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Our forever friend

May 9, 2021
Sweet Carl. When my husband told me you had passed away. I was so heartbroken..I couldn't believe were such a dear friend  to both of us .many mornings we couldn't wait to sign into our chat room just to see your relentless smile..just to have known you warms our hearts..everytime I see a lighthouse I will think of you..Journey on our forever will be terribly missed..all our love Beth and Jim

You will be Truly Missed

May 8, 2021
I had the absolute pleasure of knowing Carl n hanging out with him for 4 days a year for 2 years in Mayberry.  He was a quiet but he got you when you least expected it lol. We had so much fun together Carl always was my co pilot n help me with  my pocket book in the car n when we got out he would give it back.  Such a Great man and a Gentlemen at that.  So many memories.. R.I.P Carl we Love you n Will Miss you

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