My Mrs B rest peacefully in the arms of your mum and dad. Missing you.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I am still in shock, It is unbelievable. You left way too soon. It is difficult to type this knowing you will not be seen again in this realm. I take solace in knowing that heaven has just gained an angel. Rest well and Rest in peace. Adieu
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Dear Biola,
I can't believe you are gone. Got the call yesterday.
I shouted out it can't be and the thought of Levi being on his own crossed my mind.I ran out of my house, straight to yours and I confirmed later that you were really gone.
Hmmmmmm.Just like that. I was devastated . Although, we weren't close but each time we see, we do have a chat and our chats must had some impact because your death really hit home .
I know God will comfort your husband Tola and Levi.
Sleep on Biola......May God grant you eternal rest.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Biola does not deserve to die at this time! She does no wrong to anyone. I pray God grant your soul a resting place.

DJ GarryTee of Liverpool
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Biola, I remember our time in Scotland and the very brief relationship we had but the memory of you still lingers in my heart. You were always very warm and your laughter is gentle. I loved having Levi and will never forget the great times he and my son shared together. May you fly high and rest on with the angels Biola.
Sun re o.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Oremi Abiola... don’t know what to write am short of words and still in shock
Just need someone to wake me up , you been a wonderful friend to me and was there for me when my marriage is crumbling.. I remember all the role you play .. you are a friend turn sister, I will miss you and i will love you forever... even for us both living far apart that did not stop our friendship ❤️ Love u babe and rest on ... fly on my angel 
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Abiola Aiyenigba...I remember vividly the first time we met you in Edinburgh with your husband and other friends back in the day. I also remember when you said to me that we should tell you about life in Liverpool after we had relocated here and that you were starting a PHD. I remember the time we spent together as family, since we knew you....Tears filled my eyes when I heard the news that you were gone! Sad to put words together here but we cannot question your maker. You came, you saw and you conquered. Your life here on earth was exemplary, you were astounding in all that you did, friendly, and very supportive. You were an angel.
I pray that God be with Tola, Levi and your entire family all through to bear this great loss of your demise. You will sorely be missed 'biola and may your soul rest in perfect peace.
You are only gone from our sight but never away from our hearts.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
May your soul find peace
May those you left behind find comfort

Who are we mere mortals to question these things?
Let us the living take solace in the idea that you lived well and left indelible prints in the sands of time
Good night Madam.....
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I can't believe I'm writing a tribute for you Biola..I cannot begin to find the words to truly express how I feel, this is so hard for me, I wish this was a post to wish you a happy birthday, you were such a genuine, kindhearted, generous woman with a heart of gold, you do not judge, you accepted everyone the way they are, always willing to assist, you are the most considerable human being on planet earth, always willing to sacrifice for others. Haaa Biola you lived, you loved, you served, you left so much behind but God knows best, who are we to question the one that holds life in his hands. You will forever be remembered and cherished Biola. I know you are in the best place right now. I pray for Tola Levi and the rest of the family, the good Lord will comfort you all. Rest in peace my darling in the comfort of your maker, I love you so much and will greatly miss you❤
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Ha!Abiola ,I can't believe iam doing this for you..i cant believe that iam writing you a tribute right now,i can't believe that I will be putting out your pictures for this reason,can't believe that we won't be seeing you again,so otipari niyen!!!..I thought we were going to sit together for our sons graduation like we always say, infact i believed that on their wedding day we shall be there reaping the fruit of our labours,in our Aso ebi ,Ha !!Ha abiola!you went too soon darling,You could have fought harder!!oh my God!!I can't just stop the tears,this is too much right now for me lord,ive never lost a dear friend. you gave me your shoulders countless time when situation overwhelmed me!we had cried together, fought,and laughed were so real!!you were a strong personality my Doctor. 2weeks ago I said to you ...iam happy that my life is sorted,I have a doctor friend,a lawyer friend and a pastor friend, so I know who to call for each situation..biola you will be greatly missed,my children will miss you,...i will miss a candle in the wind I saw you far away in my dream this night,you were speaking to me but I couldn't hear you..(crying)you were far away...and i woke up to this tribute..
I want to believe you are with the angels right now,I pray you find favour and rest ,I pray your passage shall be smooth with no fear,,I pray you sleep well,I pray you rest well.dont worry about levi dear...he will be well dearie
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
My sweet Abiola, you have been taken from us too soon. We didn't have time to celebrate our recent victories and accomplishments, I was so looking forward to the next couple of years of jubilation, cause you were always ready for a party! You were a jewel, one of my biggest champions, pushing me and encouraging me, you were a listening ear, calling me out on my crap when needed, holding up a mirror for me to see, covering my shame and lifting me up when I was down. Your service in the house of the Lord was admirable, taking on every activity with gusto..I still cant believe you are gone, still waiting to hear my phone ring, and hear your voice with your usual 'Guess what happened?'
You brought light to everywhere you went, and your laughter was so infectious..
You have left a void and you will be sorely missed. We will continue to treasure all you held dear. Rest well in the bossom of our Lord...
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Abiola, I can’t believe that I’m leaving a tribute for you! It’s so humbling & surreal the sudden news of your passing. I’m beyond speechless my lovely, adorable Abiola.

I remember Med School just like yesterday. Ravishingly beautiful you were Biola with a gorgeous heart.

May God rest your soul & be with the family you left behind. You’re loved but God loves you more. Who are we to question God? Dr. Biola, sun re o

Dr. Toyosi Lumous
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Hmm Biola. This is a hard one. That I'm writing this is unbelievable. My ever dancing and fun friend. You celebrated me when I achieved something. You were there during the most trying time in my life.Thank you for your friendship, you encouraged me in my career and continued to push me to go further. I remember leaving my kids with you at 6am so I could go back to work. You were a real one, sensitive and dedicated to service for God. You were never too tired or unreachable. I love you, I miss you terribly. The kids miss you , you spoilt them rotten. We'll keep an eye on your prized possession Levosti. Good night darling, till we meet again
Page 4 of 4

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Recent Tributes
July 22
July 22
Continue to rest in peace Biola. 4years like yesterday! The memories shared with us live on forever. May God continue to be with Tola, Levi and the rest of your loved ones. sun re o!
July 22
July 22
I came across a pic we took together yesterday and wondered how many more memories we could have had. I still sometimes hear your voice telling me off in some unique circumstances. You are still, and will always be missed.
July 22
July 22
……we love you Abi….keep resting till we see you. Your warmth of encouragement, your smiles and your laughter… missed dear. Rest easy ore mi!
Her Life


September 2, 2020


Dr Abiola Olamide Aiyenigba (nee Adelowo) was born on the 2nd of September, 1977 in London, United Kingdom to late Dr. Olatunji Olanrewaju Adelowo and late Mrs Felicia Oyeyinka Adelowo (nee Idowu). She was the second child of her parents. Abiola attended Mayflower Junior School, Ikenne, Ogun State for her Primary Education, and proceeded to Federal Government Girls College, Sagamu for her Secondary School Education. She attended the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State to study Food Science and Technology for a year after which she got accepted to study medicine at Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. She obtained her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) qualifying as a medical doctor in 2004. After her graduation she moved to London, United Kingdom where she further studied and wrote the required PLAB exams to obtain her license to practise in the United Kingdom. She moved to Edinburgh, Scotland to work and met her husband Mr Adetola Adewale Aiyenigba through his bosom friend by what can only be described as a divinely orchestrated appointment.They tied the knot on the 2nd of September, 2006 in Nigeria and their union was blessed with a son, whom Abiola fondly called her Legendary Levi. 

Abiola started her working career at the Sighthill Medical Practice in Edinburgh, Scotland. She also worked at Nuirhouse GP practice also in Edinburgh. She joined the University of Liverpool’s Sanyu Research Unit not long after it launched in 2013 to start her PhD part-time, and was an important part of the unit’s development. She moved to Liverpool and continued working and looking after her beloved son while also pursuing her PhD. Doing her PhD part-time meant she was a constant over 6 years where she was always quick to offer friendship and support to other short term students visiting from Africa, many of whom were coming away for the first time. With her customary enthusiasm, Abiola created an intervention she called ‘FELICIA’ (the Fertility Life Counselling Aid), named after her beloved mother. The detailed manual for this course is now published (see Aiyenigba et al, African Journal of Reproductive Health 2019; 23:76-91). On finishing her PhD in Women’s Health she started working at the Centre for Capacity Research of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine until her sudden demise. She also wrote a letter on UK fertility interventions published by The BMJ (The British Medical Journal) in 2017. Abiola was described by her colleagues as a bright and warm individual, with an exciting research career in front of her. She is a great loss to the global health community.

Abiola was a loving and caring Wife, Mother, Sister and Aunty. She doted on her family and was a pillar of support to them collectively and individually in so many peculiar ways. She was especially loved by her many nieces and nephews of whom she was exceptionally fond. Abi/Aunty B as she was fondly called was a family oriented woman who loved and cherished her nuclear and extended family alike. She was extremely warm, kind hearted and lavish in her expression of love for her family and friends. Abi was known by family, friends and colleagues for her joyful disposition, warm hugs, expressive gestures, contagious laughter, positive outlook and genuine concern for the welfare and success of everyone around her. She brought light and laughter everywhere she went, was always ready for a good time and there was never a dull moment around her. She never allowed life’s challenges to weigh her down for long, but sought to always put the turbulences of life behind her quickly, while bravely marching on to a brighter future. Abi loved listening to music, dancing, travelling and singing. She was known for her love for colourful African fabrics that she often wore and even sold these as a side business - 'Bold and Beautiful fabrics'. She was a keen collector of African art which she enjoyed collecting as she travelled to and through many African countries for work.

As a devout Christian, she was a highly committed member of Alive Believers Church in Liverpool where she volunteered as a notable member of the choir and other capacities. She was also a volunteer of Light Up Liverpool, an inter-denominational project to bring worshippers together in the city of Liverpool.

She will be greatly missed by her husband, Adetola whom she fondly called “Sweerim” (My Sweety), son, sisters, brother, in-laws, cousins, nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, friends, colleagues and well-wishers. Adieu, Abiola Olamide Olatokunbo Aiyenigba - till we meet to part no more. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon our beloved. 

May your Beautiful Soul rest in perfect peace. Amen
Recent stories
July 22, 2023
Was telling someone about you yesterday and how much I miss you. You always made life simple no matter how entangled the situation may seem. Always encouraging. I miss the laughter, our talk, and our friendship. I know you are in bliss. Heaven gained a beautiful soul. Keep resting in peace friendship mi.
July 22, 2020
Sister Biola, You are the one who forced me to try my smoked fish here in the UK, and gradually it has become Hilda's Kitchen. 
I am speechless my sister Thank you for your advice. Rest well 

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