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My Precious Son

July 3, 2018

Doug (Charles Douglas Stubbs, Jr) was the greatest kid. He never got into trouble; he never ditched school (not that I know His grades were average. He played baseball and basketball. He hung out with good friends and did not get into trouble. He never ran away or complained. He was such a blessing to my life. He and I had a such a strong relationship; we could talk about anything. Our bond was priceless; precious; remarkable. He was such a caring person. He was always there to help others and make new comers to the family feel welcome. He was handsome, good hearted, funny and had a great sense of humor. He and I loved spending time together; whether it was a week or a month we would laugh, bond, play games, fish and just enjoy being Mother and Son. He was everything a Mother could wish for. I miss him so terribly that my heart breaks and my eyes tear everyday. I will see you in heaven soon my precious son....until then....all my love Mom

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