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May 23
May 23
Well mom just turned 98 on May 6th and Jamie turned 43. Mom stays with Duke and Elizabeth now. She is total care pretty much. It's been a big adjustment for us all. Exciting news is that Dakota that little boy you held and loved so much just like Jayson and all your grandchildren and great grandchildren is graduating high school tomorrow night. I'm happy he has made it through but I'm sad too cause he is not that little boy no more. He's a grown man. Brooklyn still has 5 more years. So much has changed since you left us. I know your on cloud nine where you are. I can't wait to get there. I can't wait to see Jesus and all my family that has gone on before and friends. I sure miss you daddy and our outlook on life. All the things you could do and you couldn't even read but a little. See you soon. 
October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday daddy. Not much to say here except terrorist have come down on Israel and things are definetely in the hands of God. We have no one running our country that has any authority or mind to do so. We are in a bad spot for a WWIII to occur. It could happen right here in our country. I don't think it will be long before we will join you. Look for us at the gate! Love you and miss you very much. See you soon.
August 1, 2023
August 1, 2023
Daddy it has been a rough month for sure this past July. You left us on the 5th of July and I know not by your choice but God needed you more. Mom fell the first of July and had surgery on her right femor bone running from her rip hip. It was major. She fell at home early in the morning and no one knew she was on the floor until around 4 p.m that afternoon. She laid there all that time. It was a miracle she survived. The good news she is doing wonderful and her physical thearpy she is way ahead of schedule so God has more work for her to do. Gave us a scare though. Then I fell sitting on my foot and got up to stand and my leg was so numb I couldn't feel it and I just hit the floor. I had a sprang but it washn't even bad. Another miracle. God is still performing miracleds the way HE has always done. OMG you would not know what kind of shape our country is in. I'm glad you are not here to see it.  I still miss you as much as ever. You know mom's hair doesn't even have much grey in it. It's amazing what my mom has gone through the years and she is still holding on. She said she has come to far to turn back now. She will never turn her back on the LORD~  She aims to see you again one day in heaven. Love you daddy. Till next time.
November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022
Daddy your birthday was October 19th. I just couldn't bring myself to write. I had surgery on Oct. 5th and I was already a little down so I put it off till now. I am doing great though. Miss you like crazy. Worried about mom. The country is upside down now. We've always been democrats but that is not the way it is now. You would not want what is going on. So I vote for the best candidate and most of the time it is not democrats. Love and miss you. I'm glad you are not here suffering. I miss you terribly. But you would be 98 if you were here. You are where you should be daddy. Till next time.
July 7, 2022
July 7, 2022
Well the 4th of July has come and gone. Things have been pretty rough individually for the family. We are getting through. We never forget you. Can't wait till I see you again someday soon. We enjoyed the fireworks just like you always did. I know you want us to be happy and go on. Love and miss you forever. I've quit counting the years gone but instead counting my blessings and knowing you are not in pain. Big step!!!!
October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Daddy today is your birthday and you would have been 97 years young. We are so blessed to still have mom here. She is 95 years young and looks as good as the last time you saw her daddy. Birthday's, Christmas and Father's Day was some of your most favorite family time together. The past couple years have been a nightmare to say the least. The government has kept us out of churches, kept us from our families, isolated us so much that lonliness takes on a new meaning these days. You fought in WW2 to keep us free and I'm not going to be governed by any communist government. Too many people have died for our freedom. I thank God for strong men and women soldiers who have stood strong and fought for us like you did. I know it's not been an easy journey for any of them and especially the older ones who got treated like dirt when they returned from Vietnam. Like they were outcast. Our society has sure done them an unjust. I am just glad to know that the journey will soon be over and the trumpet will sound and Jesus will split the Eastern skies and come for HIS people. That's all we have to look forward to daddy. Families are families anymore. The government has turned fathers against their son's and brother's against their sister's and parent's against their children. It is all coming up to the writing is on the wall. Jesus is returning soon for those of us who are ready. I'm homesick. I can't wait to see the face of Jesus and my loved ones. I can't wait till all these heavy burdens are lifted from my shoulders. I have to keep my eyes on the prize. It's so easy to get wrapped up in our surrounding's. Thank God this is not our permanent dwelling. We have a better home on high with our name written above the door. I want all my family to join us. We love you and miss you but I am sure glad you are not suffering and seeing what is going on in this world today. Happy Birthday in Heaven with Jesus. I'm sure your having a feast.  Love your loving daughter Trish.
July 8, 2021
July 8, 2021
Well on July 5th you have been gone 12 years. Time is sure going by. Sometimes it feels like only yesterday. I got a little depressed to say the least. This world is no place to be in and I am sure glad your in heaven today. I want to meet you there when it is my time to go. See you soon. Miss you terribly.
love you always
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Daddy today is Father's Day 0f 2021 and I know you are having the time of your life rejoicing with Jesus in Heaven. What a beautiful thought to be thinking today instead of missing you so badly. It has been a troublesome week and I didn't know what was going on till I realized today was your day. Of course your not here but Jay, Jayson, Josh, Rick, Coy and Duke are all here to celebrate their day. We are all just trying to get through one day at a time till we make it up there to live forever more. I don't know why it has to be so hard but it sure is. Mom is at the lake with Elizabeth and Duke and having a great time. She is now 95 and does great except for her eyes. I know she longs for heaven. Her body is tired but that is all in God's time not ours. I pray for half your wisdom daddy for you were not an educated person but you had wisdom that comes from God.  Jay has six little ones to call him papaw. You would of loved watching those little kids. They are something else. Jayson and Josh are good fathers. Time sure is going by and I know it want be long we will all be together. I sure want to make it home daddy. Our Father in heaven is so good to us. I pray we all make it and live forever more. 
October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020
Daddy it is your birthday. It popped up on my screen this morning. The world sure is a mess and I am glad you made it home. Can’t wait to join you one day soon. I am longing for home. The election is two weeks away and things are horrible there too. Will it be Biden or Trump? Only God knows. I just want to make it home and I have that blessed assurance. I miss you but sure glad you are no longer suffering and we all are doing ok in a world of nothing is the sane from one day to the next. Love you always.
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
Papaw this is Dakota and granny just showed me this memorial of you and I'm happy that she showed this to me. I didn't know about it. A lot of my memories have faded since I was only 3 years old when you went away. I was confused for a while and didn't really understand where you had gone and why. 
But I have been told you were suffering with the cancer and I know I wouldn't have wanted you to suffer like that anymore. So now I am older and I'm 14 years old and I understand more now. I still remember when you held me in your lap and I would feel so safe and happy. Granny tells me that I always would make your eyes light up when I would come and visit. She told me that you rode me on the lawn mower while mowing and took me on many 4-wheeling rides on your orange 4 wheeler and I remember some of that. Those were some of the best times I ever had. 
I have a little sister now named Brooklyn and you would have loved her so much Papaw cause you loved all kids the best I remember. Brooklyn was a little red head for awhile but now she is almost 10 years old and she is strawberry blonde. I wish she could have known you . 
Papaw I love you and miss you and always will. I don't ever want to loosed all my memories of you because you were the best papaw ever. 
We have some good fireworks last night and I wish you could have seen them. You always loved fireworks I was told but don't remember any of that for sure. 
Love you papaw and I will talk again for this gives me some peace too and helps to keep his memory alive.
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
Tonight at 5:45 p.m. you will have left us 11 years now. It has been bad and good through these years. That is life though and we learn to adapt to the changes or get caught up in it.
Well the 4th was yesterday and with each fireworks I saw go in the air I thought of you and how much you loved the 4th. 
They also had the 52 yard sale to a certain extinct and some people were wearing mask and many weren't. We will soon know the results of it all.
We had great fireworks at Canoe Fire Department on Friday night and here in Jackson last night and then we went on to Jamie's and she had some awesome fireworks for the kids, Eddie and Wilma and me and Dennis but Dennis didn't feel like going. They make them now to go down in the water and go off. First time I ever saw anything like that. But it is all good. Jamie said she never saw so many people out for the fireworks since she was a kid. So many people had family gatherings yesterday and my prayer is that I hope my family is safe come tomorrow. 
Our neighbors even put off fireworks with us last night and the sheriff John Hollan that lives below off was doing some and about everyone around.
I was supposed to go to Jayson's gathering yesterday and even started but I have new contacts and I put them in and went to pick the kids up but I got so dizzy from the contacts I could barely see so I came home and took them out but I was still dizzy for quite awhile and didn't get to go. Then later yesterday I had water in the floor in the kitchen and I never walk without shoes on the floor but I was barefooted and I slipped and one foot went forward and one stood still and my body twisted again like a couple weeks ago but I didn't have to go to the ER thank goodness for that. I am very sore today and in some pain but toughing it out. I didn't go to church today.
I am also having some neurological problems with my hands and I have to see a specialist for that real soon. 
Dennis and Brooklyn sure enjoy fireworks like you. They were running all over last night letting them off. They were beautiful.
Dakota wanted to have a memorial for you today where we all get together and talk about our memories but because of covid19 we couldn't do it. It was so thoughtful of Dakota to even think of it. He was 3 and his memories of you have faded a lot but he does not ever want to forget you. He knows the love you both had for each other.
I am doing pretty good today. I talked to mom earlier and she said she was glad you were in heaven and not here suffering anymore and we all are happy about that. I had a lot of people praying for me when I got really depressed a few days ago and God answered the prayers. Many times you just have to seek God's face and pray to get your peace back and I did. I think about you a lot daddy. I want say all the time cause I would be lying but you certainly are not far from my thoughts and little things that remind me of you popped up here and there. Like seeing deer I think of you and I guess cause it was your love for animals. Even our dogs make me think of you at times. How much you loved your dogs and animals through the years. I remember the horse Dolly and Tony and how well you took care of them.  I remember the pony Stormy that I fell off of and you made me get back on. I remember the pony Jay fell off of and broke his arm. So many wonderful memories daddy. You left such a good legacy about you just wanted your family to know the Lord and join you in heaven some sweet day. That is what I am striving for. Dakota is wanting to write something so I will let him have the page. Love you forever. I know you are having a good time in heaven. Gives me peace of mind to keep on holding on to see you soon.
July 3, 2020
July 3, 2020
I didn't get to say all I wanted to yesterday for all the tears. I am doing much better today. I know you wouldn't want me to be sad and depressed. So I got down on my knees and prayed and seek God. A good night sleep and feel much better today. 
Jamie you know is a RN nurse and she has had to work through this pandemic the entire time. We were worried not knowing who might come in and have the covid19 and it seems it can be passed so easily. I prayed to God to keep her safe and healthy. They also did telehealth through the pandemic. Now it is back to office visits but things are very different for everyone's safety. You would be so proud of Jamie and her accomplishments in life. I know you loved her with all your heart and all of us. 
Dakota is misses you but not as bad now as when he was little. He sure loved you and you him. You loved all kids. You just had a knack for them and they loved you. Dakota is taller than I am. I sure love him and Brooklyn. They light up my days so many times and I see how the grandkids and great grandchildren would light up your eyes when they came to visit. It is the same with me now.
Jayson is so grown up with his 3 kids. He is a good father. He is a good young man. We spend some time over there at their pool with the kids. Brooklyn and Dakota sure love them. I know how you loved all of the kids and all you did for them. They have their memories.
Dennis let off some fireworks last night and remind me so much of you and the way you loved life in general but especially the holidays with family. We have two little dogs you would really love. Jamie has two inside and two outside you loved your pets. Nothing like them. 
We stay in contact with Ricky and he and his family are doing well. He works at Toyota and been there a long time. The kids are both grown. We see them sometimes. Right now we can't see anybody hardly because the covid19 is getting bad again. I dread seeing the results come Monday and Tuesday of next week. 
Jay and Lesa have another grandbaby and it is another boy. 5 boys and one girl now. Their family keeps growing which is good.
Talk later and I know you are not here or can hear me but this is what I would say to you if I could. Gives me peace of mind most of the time. Yesterday was just harder than usual. I guess because of the pandemic this year these past 3 or 4 months have been hard on everyone. 
July 2, 2020
July 2, 2020
Daddy it will soon be the 5th of July the day you left us 11 years ago. With tears streaming down my face I miss you so much. I am glad you are there and not here though. Things sure have changed. We all are doing pretty good considering everything. There has been a major pandemic world wide with the covid19. Daddy you would never believe what we have been through world wide. So many people have died and we were shut down nation wide and world wide. Things have opened up some. But people are still getting this virus and dying. It was bad in March and this is July and since they have opened things it is bad again. I don't know what is going to happen now. I just know I want to be ready to meet my Jesus and see the beauty and wonders of heaven when it comes my time to go. Jay is home this year. He has another grandbaby (a boy) Josh and Felecia had another one in May. Mom is doing pretty good. Bad days and good like us all I guess. We are living in some terrible times. You don't know who is telling the truth or lies. The officials are fighting against each other in every agency of government and the President which is Donald Trump right now. There is prophecy that in September to November their will be something else to happen. We just have to hold on and know that God is in control. Little Brooklyn is not playing ball this summer because of the pandemic she did get a dirt bike though. Dakota is playing Fortnite and having a good time. Schools were shut down in March. We really don't know about the fall but many say they will go back but who knows. Daddy I miss you and love you so much. I wish you were here with your wisdom but I have had to gain my wisdom from mom and God and others. Jay and Lesa opened their church. People are so afraid to come to church. This virus if you get it leaves your lungs scar if it don't kill you. A lot of people survive it. But it is deadly. I know God will watch over his people. We will be there soon, one day soon daddy. I am really tired of fighting the devil everyday day in and day out. It sure is a battle. I am going to be in that number though. 
October 24, 2019
October 24, 2019
Daddy it sure slipped my mine about your birthday in heaven. I haven't been on the computer and didn't get my reminder and life gets hectic. I know your o.k though. I miss you everyday. I was emotionally a few days ago and I bet that was on your birthday. Jay will be in Lexington in a few weeks. Jayson is doing good. Dakota and Brooklyn are hanging in there. Brooklyn plays basketball. You would have loved to seen her play. The great grandkids are doing good. Mom is doing good. I don't know how much longer she can stay by herself though daddy. 
July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019
Daddy it has been 10 years today. I think of you so much. Dakota was talking about you last night. He said granny I wish papaw could of had another year with me or 6 months and I thought yes it would have been nice for us but you would have suffered to myself. He is 13 now. Mom went to Elizabeth's for the 4th. She is doing well. I've had some very rough times lately but things are better today. I miss you. The world is so wicked. More so than when you left for sure. Love you daddy and miss you so much.
December 30, 2018
December 30, 2018
We had a wonderful Christmas and mom is still here. The end of time is drawing nearer. I sure hope to see you in heaven. Jay has 5 grandchildren. It was fun watching them and Dakota and Brooklyn open their presents plus Bethany. Bethany is driving now. Jay is a good papaw like you. He keeps Madelyn all the time. She loves him dearly. It's been 9 Christmases that you have not been with us. I know your in a much better place. I love you and miss you daddy.
October 22, 2018
October 22, 2018
Daddy October the 19th you would have been 94 years old. So much has changed daddy that I don't know where to start. My only goal now is to see you in heaven some day soon. This world is so wicked it can't stand much more. Jay and Lesa have gotten in trouble and they have been going through a horrible ordeal. Daddy I'll be so glad when this is all over so we want have these heartaches and pain from greedy people that don't want to see Jay make anything out of himself. He has done so good. You would be proud of your grandson.  But you were proud of all your children and grandchildren and now I have 5 great grandchildren daddy. Can you believe that? Making mom have 5 great, great grandchildren. I love you daddy so much and miss you. But I pray to see you soon. I pray God says enter in my dear and faithful servant. But I don't always do the right things daddy. I try but I fall short. But I'm praying God forgives me of my shortcomings and lets me enter into the gates of HEAVEN which I want to make me home with all my family.
July 5, 2018
July 5, 2018
Daddy you have been gone 9 years today. I dreamed about Larry a few weeks ago. I miss you so much. You gave me so much of my beginnings and always loved me no matter what. I went and visited with mom today. She is now 92 and still hanging in there. I know she can't wait to see you but she says she hopes we all go in the rapture. God is so good. It might just happen that way. I wish you were here for Jay. He could really use you right now. But he has learned to depend on mom now a lot. She gets confused sometimes. You know that. But she is one smart cookie though. I love her dearly daddy. Wish you were here with us but I wouldn't want you to suffer for sure. I'm not doing the best ever. But I try to do the best that I can.
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
Daddy on July 5, 2017 it has been 8 years since you left us and went to a better place. I miss you as much today as I did then. Knowing that you are no longer in pain and sorrow makes it a little more tolerable. I didn't want you to suffer and God blessed you. So much has changed in these 8 years. Dakota is now 11 years old and Brooklyn who never got to know you is going on 7. Jason has one son and a set of twins a boy and a girl. Josh has a son and another one on the way. Elizabeth has moved a couple of times now. Jamie is a wonderful nurse and works in urology for one of the hospital doctor's. Paige is above True Value in an apartment. Mom has been sick but I think she is getting better. It's hard to believe she's made it this long daddy but she is tough and hanging in there. She says she is ready to come anytime God calls her. Jay and Lesa has been in the battle of their life. They had a huge new house but he's had to fight everyone of the big shots in this county and then some. I believe and trust in God that I will see you on the other side. I love you and miss you always.
October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016
Daddy today is your birthday and I know you are celebrating everyday as your birthday now. But for me and probably the most that were left behind still think of this day just like you were here. It was always a happy occasion for you and I am trying to be strong and be proud of the man you became and how you lived your life for the LORD. I know that if you can anyone can and I have told some of your friends that. Some of them have passed on. Only God knows where they are. But I certainly know in my heart where you are and that gives me peace and the strength to go on and come to where you are someday. This world gets worse by the day, by the hour, by the minute and it can't go on forever. So my hope and prayer is to see you in that wonderful place someday that I heard you pray at night so hard about to stay true to God as you possibly could and you did. I still love you and miss you but you are in a much better place. But as humans we hate to think about going on and leaving mom, my children, my husband, my grandchildren and great grandchildren now dad. I have a great grandchild from Jayson and Eliz and his name is Aaron Dalton and he will be one year old in November. Jayson now have twins on the way with Jennifer. Can you imagine that? Twins in our family. Uncle Joe had twins. I always thought I could never have handled that but God made a way for Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary and he will make a way for Jayson and Jennifer. Aunt Mary passed on a few months back. I am sure she has met you up there somewhere. But life down here goes on. Coy has been working on a room for Brooklyn. I thought if you were here you would have helped him a long time ago and it would be finished but it is almost done and it is beautiful. You would have been proud of him. Dennis and I fixed the door to the graveyard a couple of days ago. It is only a place where markers are with people's names on it but everyone has done their best to keep it as nice looking as you did. See you soon.
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
Daddy the years keep adding up and it's been 7 today. They don't seem to get any easier just more bearable. Mom turned 90 back in May and we had her a birthday party in which just about all the family came in from far and wide and it was great. Mom looks good, sounds good, can't hear good but I know in her body she is getting tired. But she sure is a tough one. Her and Uncle Joe both. He is 92 now and still has Aunt Mary at home. Jamie, Coy, the kids and I had fireworks back on the mountain night before last. You would have loved them. We watched the city fireworks from my house and mom came and spent two nights with me and we had a cook out but only Jamie and her family came. Jay and his family was invited but they didn't show up. Guess they were too busy. Don't really know for sure. Dakota still talks about papaw sometimes and Brooklyn has now turned blonde headed and when we talk about you her eyes light up and she wants to think she might have known you but she didn't. She knows you through us though. She is something else. Not the average 5 year old. She can be good as gold and she can be mean too. But she's a sweetheart. As far as me I am just here and passing through. Sometimes I don't know what to do or where to go. But I know I will never give up on coming to where you are.
October 19, 2015
October 19, 2015
Daddy today would have been your 92nd birthday if you were here with us. Mom will be 90 in May 2016. I still miss you so much daddy. You have been gone over 6 years now. With tears streaming down my eyes it don't seem to get any easier each year except just closer for me to come see you. I never thought it would be so hard. My cousin John is down helping mom with some things you would have done. Times are so much worse now than when you left. Our country is turning God away and bringing in so much other stuff. I know you wouldn't believe all the changes since you left. But our lives goes on and we try to do the best we can and be the best that God would have us be. I love you daddy and miss you and I know you don't want me to cry and I try not too. Until I see you again someday remember we all still love you with all our hearts. I know you are walking the streets of gold and have no worries like we do. We shouldn't fear though for Jesus Christ will take care of our every need I know. Have a "Happy Birthday" in heaven today. It don't get no better than that.
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Daddy we had fireworks down at Jamie's tonight with Dakota and the new little girl "red". You would have called her Shirley Temple but her name is Brooklyn Nevaeh Olinger. You would have had a time with her daddy. Dennis has been a very good grandfather to her. He is kinda like you. He loves playing in the sandbox with her. She is one little character but Dakota is growing up and he is into the games on t.v and all that stuff. He would have loved for you to make him a Indian teepee like you did Jayson. Jayson is getting married August 1, this year and we are all looking forward to it. Jay is looking forward to being a grandpa himself. I am anxious to see if he follows in your footsteps and be a grandpa like you. I hope so daddy. The children need their grandparents in their lives. We have our ups and downs but God always iron's out our problems. See you soon with all my love.
July 5, 2015
July 5, 2015
Today is July 5, 24015 and you have been gone 6 years now. I miss you as though it was yesterday. But I am glad you are where you are and happy and free of the things of this world. Love and miss you.
October 19, 2014
October 19, 2014
Today daddy would have been your 91st birthday. Dakota and I miss you so much. We know your happy where you are at. We can't wait to see you soon someday. You were so good to us both. You were the best dad and the best papaw anyone could ever wish for. Love always and missed sadly today and always.
July 7, 2014
July 7, 2014
Daddy it has been 5 years now. Everything has still changed. We don't get together as a family any more.  I really don't know what to do anymore. I love you and miss you.
October 19, 2013
October 19, 2013
Daddy I didn't get to say all I wanted to in the other paragraph. I know that time on earth is getting so close to an end. I know we will see one another real soon. I just want to finish the race and have faith and be secure in my knowing and my hope is where it should be that I will see you again and most of all see Jesus face who died for us all. I know you are so happy but I miss u.
October 19, 2013
October 19, 2013
Daddy life has been so hectic these past few weeks that I had forgotten today was your birthday. The cemetery has a new building on it for the reunion in the summer and it looks really good. No more setting on those hard blocks. No more tents to put up. I know you would be proud of it. Dakota and I still miss you so much. He said just yesterday how much you both loved one another.
May 14, 2013
May 14, 2013
Daddy you were missed this past birthday and "mother's day" for mom. All the family gathered last weekend for a cookout. Jamie and I went over Saturday and surprised her with dinner and gifts and Elizabeth came later and spent the night and took her out Sunday and shopping. Jamie mentioned how you would have made her little two year old Brooklyn a good baby sitter and you would have.
May 14, 2013
May 14, 2013
Dad, as we just celebrated mom and Jamie's birthday for May 6, 2013 you were though of often. Jamie's little girl Brooklyn is now 2 now and you would have just loved her like you did all your family. Then it went into "Mother's Day" this past Sunday and you were thought of often. Your love for us all still shines today. Miss u
October 19, 2012
October 19, 2012
Today is your birthday had you been here to celebrate it you would have been 88. Everyone said that time would make it easier but I have to say somebody lied cause I have not found it to get any easier. Mom called me today and she said you know what today is and I said yes and she said "He's better off than us" but I just started to cry and I had to hang up. I know you are but I miss u.
October 19, 2012
October 19, 2012
I miss this wonderful man as much today as I ever did. He knew how to do everything! His process of doing things sometimes seemed complex, but it ALWAYS worked! He loved family and holiday get-togethers were his favorite. I can picture him stacking up his Christmas presents, watching everyone else open theirs then getting to his. A man of wisdom, a man of character, a man of God.
July 5, 2012
July 5, 2012
Daddy it has been three years now and some days like yesterday and today are still hard to get through sometimes. I got married Saturday to a wonderful guy, Dennis Spicer-little gigler;s brother. You remember Mary coming home and spending a lot of nights with Elizabeth and you couldn't get no sleep for them laughing all night. Miss you dad. Happy 4th of July in Heaven.
March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012
My father died of lung cancer in which he knew about for several years. He was a hero to me, to my children and to my grandchildren. He always had time for them and played and make things for them. Dad was a loving person. I ask Dad the Christmas of 2008 what was the most important thing he wanted to say to everyone and it was "believe and trust God and I will see you on the other side

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