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July 30, 2023
I will remember you, Aunt Lyn, with much admiration and respect for your brilliance and your many accomplishments. 
You bring a smile to my heart when I think of how loving, humorous, and down to earth you could be.
I will think of you often and have a good chuckle when I re-read many of the cartoon clippings I've saved all these years. Your memory will be eternal️

Dr. K

July 30, 2023
Dr. K

I will always remember Angelyn Konugres as Dr. K. She was the medical director at the start of my blood bank career at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  She was a pleasure to work with and learn from. One occasion after working on a confounding antibody problem, I consulted her with my frustrations. Her reply was, “Well, I guess it didn’t read the same books you did!” Which put things in perspective for me. 

Dr K. was an excellent educator and made learning interesting by sharing her many inspiring stories and experiences. I am still working in the field and hopefully encouraged others as she encouraged me.
Thank you Dr. K! 

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