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In Memory of my "Beloved Mother"

February 19, 2022
There were great plans being made  for an Exceptional Celebration of your 100th Birthday. However "Our Dear Lord" recognised that he couldn't wait a moment longer to have you with him, fulfilling what he had laid out for you to commence working on. So he took you fron us.
Now today, in tribute to you I must admit that I'm  still  mourning your departure, with a heavy and  sad heart.
"Mother  Dearest,  once again I must praise you for sharing with myself and my siblings, the multitude of talents you possessed, which I still marvel over even to this day. Your interlect was beyond compare. Your ability to make everyone you encountered  feel special, and treated them as an equal. Your constant logical advice was given whenever and wherever it was needed to those who needed it most.your teaching us to follow "Our"  dreams, and not the whims of others.And knowing the "Essence"of one's self.
To this day I can still hear your voice saying "It doesn't matter what you do" just make sure when you do it, it's  the very best that you can do.
Mum, YOU  have left us a legacy that's incomparable. One we have been proud to pass on to our offsprings, and their offsprings in turn.
MUM, your  wisdom and knowledge will continue to be an everlasting reminder to us of what a Phenomenal Woman you were.
I pray that your soul is resting in eternal peace. Margaret Silas

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