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August 2, 2020
Mom it's been 6 yrs now since you've passed on and it'll be 4years since Vince passed on on 12-24-20. Time goes by so damn fast I can hardly believe it's been so long. I'm late like always. I've been thinking of you so much lately you and Vince are still in my thoughts in my soul everyday of my life. I will always keep you both here with me . I miss you both and love you both so much. I've kept myself very numb and very busy it's the only way I can cope. It still hurts to much otherwise. I alwAys pray for visits from u and Vince, it's due time for another I don't have slot more to say mom, but I love you tell Vince I love him too. Our family will never be the same without you you always brought us all together wether we liked it or not. until next time love, your second born, roxann rosemma alvarado

September 20, 2019
Mom, Im late agian should've posted on the 9/1. Your presence has been strong a few times in May. It took 5 yrs. But I finally got a few visits from you, I know it was you and I know it was real. I miss u and I miss Vince and miss my Birdy,and I love you so much.
I miss your laugh your face I miss your hugs I miss talking to you  I don't know what to say except that. My life is in a bit of  trouble right now. It's scares me I don't want to go backwlove and enegy never die so I know your still there and I know you must feel me and my love. Send Vince my love tell him I miss him. I love you Mom, love your second born , Roxann
October 10, 2018


   I didnt write anything on the 4 yr. anniversary of your passing..Im sorry for that. i dont know if you can read these postings i put up for you, but i believe thst somehow you can. theres no space between thoughts and souls, all i have to do is think of you and your right here with me. hows vince? i miss you both so much. i cant believe itll be 2 yrs. since vince passed on my birthday 12-24. give him all my love and it was 4 yrs. on august 1, 2018 that you passed away .

   Ill never forget you mom and i hope you never forget me. and ill keep the faith. ive been trying to go on with my life since you and vince passed on. i figure ill be joining  you guys son enough. so id better start doing the things ive always wanted to. and say what i need to say to the loved ones in my life. and i really need to forgive myself for my wrongs. id like to learn to love myself as well. and i dont want to live in fear of aything. life is too short. 

    i just want to thank you for all the love youve shown me and for always doing your best. i carry you and my brother in my soul everyday. our time to reunite will happen soon enough. until then just know how very much i love you and how much i miss you.

love always, your second born roxann rosemmm rouse alvarado


Remembering the good times......

August 24, 2017

Dear mommy.....

    First of all mommy my soul missis you.....
Memories of you always making our holidays special and making meals everyday. Also teaching us how to tie our shoes... just the simple things I remember now mean so much to me. Iv'e cried so many tears for you. I can still hear you telling me "I don't want you to cry, I hate it when you cry baby girl." Man, mommy you left us too soon. I hear this from so many people that God has his plan for all of us. Iv'e excepted god's will, but dammit, I miss you so much.

 All my love,
your baby girl, Lisa 

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