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May 20
"Cherry blossoms bloom
For just a fleeting moment,
Then go with the spring breeze."
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Whenever I am missing you both, mamma and daddy, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. Much Love. ❤️
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
I try and cope the best I can
But I’m missing you so much
If I could only see you
And once more feel your touch.
Yes, you’ve just walked on ahead of me
Don’t worry I’ll be fine
But now and then I swear I feel
Your hand slip into mine.
               - Joyce Grenfell

They say time heals all but still miss you so. I guess Time needs a little more time too.
February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
In Memory of Baba Asmellah, the most loving caring, and friendly person that I have ever met. One of the memories I have with him is, when I went to Asmara in 2012, I went to their house to visit them with my nephew. I didn't knew that they knew each other and when he saw us he had the biggest smile on his face that I will never forget. he said how did you know him "shimagilēw" he is my friend. RIP Baba Asmellah, you will be missed until we meet again.
January 6, 2022
January 6, 2022
In loving memory of my beloved uncle Asmelash.

Uncle Asmelash was not only one of my loving, caring and so humble uncles but he was also my best friend. When ever I met him laughter precedes me knowing he will say something funny. I have so much nostalgic moments during our gathering both at home and at his favorite bar Victoria.
  One day when we met at bar Victoria I told him that I got promoted to Lieutenant and he was so happy and proud and gave me a beautiful hug and said " Selam you now owe me a cup of Cappuccino."
Unfortunately i didn't do it. As time passing by Selam you know the cup of Cappuccino is becoming a bucket of Cappuccino, followed by laughter. You konw what happened?
I called him after I left Asmara to just say hi and he still was funny saying it's now a barrel of Cappuccino.
The funny moments with Asmelash is countles times.
Our beloved Asmelash you will always be missed dearly and rest in peace.
Selamawit Habtom 
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
In loving memory of uncle Asmellash ❤︎

When I first met uncle Asmellash it was in Asmara, he picked me up from the airport on my first and only trip to Eritrea, I was 19. I didn’t know what to expect, but within seconds of meeting Asmellash, it was clear to me that much like my other uncles he too was a very unique brand of his own. Small in stature, but radiant with a calm, collected confidence I felt an instant kinship with.

I will never forget driving down the flag-laced highway towards Asmara with you, while you played a liberation song of significance to set the mood, the warm wind on my skin and the excitement in my heart. When I think of Asmara I think of you Asmellash more than anything else, in many ways you are Asmara for me. As the moments we spent together there are my fondest.

I wish we could have had more time together. I will always love and remember you uncle Asmellash, rest assured that you will be missed and cherished for infinity.

Love & Light

December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
Dear Asmellash, it is so sad that you are no longer with us. Asmara will not be the same without you. We will never forget the endless hospitality you and your family showed us. You always greeted us with open arms and your warm humor.
Rest in peace Uncle Asmellash.

Love Selome and Helena Emnetu
December 28, 2021
December 28, 2021
My uncle Engineer Asmelash Ghermazion ,a husband, a father, an uncle, a brother & a friend to many , has left a big footprint behind . You’re always remembered, you’ve made a great impression on myself and inspired me to follow your profession, I miss you. RIP
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
ዕረፍቱ ክሰምዕ መሪር ሓዘን እኳ እንተ ተሰማዓኒ ሕጊ ናይ ዓለም ስለኾነ ግን ብሰላም ይዕረፍ!! ጠሊ ይግደፈልና!!
  “መንግስተሰማይ የዋርሶ“
ርእሶም ተስፍይ

December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021

This is a tribute from Emnetu. The text below is a summary of the lovely video tribute Emnetu and Elsa sent in. Please find the video here:

ሰላም ሰናዪት ፣ ሊሊ ፣ ሳምሶን ፣ ፋኑኤል።

ናይ ኣስመላሽ ሞት ክልተ ጓሂ እዩ ገዲፉልና። እቲ ምፍላዩን እቲ ክንሳበቶ ድማ ዘይምኽኣልናን።

ሌላና ምስ ኣስመላሽ ብ 1970 ናብ ጎንደር ዝኸድክሉ እዋን እዩ ጀሚሩ። ስለዚ 51 ዓመታት ገይሩ ማለት እዩ። እቲ ሌላ ኣብ መንጎና ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ናብ ኩሎም ስድራቤትና ውን ቀልጢፉ እንዳገፍሐ እዩ ከይዱ።

እቲ ቅርበትና ንብዙሕ ሰብ እዩ ዝገርሞ ነይሩ። እዚኣቶም ኣዝማድ ድዮም ? ዕርክነት ጥራሕ እንተኾይኑ ድማ ክሳዕ ክንድዚ ምቅርራብ ክገብሩ ክኢሎም ኢሎም ብዙሓት ይገርሞምን ይሓቱን ከም ዝነበሩ ንሰምዕ ኔርና ኢና።

ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ 51 ዓመታት ኣብ ዝኾነ ግዜ ተዃራሪና ኣይንፈልጥን ኢና። እቲ ዘገርም ድማ እንኳን ምኩሩራይ ሲ ኣብ ዝኾነ ጉዳይ ዘይተሰማማዕናሉ ግዜ ውን ኣጋጢሙ ኣይፈልጥን እዩ። we never disagreed on any issue on any matter.

ንኣስመላሽ ብኸመይ ከም ዝዝክሮ ማለት ብዛዕባ ክእለቱ ፡ ባህርያቱ ፣ ሓልዮቱ ፡ ትሕትንኡ ፡ ተኣማምነቱ ፡ ዋዝኡ ኣብ ቀጻሊ ከዘንትዎ እየ። ብመጀመርታ ግን ክፋነዎ ደልየ ኣለኹ።

ስለዚ ምስ ኤልሳ ኲንና ክልተ መዛሙር ክንዝምረሉ ኢና። ቀጺለ ኣነ ንበይነይ ሓንቲ መዝሙር ክዝምረሉ እየ።

እታ ቀዳመይቲ “ብየሱስ ስም ድፋእ እዋን ሓጺር ዩ” እያ ትብል ብቋንቋ እንግሊዝ ድማ “Nearer my God to thee”

እታ ካልአይቲ መዝሙር “ዎ የሱስ ጸሎተይ ስማዕ ፡ ምርሓኒ ናብ ጽሩይ ዔላ” እያ ትብል

እታ ሳልሰይቲ ዝዝምራ ብሓደ ብርቱዕ ዝሓዘነ ሰብ Horatio G. Spafford ዝተባህለ ዝተጻሕፈትን compose ውን ዝኾነት እያ። “It is well with my soul” እያ ትብል። ባዕለይ ናብ ትግርኛ ዝተርጎምክዋ እያ ኣርእስቲ መዝሙር ድማ “ህይወተይ ቅሰኒ ብጎይታ” ትብል። 

December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
It is with deepest sorrow and sadness that I write this tribute to uncle Asmellash. You were humble kind, loving , caring and good at heart. you will be greatly missed by all who knew you and loved you. We cherish a special place in our hearts that will always be reserved for you. We love you, we miss you and we will remember you forever.

Love always<

December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Got a couple of my own stories to tell, but way before I met baba Asmelash, I heard so many loving stories of him from my dear friend(sister) Lily. Saw Lily over the years and it is evidence that she has learned from the best.

Then 1996 came…mind you this was my first interaction with Baba Asmelash, after our greetings and all, he says to me “Tell Aida your dad is getting taller” with a straight face…waited to see my reaction…then gave me a smile and said I mean to the sides :-)
Then Baba Asmelash and Aklilu Berhe invited to an elegant restaurant “Ala Scala” in Radio Marinaio where I was first introduced to Melhas(tongue) ordered by Baba Asmelash, he did let me taste it….man oh man was it delicious!

The last time I saw baba Asmelash was in 2018, we of course met at his favorate hang out spot “Bar Victoria” and headed out for lunch at “Enda Sidstu” Tiravollo, one thing, I got to say here is that Baba Asmelash had an eye for elegant restaurants for sure! Anyway, also at the lunch was my son Nobel who just turned 19 few months before that. The waiter comes to take our orders and my son asks if he can have a beer, I was on the fence and baba Asmelash says better for him to try it with you :-)…so my son’s first beer was with me and Baba Asmelash…so I think at least ;-)

As you see there is a pattern here…:-) Baba Asmelash has introduced a couple first time experiences in my family.

There is a quote by Maya Angelo “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Baba Asmelash was one of the people who made me feel loved and I will always treasure these beautiful memories of him, he was such a loving and gentle human!

May GOD rest his beautiful soul!
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Baba Asmellash was one of a kind. I always remember him for his humor and the advice he used to give me.

Baba Asmellash was more like a buddy to my dad, not just only a blood relative. If Baba Asmellash is going to come home, an announcement would be made ahead of time, the house had to be arranged, food had to be prepared in a way my dad required. Once he is home, dad and baba Asmellash would chat for hours accompanied with lots of laughter.

While I was in medical school, I complained to my dad how stressful Med school was. My dad, in turn, shared this to baba Asmellash. Baba Asmellash came home one afternoon and he told me that to achieve big things in life, great sacrifice is a requirement. I was really amazed by the deep knowledge he had on different aspects of life.He was an erudite scholar. It was then that he introduced me to his youngest son, Faniel, to be my mentor. Faniel, who was my senior at medical school, did provide me with a lot of guidance and motivation which made my studies much more tolerable. Fani, definitely learned from the best. Till the day I left home, baba Asmellash would check on me and he would say “Keribki Eiki Ajoki”.
While in Sudan, in his final days, my dad was not talking much as he was in deep pain. However, whenever baba Asmellash calls, it was like a ray of light in his dark days. Baba would laugh like a child. After the call baba used to say “N Asmellash Ember Nafikeyo!”
Recently, I learned that my dad was born in Enda Aboy Ghirmatsion’s home, no wonder my dad and baba Asmellash shared a unique bond.

Baba Asmellash you will be missed
May your soul Rest In Peace!

Yordanos Ghirmay
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021
Mamma and Daddy, were in some ways very different people and certainly did not have the same views on a lot of things. But that did not keep them from loving and respecting each other. I can’t think of any greater gift parents can give their children. Even though circumstances and distance meant they only got to be with their grandchildren on a few occasions, I see the legacy of how they lived their life reflected in my amazing nieces and nephews and the beautiful way their parents have raised and interact with their daughters and sons. It brings me joy and comfort to know that is the legacy Mom and Dad would have cared about the most.

I do not have kids myself, but I learned everything that really matters from my parents.

To mention but a few of those gifts of the “art of living”:

- Listening
I did not learn the typical things one learns in school - reading, writing, counting – from my teachers at school. Not at first. I went to school in the day time, and came home to learn my ABCs with my Dad in the evenings. I can still hear the recording on the tape I managed to lose some 20+ years later: Daddy: “c”, me: “c”, Daddy: “a”, me: ”a”, Daddy “t”, me: “t” : me: ”CAT!”. Apparently, I was very good at tuning out anything and anyone I was not interested in. I learned to read and everything else by listening – really listening to my Dad. I also learned that tuning out people was simply not nice.

- Kindness/Teaching moment
Life lessons were generally imparted by example than through lectures and preaching. During a sleepover at a classmate’s house, my sister Lily witnessed a fight between her classmate’s parents: right at the dinner table. She was not supposed to be there, but it really was not her fault but the adults’. She was scared and in shock. She was only six. They had called to tell my parents that she was spending the night at their house. Still, I thought she might get in trouble the next day. My Dad’s take on the whole incident: she should not have been exposed to that but she learned something.

- Keeping your eyes on the prize /Teaching moment
Foot race, Grade School Parents’ Day: As a small school there weren’t very many students, I was one of the students participating in the race. Ready, set, and off we went. Half way down the race track I spotted my Dad in the stands and promptly forgot all about the race. Afterwards he asked me “why did you slow down? You were ahead and could have won “. I could care less about the first prize ribbon, I already spotted mine.  A few weekends later, we drove out of the city to an open area and he said whoever gets to the end of the road gets a prize X (I do not remember what the prize was), but I understood that he was teaching us what a “race” is.

- Loving/”Home-coming” 
Daddy spent many years of his career building roads which meant he had to travel a lot for work. When we heard his car pulling up we would all run out to meet him. Actually, he did not even have to be out of town.  Most evenings, I would find myself watching by the window. On one of these occasions, my mom looked at me and said “he is not going to miss his house, you know”.  The next time he was back from a trip that took him out of town for a couple of days, Mamma was heading out to the car with us. I could not resist. I turned to my Mom “he is not going to get lost in his own driveway, is he? “. She just flashed her lovely smile, said “negram” and joined us.

- Confidence 
During a summer break, I was tasked with teaching my brother Sami (7 years my junior) the English and Amharic Alphabets before school started. ABCs went swimmingly and it was time to tackle the more difficult “Fidel”. I pulled out the chart with 33 x 7 letters to get started. My brother took one look at it and said let’s wait until Daddy gets home for lunch. I asked ‘why’? His answer – “Because that is too many letters and he is going to have to tell them to change it”. He had absolute confidence that was all it would take to change this ancient script used by millions. Mind you I had no idea how I was going to teach Sami either. But I did not know that. Because my Dad had asked me to do it, I believed I could.

- Generosity
Date night with his youngest son: In a time and place where punctuality was not exactly a ‘big deal’ Daddy was punctual. He made it a point to be punctual whether it was at work, meeting his friends for coffee or any “Kotsera” he made. Fanuel, his youngest son, who also had the highest EQ, would invite Daddy for a date night - to watch the “Cosby show” every Thursday night when it was aired on TV. They had their date nights. We all did. He was generous with his affection and time.

- Respect 
Daddy used to call me Mimi when I was a little girl. Then one day, I announced I am a big girl now, and will not answer to Mimi any more. I was 5. He did not try to talk me out of it, explain or anything. Just said “Okay” and respected the wishes of the little girl with a big head and stopped calling me Mimi.

He was a man of principle, who had a genuine, profound respect for everyone and saw the dignity in every person. I could fill a book with countless fond memories. When all is said and done, what I remember the most is being loved.

My father, my North star. I will miss you immensely.
Your daughter,
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021
This is a tribute from Asghedet.

My brother Asmellash,

Growing up in a big family of nine children with five boys and four girls is a challenge for all. Fortunately, I was the 2nd last child. My siblings thought that I was the luckiest and most spoiled of the girls. Compared to my elder sisters, I admit that this was true .

Especially my big brothers, Abraha and Asmellash were the ones, who were conciously supporting me, to excell in school. Maybe they were aware that they missed this chance with my elder sisters.

My most vivid memory of early life concerns an incident during the time of elementary school. Asmellash, when coming home, would find me sitting a bit far from the house and would wave his hand to greet me before entering the house. After a while, he returned, seeing me still sitting on the ground without moving. He asked me to entert the house, but I remained seated. Then he came to me and said stand up! But I could not. So he helped me to stand up. But the moment he let me go, I fell down. Then he picked me up and carried me straight to the hospital. After 3 weeks, I could walk and came back home. I can’t remember, what had happened to me. Most likely, it could have been polio, which was but most probably, it could have been polio, which was common at that time. Thanks to Asmellash’s fast reaction, I am still moving and kicking.

Whenever Asmellash came home to Asmara to visit us from Addis and Gondar, he used to take me for lunch in one of the leading Italian restaurants. Later, I understood the symbol of his message. He wanted to show me what life could look like, but this would not come by itself.

Lesson learned! Since then, I have a penchant for excellent restaurants.

Last but not least, what I have always admired about Asmellash is his passionate love for his wife, Beletesh. They always looked as if they had just fallen in love, like sweet sixteen, Extraordinary!

Rest in peace my dear brother, but you will always be missed and remembered,

Yours Asghedet

Nairobi, 26.12. 2021
December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel parents.

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