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November 17, 2012
November 17, 2012
Hey Berns! Happy Birthday I can't believe 41! Wow time really flew by! I can still remember we always took each other out to dinner for Japanese Food on our birthdays! I miss you tons! Love you & Happy Birthday! Say Hi to all the family in heaven for me ;) ~Lor
November 17, 2012
November 17, 2012
Beautiful Berns with your big brown eyes and beautiful smile. I miss you so much and I hope that your day has been a special one spent with loved one who had missed you while you were with us.  Thinking of you always.  I hope you blew all the candles out and made a wish. Love you , miss you!  Happy Birthday!
November 16, 2012
November 16, 2012
Its taken me quite some time to express this. I cant even explain how much it hurts and how much I miss our four hour conversations I could really use one from you right now you always had the best advice and said the most inspirational, motivational things to get me through whatever challenge life was throwing at me and I appreciate that unconditionally I love and miss you dearly sister
October 8, 2012
October 8, 2012
God bless ya Jim. Times flying by here in the Mojave Desert and I'm just fading away might be seeing ya soon. If they let me in that is.  
so every week I'm heading for my community Lutheran church
to seek his presence here in Vegas. So long old friend
October 1, 2012
October 1, 2012
I just wanted the family and friends to know- that even though we have never met, others are thinking of you, and can't imagine your sorrow. You will be in our prayers. May the words in Job 14:13-15 comfort you to know that Bernadette will awaken from death and live forever in a paradise on earth. My condolences to you, I am truly sorry for your loss.
September 30, 2012
September 30, 2012
Birds the word, birds the word!!! lol.... I love u girl & i miss u & always will!!!
September 22, 2012
September 22, 2012
Hi, Alice thinking of you. Mom and i were remembering you and Bernadette. We hope ur ok. Mom would really like to talk to u. Her number is 956-212-8123. Please call her. Take care of your self. Love Olga
September 15, 2012
September 15, 2012
You came to me last night and called out to me, MOM. It woke me up and as I was sitting up I was answering you, What? Still half asleep I looked for you. Again realizing that you were not here anymore. But I felt your presence. You were here for a moment. Stay longer next time and talk to me.
August 31, 2012
August 31, 2012
I thought about you today. I don't know exactly why. Maybe it's because it's election year. Or maybe it's about Denise's wedding plans. Or maybe it's because Georgina mentioned your name the other day reminding me that it was your first year anniversary, but I think it's mostly because we all miss you. Luv, your uncle.
August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012
Berns, I woke up on Memorial Day ready to run and ready to remember those who had passed. It was so hot out and I almost decide not to go but when I put on m headphones our song was playing and I decided to go. I had a great run. I had woke with the intention of thinking of others, but it appears you beat me by thinking of me first.... Love and Miss you. Thanks for running with me.
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
My Berns, I miss you very much all the time I think of you always. It seems like yesterday that you left us. I'm so thankful for your picture that appeared in my wallet, that was the sign that you made it to Heaven. I Pray for you every night. I love you and will always miss you till I see you in Heaven, Iam no longer afraid of dying my Berns. Dad
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Although, I did not know you, you have touched my heart! Yours was the first and ONLY page I saw on this site and I cried at how much you are loved and missed!! Rest in peace beautiful one!!
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Dear Berns today is the day u went to Heaven. If I could have one thing today it would be to have time with see you, hear you, and just talk & laugh like old times. I miss just picking up the phone and talking to you. Sigh, but until then I will continue on in the same POSITIVE outlook on life and live life to the fullest, just like you! You left me the best example. love u ~ lor
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
I've been thinking of you all week, and all year. I feel an overwhelming joy when i say your name, or i talk about you, or tell a funny story. Even when i talk about you to people who didn't know you, they're always in awe at what a remarkable person you were. i love you always and forever!!
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
I miss you. I often turn to your advise in life to get me were so wise beyond your years. I will carry you with me always. xo <3
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
I can't believe it's been a year already since you left us. I don't think I went a day without thinking about you. I miss you very much and will always love you :)
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Bernadette, we all miss you very much. I think of you daily & I smile; you always had a joke or something funny to say, or a look on your face said it all. If not a well-placed joke, your words contained wisdom. I cherish all the moments spent with you. Thank you being outgoing & introducing yourself to me, because I sure wouldn’t have had the courage to speak to someone as pretty as u. ❤
August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
My precious priceless jewel. I know you are in heaven and God holds you in his arms everyday and he loves to hear you speak, like we all used to. You were my rock and joy and my past and future.  My world is lost in a universe without stars, because when you left, you took the brillance, sparkle and shine. I love and miss you, I enjoy your visits in my dreams, don't ever stop.
August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012
This is not an anniversary I enjoy celebrating. However, I enjoy the thoughts and laughter you continue to bring me. I miss you and will be thinking of you, as I often do. I envision you cooking a feast for you and Romeo. I know my Mr.Khatt arrived to watch over you and Romeo. She, much like her aunt Berns, was such the loving mother hen. Give her a petting for me. Love, hugs & kisses!
July 9, 2012
July 9, 2012
I miss you so much. No outing is complete without you. I see you there even if you are not. I imagine what you would be doing and saying to make it a happy occasion. I see you laughing it up with you contagious joy for life. I smile, then cry. Where are you? Come home.
June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
Thank you for the advice. You have no idea how bad I needed to hear that. And, as usual, you're right. I'll do what you told me. I'll do it this weekend. You seemed tired last night. Please rest for a bit, i have a feeling i'll be needing you sooner rather than later. Do me a favor? Will you give grandma a kiss for me? Tell her I miss her too but I love hearing her giggle!! Love u! xo-d.
June 6, 2012
June 6, 2012
Good Lord, I miss you. I just heard the song "El Mariachi" that some friends of mine sing very welll and every time I hear it, I think of you and your mariachi days and how you always encouraged me to do those boistrous hollers and to roll my tongue. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. xo-d.
May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012
I had so many questions lately that I wish I could just call you. Miss and love you! I know you are busy up there, but if you get a chance, could you send me a twinkle? XO
May 10, 2012
May 10, 2012
Berns,  Miss you Bunches, Girl. I've seen some hard days and you have been there to carry me through my sadness. Thank you for always teaching me to look on the bright side. Sending you thoughts each day full of love. Miss U.
April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
Oh Romeo! He has departed as well. I’m very sorry for your loss. For sure he couldn't bare Bernadette's absence either, and now is in her arms again. I see the two of them playing and running around in Heaven as they did in life. I always used to tell Bernadette that if there is reincarnation into a second life, I want to come back as her cat. It made her laugh.
April 8, 2012
April 8, 2012
I miss your smile, I miss the joy you brought me with your presence.
I miss the pride I felt everytime I saw you. I pray you knew that,
I pray you see how much I need you with me, now and always. I love you so much.
April 8, 2012
April 8, 2012
Dear Berns, I think of you everyday, I hear songs that remind me of you, and I hear the advice and words of wisdom you would give me and I carry them like Jewels in my heart. I had my baby boy... I know you would love him! & he you. Happy Easter Berns. Love you forever . Your Lor
March 26, 2012
March 26, 2012
For those who do not know Bernadette and wrote a tribute, I thank you so much. You are very kind.
March 17, 2012
March 17, 2012
she was an inspiration to all that were around her.a great daughter she was.never knew her in person but prays to God all will be well with the lives of those close to her as they treasure her in their memories.
March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012
I miss you more and more each day. Come to me. I love you so much. mom
March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012
Such a beautiful, beautiful young lady!! I didn't know her, but I happened upon this site and clicked on her name! Mrs. Estrada, you have made such a lovely memorial for your daughter!! I can tell that she was and is loved dearly, and missed as well!! But, never forgotten!! May she rest in peace...beautiful Angel!!!
February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012
I didn't know you but from what your family is saying you must have been a sweet person my heart goes out to you. ooo xxx
February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012
I didn't know you, but from the photos and candles lit I can tell you were a special and amazing person. We need more people in the world just like you. I hope you are resting peacfully.
February 22, 2012
February 22, 2012
You are more beautiful every day that passes.
February 11, 2012
February 11, 2012
Berns, You finally paid me a visit in my dreams. You were smiling and you had beautiful long hair. It may have been just a quick visit but it made my day! Keep on smiling! Missing you so much!!!
January 30, 2012
January 30, 2012
Thinking of you... I wish you were just a phone call away.
January 15, 2012
January 15, 2012
sending all our love beautiful pauline,angel jenna xxxxxx
January 12, 2012
January 12, 2012
After finding out where she lived, I remembered a colleague of mine, Dr. Brad Monk, lived in the area. I knew that Brad was a really dedicated doc and if he could do something, he would. And he is a cancer therapy researcher, so if there was something new, he might have access. Many months later, long after I had forgotten the exchange, Bernadette called me or emailed me. I can't recall.
January 12, 2012
January 12, 2012
She thanked me for saving her life and told me her story and how Brad had helped her. Of course, I had nothing to do with saving her life and told her so. But there was no way to convince her otherwise. We stayed in touch by email and phone over her last couple of years and I regret that I never had to chance to meet her in person. She was an amazing spirit and she touched my life
January 12, 2012
January 12, 2012
probably more than I touched hers. She has helped inspire me to leave the NCI and use my knowledge of cervical cancer to help women around the world who do not have access to cervical cancer prevention. So thank you Bernadette for reaching out to me and touching my life and reminding me that I have a job to do. Message sent, message received. Phil
January 8, 2012
January 8, 2012
This was everyone who loved Bernadette's first News Years without our special girl. I'm thankful for Ms. Alice Estrada put together this memorial page for us to share our stories, and feelings for Bernadette. I really miss her a lot, I have found it comforting that I have communicated with family and Friends of hers through this platform.
January 7, 2012
January 7, 2012
God bless you.
You made this world beautiful by your presence.
love and light to you' Gorgeous one'
December 28, 2011
December 28, 2011
Hello God
How happy you must be
You have my precious daughter
that you just took from me
God who are in heaven, give her a message for me.
Tell her I miss her down here and to come and visit me
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Bernadette, I miss you much.
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas Berns! I thought of you all week....miss you like crazy. You would have been so proud of me, I made tamales and Posole all by myself! You were always the best cook. Say hi to my baby who is in heaven with you for me. Love you. Lor
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas, Beautiful Berns! I'm hoping all of my thoughts and prayers are reaching you since my Christmas cards can't. Give Jesus a big Birthday hug and tell him to be patient with me.  Thank you for the strength you give me to live and love life. Wish we could talk. I miss you so much.  xoxo Ally
December 6, 2011
December 6, 2011
If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

November 27, 2011
November 27, 2011
Silent Night
Holy Night
Sleep in heavenly peace.....
Sleep in heavenly peace.

    I love you, I miss you.
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday Bernadette!!! Dear cousin I know nothing can ever console you, but, she is the lucky one. Jesus needed her to watch over you, me, mom, and everyone else who needs her. Alice please keep in touch. Mom is waiting for you to get to SA so she can go visit you and hold you. She loves you like a mother. Take care. If there is anything you need please call. Love you! Tito
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday, Bernadette! I bet you're rock'n it in Heaven! :) Today, like every day, you are in our hearts...and forever.
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