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August 23, 2018
August 23, 2018
Good morning baby !You are heavy on my mind this morning cant stop thinking about you ! i dont understand why you had to leave me and your loved ones why god choose you to leave us we need you here with us baby ! I Wished he would of taken me instead ! I Believe you were much stronger than me ,some days i just dont want to wake up because i know your not gonna be here with me ,Its soo hard baby being here without you !NOBODY understands the pain of loosing a spouse until they experience themself,I never thought i would !My whole life has changed ,I feel so alone even thou i got great family support i still feel alone ,I wake up every morning and go to bed every night alone in this empty big house !i go room to room and your not here !When we bought this house we had us and kids and 5 dogs ,then the dogs passed away and then it was us and kids then the kids moved on and then it was us the dog and cat then now you had to leave me now its just me the dog and cat in this house Nobody really ever comes to the house to visit ! Dad keeps the yard work up for me and always ask if i need anything done hes been great looking after things Dont know what i would do without him i know i can count on him in need but he is getting older and hes got his own things to take care of ! so i dont ask too much from him theres somethings i need done but i just try to do myself !Mom and Dad take me out on Saturdays to go eat i know they do that to get me out of the house so i dont have to eat by myself ! Mandy and Lauren have me over to eat some times to get me out of the house ,Melissa does what she can she has the kids to take care of thats alot on her !I really do appreicate everything everyone does for me,but i need you here with me baby ! My birthday is tomorrow i dont want to even wake up i want sleep through the day I know your not going to be here to spoil me and make my day special ,Mandy and Lauren are going to take me DG shopping to get my mind off not having you here for my day then Melissa is going to bring me some of her Lasanga she makes so good ! other then that i dont want my birthday acknowledged Im not even going to be on facebook tomorrow I dont want any Happy Birthdays because it wont be happy for me here without you baby! I Just miss US so much ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to show your page a little love to let you know im thinking about you again! i think your celebration went really good considering how stressful it started how everyone pitched in to help me Mandy and Lauren helped me with the food prep ,Melissa took your place grilling the hot dogs .she knew you was counting on her to do it for you ,mom ,Krystal and Jacob helped put the dogs on the bun .the others helped setup the food on the tables .the kids had a great time playing .most people had left by the time we was able to release your balloons and cut your cake ,we got alot of good pictures .at the balloon release some seen the balloons spell out kay and went towards our house I know you were with us baby! I am so thankful for the love and support our kids and family without them i would of already in the looney bin I am just so lost without you here with me ! Missing you ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 20, 2018
August 20, 2018
Forever 61. Yesterday was a hard & emotional day on us. Your first Birthday in Heaven. Mandy and I did what you always did before parties/holidays, we helped Kay prepare all of the food. We also surprised Kay and everyone else with the design of the cake... Red and black plaid like you love. It was a day full of so much love for you - wouldn't have it any other way. We know you were there with us, and smiling down on all of us honoring your life. We took lots of family pictures like you always loved to do - & some silly ones of course. :)
We miss you more every day. Love you Bobby/Dad #2
August 20, 2018
August 20, 2018
I took your place behind the grill had your party and I ended up cooking and helping Mom get it all done like you would of like father like daughter is that how that say it you taught me well how to be a good person you raised me right thanks for everything you did for me when those balloons went up to heaven we saw your sign that you were there the balloons looked like they said Kay like you were letting her know you were there and the balloons headed in the direction of the house so I know you were with us miss u so much everyday love you daddy
August 20, 2018
August 20, 2018
wanted to tell you Happy Birthday Again baby ,wished you were had been here to celebrate your day with us !I Think you would of enjoyed all the food and everyone that came to celebrate your day !I love you so much baby ,i will always have you in my heart ,you were my soulmate for life nobody will or could change that ! I do know nobody could ever love me the way you love me ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright !
August 19, 2018
August 19, 2018
Happy birthday Daddy we celebrated today tried to make it special for you made your favorite lasagna I know you were watching over us did your balloons reach you in heaven I miss you love you so much
August 19, 2018
August 19, 2018
First Birthday in Heaven Dad. Forever 61! Got something special planned for you today. Only way this day would be better is if you were here. You should be here. I know you will be in spirit. Show us signs. I love you so much Dad.
August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
Everything's just right yeah except for one thing
You should be here, standing with your arm around me here
Cutting up, cracking open a cold water
And you know that if I had just one wish it'd
Be that you didn't have to miss this
You should be here
They say now you're in a better place
And I would be too if I could see your face
God I wish somehow you could be here
Oh you should be here
August 17, 2018
August 17, 2018
Hey baby i i know i havent been on here for a few days ,i have been busy trying to get things going for your celebration this Sunday ,Ive been missing you baby ! cant believe you wont be here to have cake and your favorite foods with us !I Know you will be with us looking from above us smiling at everyone celebrating your day ! I really dont know how i am going to get through this Mandy wants to make sure your day is done right since your service didnt do you justice ,you didnt get the service you deserved ! what gonna be harder on me is on my birthday you wont be here to tell me happy birthday and eat cake with me and spoil me like you always have every year I Will never have that again ! That breaks my heart baby ,your not ever going to be with me again ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 15, 2018
August 15, 2018
You were my angel sent from God fourthy years ago he called you back home too soon but I am so blessed to have had you for my daddy I could not of asked for a better one cause you were the best you were always there for me helping me along I miss you so much everyday but I try to stay strong because I promised you before you left us that I would take care of mom for you and I am trying I took care of her today for you I know you were looking out for her too she misses you so much i know you watch over her everyday I will try to do better. I love you so much more than words could say I know I will see you again one sweet day you will be welcoming me with open arms I can't wait to see you and hug you again until then I will think about you everyday sending you a big hug and kiss for now love you daddy
August 14, 2018
August 14, 2018
Missing you so much... I don't know who ever came up with the saying that time eases the pain... but I don't agree with that. I lost my Dad almost 17 years ago, and it's never gotten less painful. Bobby, you treated me like one of your own, and it was a true blessing to me, especially since my Dad is in Heaven. You became my Dad #2. You were so thoughtful, always thinking of others first, and what you could do to make them happy. I always knew I could count on you to make me laugh. We would laugh til we cried. You loved to joke around and laugh. My Dad was like that, too. You both were wonderful men who worked very hard for their families. Mandy and I had the best Dad's ever. I feel so blessed and thankful that I not only had the chance to know you, & make special memories with you, but also that you were my Father in-law. Not a day goes by we don't talk about you. We will forever keep you alive in our memories. This Sunday is your First Birthday in Heaven, it's going to be really hard on us. I know without a doubt that you will be there with us in spirit. I hope you show us signs. Maybe you will play some jokes/tricks on us to make us laugh! Breaks my heart for Kay. She's so heartbroken. I watched my Mom lose the love of her life, and now I'm watching my Mama #2 go through the same. I try my hardest to be strong for Mandy, because I know how bad it hurts to lose a Father... But sometimes I just can't help but to break down over you, too... Because I also miss you terribly. I know you wouldn't want us to cry, but it's hard... Keep watching over us! <3 I love you BUNCHES.
August 13, 2018
August 13, 2018
hey baby just wanted to show your page a little love !  This week and next week is gonna be hard on me ,your birthday is Sunday we will be celebrating your life with family and friends we will release balloons ,have cake and some of the foods you liked its gonna be a bitter sweet day for us that loves you and misses you soo much ! I know you you will be with us make sure you send us signs that your with us baby ! Next Sunday is Lou -Lous birthday we will also be releasing ballons for her also and again another bitter sweet day !I miss her so much hard to believe shes been gone 6 yrs ,i think about her everyday too ,we talk about her all the time too ,hope she spends time with you talking about us down here !You both are our angels ! Hope Laurens dad is playing his music for you and telling his jokes to you 2 ,my birthday is also coming up thats gonna be a hard day for me also you wont be here to spoil me ,Lou-Lou wont be here to share our day together like we did So i dont want to celebrate my day i dont want anyone to even tell me happy birthday ! because its not gonna be happy for me at all ! I Love and miss you so much baby still dont know how to live without you i can be around people and still feel alone ,im always looking for you ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 13, 2018
August 13, 2018
Thinking about you today we had a storm and it was thundering Logan got so scared I told him it was ok you were just bowling up in heaven and you got a strike that you were trying to play with him by making all that noise trying to scare him then he started laughing said paw paw just trying to make you laugh like he always did always joking around with the kids we all miss you so much and love you so much
August 12, 2018
August 12, 2018
I miss you so much Daddy everyday. I know your spirit is still here watching over us I show your picture to Lucas and his eye light up you were his favorite I ask if he still sees you and he says yes he is always bringing me pennies and dimes I ask where he got that he says pawpaw for you I love you so much
August 11, 2018
August 11, 2018
Mandy and I were just sitting at the dinner table talking, and out of nowhere I told her how very thankful I was to have had you in my life... to be able to have such a special bond with you... To be welcomed into the family with open loving arms, & treated like one of your own kids. I will forever be thankful that you are my Father in-law, but more than
that you are my Dad #2. You always put EVERYONE first, and yourself last. You were truly one of a kind. Mandy and I have always said we had the best Daddy's ever made. We just wish God didn't have to take our Dad's, ever, but especially not so soon. What we wouldn't give to be able to pick up the phone & call you, to video chat with you, to come over, or for you to come over and spend time together. I sure do miss your big tight hugs & kisses on my cheek. We always loved our time together. Your Birthday is coming up, and we are full of emotions.. Right about this time we would be Birthday shopping for you, and planning a birthday dinner for you... Instead this year, we will be releasing balloons up to you in Heaven, and reminiscing on all of our memories of you. Laughing, crying, and missing you -- like we do every day. :'( I know you watch over us, and protect us...and that is comforting to me... but I wish you were still here... You took a huge part of us with you when God called you home. I love you Dad #2, always! <3
August 11, 2018
August 11, 2018
You should be here.... You are truly missed more than ever. No day has been any easier. No week has been the same. I miss the daily and nightly chats. The visits. Calling you for advice. You calling me to help with something, me doing the same. You were in my life every single day... not a day passed Dad. Around this time, you'd be asking me to cut your hair because your birthday is coming up.. I miss every little thing. Ohhh you should be here....! I love you Dad, so much.
August 11, 2018
August 11, 2018
Good Morning baby ! made it through another day missing you ,i still dont know where people says it gets easier because for me it hasnt seems each day im missing you more and more ! the only thing that helps is knowing your not in pain and suffering anymore ,i know your missing us too ! You didnt want to leave us ! your body just couldnt take anymore pain ,you fought it for a long time thank you for leaving us so many memories to cherish ,keep showing us signs baby we love them I I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 8, 2018
August 8, 2018
Hey baby ,Im back again ! wanted to show you some love on your page ! I See alot of veiws but not that many has been leaving you anything on your page ,i love reading what people have to say to you ,how much your missed ,this Tribute page is for everyone to write you that includes All family members ,family friends and facebook friends even your game players !I have had a few ask me about how to get here but i see they havent gotten on here to write you any thing ???? You have been showing me alot of signs that your here with me the last couple of days more than usual i have noticed i havent been crying as much i guess its comforting to knowing your still here with me so im not as sad !Its almost your birthday baby ! 61 forever im going to be older than you when we finally reunite hope you still find me as your beautiful wife ! I still dont know how to be here without you !I MISS YOU SOO MUCH BABY ! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU BOBBY !
August 7, 2018
August 7, 2018
Good Morning baby ,missing you wished i had you here with me I never thought i would be without you ! im so lost ,you never ever leave my mind baby ! my life will never be the same ,i want my life back I want you here with me i wasnt ready to let you go but i knew i had to I know you didnt want to leave me here you held on as long as you could your body got tired so finally i had to tell you to do what you had to do i didnt want you in pain and suffering that i would be alright but i knew i wasnt going to be i loved you enough to let you go to your heavenly home where you are pain free and no longer suffering ,now im the the one in pain my heart aches for you and im missing you soo much im here without you trying to get through life ,cant wait untill i can be with you again then i can truely be happy Again ! I wII Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018
Bobby just got off work not long ago !missing so much baby !i cant stop these tears from rolling down my cheeks dont know why im super emotional today i guess its the day you passed on 8 months ago ,i just wished i could see you again id hold you in my arms and never let you go ,i just want to feel your body here with me ,i want to hear you say I Love You Kay ! i want to hear you say Hows My Beautiful Wife Today ! You were the best husband ,Father ,Son ,Son -n- law ,Brother ,And Grandfather ,And Friend ,You were a Amazing Man !You taught your children alot about life especiaily how to work hard for what you want out of life ,you were very dedicated to your family ,you helped everyone in need ,You left a big hole in our hearts baby ,Im glad you made sure we have alot of memories of you ,your still doing things to keep your memory alive you planted flowers last year for us that popped up this year !You Will Forever Be In Our Hearts,Never Forgotten Bobby ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018
Morning baby had a little time before i head out to work just wanted to say i love and miss you so much still dont know how to do life without you here with me ,things are not the same ,im lonely dont have you or anyone to talk to in this house but myself ,i wished i could figure out how to live again I know you dont want me to be sad and crying all the time ,you told me you wanted me to find someone to take care of me and help me out ! if that time should come baby i would never ever forget about you ,you were and always be my soul mate ,I Do want to be happy again have someone in my life i dont want to leave this world alone die of a broken heart i will be back with you one sweet day i know you will be waiting on me ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 3, 2018
August 3, 2018
Hey baby today makes 8 months since i had you here on earth with me ! been sitting here most of the day ,thinking about you got the candles lit beside your picture ,here in alittle while i will be going to Mandy and Laurens to eat one of your favorite meals ,you always liked family time ,we will eat and talk about you and maybe do alittle snap which you loved also we will laugh,and tear up with some of our memories we shared with you!But most of all we will be missing you ! ( we will have your picture at the table where youd be sitting)We still havent figured out how to go on without you Bobby ! I Miss You Soo Much ! I Will Always Love You ! Bobby Lee Wright
August 2, 2018
August 2, 2018
You may have left this Earth.. but you have never left my mind & heart. You are still in our daily lives.. we talk about you daily, we cry, we laugh at funny memories, and we survive another day. Tomorrow will be 8 months, and I can't believe it's been that long. Time DOES NOT HEAL. No day is any easier. God needed you up there, and for that we can't be selfish. We can be thankful. Thankful to have had such a great role model in our lives, a true genuine soul. You taught us a lot Dad but never thought, I'd have any days without your wisdom. I know you're always with us, never far. I love all the signs you've sent. Keep staying by our sides, we will always need you near. Our angel. You worked for us here, and now up there. Hero. I love you Dad, sooo much...and as always, I am painfully missing you.
August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
Hey baby today has been one of those days where i cant stop the tears im trying to stay busy ,but catch myself stopping in the middle of doing something and tears flowing down my cheeks trying to understand why this happened to you ,to us You were the greatest man alive ,i just dont know how to go on life without you Its So hard being here without you baby ,you were my life! I miss you Bobby Lee WRIGHT I will Always Love You !
August 1, 2018
August 1, 2018
Well Mr. It's officially August. Normally at this time we are planning parties for you kay and mom..and I'm always stumbling trying to find something to get you.. This year isn't the same. Instead we will be sending balloons up for you and my mom. I never thought this would be how we celebrate for either or you but God has another plan for everyone.. Just still isn't fair! Colt still has the hat you rushed out of your door to give him even tho u weren't feeling well. You wanted to make sure he had it. It is one of our keepsakes! We love you and miss that smiling face of yours every day!
July 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
Where do we start, there are so many memories to post but I remember one that sticks with me and I have always brought it up when I give speeches. Dad used to take me to work with him allot and one time he took us to the beer plant with him and we crushed beer cans together. He used to tell me remember hard work will get you a long way in life and always remember work for what you want not what you need. When Dad called me when I was in Oakland CA for a meeting he said " where are you trying to run to" I said what do you mean, he said " I seen you are on the other side of the state". Remember now this call was 8am our time here so he caught me off guard as it was a few hours behind so I was sleeping. He always had a funny side and liked to make jokes. I remember talking to Dad the day before he left us, I asked him if he needed me to come up there and he said no he was just fine. Dad always made sure I did not worry about him. I love and miss you each day that goes by.
July 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
Sure is hard to believe you've been gone for almost 8 months now. In some ways it feels like even longer, yet our wonderful memories that we'll always cherish are fresh in our minds... And the hurt and pain of losing you is fresh for those of us who truly love you. Mandy, Kay & I talk about you every day. You will always be missed, and never forgotten. You took a part of us with you when you left. :( Love you bunches Dad #2 <3
July 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
Hey just wanted to tell you i love and miss you soo much baby always on my mind forever in my heart  I Will Always Love You !
July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018
Hey baby i have been watching for others to post something on here for you I see nobody has since i last posted wished more people would post something to you ! Anyone is welcome to make a post to you I Love reading what people have to say to you!you have had over 160 views so far only a few of us has written so far ,your birthday is coming up soon maybe you will have more post you have been gone for almost 8 months now it still feels the same as the day you left just been struggling thru life doing what i have to ,I MISS and LOVE YOU SOO MUCH Bobby I wIll Always Love You !
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
Bobby here i am again missing you your not here with me to talk to to say hey baby love you! whats for dinner your not here playing your game helping people on there farm or on your other favorite game Household ,Im so lost without you ,i mostly sit here in this chair and look around at all your picturesi have of you and think about all the memories i have with you in this room ,everything is just about the same as you left it minus a few things that were taken out of this house by very disrespectful people while you layed in the other room ,i still cant figure out who would do that but they know who they are i wished i knew because they just didnt disrespect me but you as well baby and that hurts my heart knowing someone did that to you ,you have always been good to everyone !maybe one day i will find out ,but then again i dont think i want to know who did it because it has to be family ! your birthday is almost here we will be releasing balloons for you! just as we will for Lou-Lou on her birthday ,i told Mandy i dont want to do nothing this year for my birthday not even birthday wishes from anyone ! i havent been into none of the holidays since you left here i only do small things with Mandy and Lauren because Mandy needs me to help her get through this too !We have been each others rock ! im still trying to pay off your cremation if i could win the lottery i could pay it off plus your medkey bill ,but i will get it done ! i work my ass off its not easy working at walmart but i do it because i have all these bills to pay .you would be proud of me you taught me well ,i listened to you i bet you thought i wasnt listening to you ,when you would tell me things ,you were a very smart wise man Bobby ! well enough for the night gotta get to bed work flow 6am -2pm I Will Always Love you !
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
Hey baby home for lunch eating me one of your favs homegrown tomatoe sandwich wish i could be spending my time with you miss you having my lunch ready when i walk through to door ! love you Bobby !
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to say good morning woke up missing you .i said morning to your picture but its not the same not having you here with me is so heartbreaking just wanted to say i love and miss you soo much baby !
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
There's not a day that doesn't go by without your name being mentioned... I see and hear many pictures and memories of you that mom talks about or shows me... You were and still are a big impact in moms life that she will never forget... You were and still are her hero... She loves and misses u each and every day... There's days where she still crys of happy and sometimes sad tears... Wishing you could still be here... Even though your no longer here on earth with her I know and I tell her each and everyday your always in her heart... In your final days here on earth we all shared laughter and many tears together... Until we meet again forever in our hearts you'll be... Love your niece lucy ❤
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
I miss you each and every day. You weren't just my Father in-law, you were my 2nd Dad. You always treated me as one of your own, and never failed to make me feel loved and cared for by you! I miss our talks, laughing til we cried, being silly together, taking funny pictures, everything about you. You always made me laugh. I miss your sweet smile, and your big tight hugs & kisses on my cheek. You always looked out for/were protective of Mandy & I, and I know you still are from Heaven. You're now our angel from above. I miss you so much, and love you bunches! Sending up big hugs & kisses to Heaven!
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
I will always remember how not one day went by that I didn't have you in my life. How you were the true definition of a Father. You picked me up when I was down, you calmed my fears. You put band-aids on my hurt. You taught me how to ride a bike, you taught me how to drive, you taught me how to do repairs around my own home. Always you were there.. even still I know you are above still with me. Still guiding me. My angel. I love and miss you Dad, sooooooo much!
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
We miss you so much down were truly an amazing man who were the dad to me that u didn't have to be..As kids I'd crack up going to restaurants with you..
Especially our trip to Wendy's when u said "this hamburger is thin as paper u can throw it in the air and it will float! And it taste like paper that's been written on!" When I was pregnant and u wouldn't let me walk down the steps to do my own laundry.. U made sure my bed was always warm by turning on my blanket before I came home. Providing me with a bedroom of my own when u didn't have to. When my car was stuck in the snow u dug it out while I slept.. You didn't have to do those things but u chose to. Always welcomed me with open arms.. Its not the same without you but im okay knowing you are no longer battling the pain and suffering.  I love you. Til we meet again..
July 26, 2018
July 26, 2018
Hey there Big brother, You left a hole in alot of people's heart we miss you so terribly, You and that surfer body you have <3
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