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Gone too young

October 28, 2020
by Ed Ngo
From my first day as a new grad in ICU, he made feel like i was part of the team. He guided me with all of his knowledge and made me feel comfortable. We would talk about his love for the Lakers and fantasy football.  I would always enjoyed working with him because that would mean we are eating out and getting starbucks (in his filipino accent). I feel very fortunate to have shared a part of his life. Condolences to his family. Rest in Peace my friend.
October 28, 2020
Andrey I was so fortunate to know and work with you in ICU during my time at West Med SA.  You were always calm, kind and willing to help especially when shit went down.  I know your family, friends, and ICU family will miss you to pieces, and we are all better people for knowing you.  RIP my friend

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