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Loving thoughts from George

August 12, 2014

I truly believe that Mommy's spirit was a delightful one and as a child I think there are 3 facts that jump out at me when I think of the love and the support and the understanding she was willing to give her oldest son. I believe mommy was the master of the one-on-one rapport, secondly mom believed in letting your talent shine and encouraged the role of a positive male in the family, this reminded her of her father, finally the opportunity to govern the last chapter of her life in a positive way was very easy due to her belief that you knew what was best for her that you would make sure that she would be safe and healthy and stay with her to the end as a loving caring child and her eldest son.

My assignment started September 1, 2008 until June 10, 2014 the total time was 6 years* 9 months*10 days...thank you God for opportunity to be a servant. As a black man in America and a Morehouse Man I'm proud to say... thank you God for a wonderful mom with a deligtful spirit.

Sincerely Real,

George Folkes

The Eldest son/2nd child   

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