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January 12
My dear friend Chuck, I'm glad we got to spend sometime together in Spain. I'm going to miss you a lot... My vacation buddy and my best friend. Love you always!
Jessie G

An energetic, caring and funny guy

December 4, 2023
I didn’t know Chuck long. My association with him was through my daughter’s marriage to his nephew, but whenever I was with him at family functions he and I would share many of the common, yet funny, corporate buzzwords and saying and would laugh endlessly about them. His stories about his many vacations and trips were always entertaining. I last saw him at my daughter and son-in-laws Halloween Party and was and still am shocked at his passing. Such a tragic loss for, not only his family, but the world in general. I will miss him greatly. “Uncle Chuck” was one of a kind.
December 3, 2023
You will be surely missed My Friend! Our Higher Power must have some real issues with Hazardous Waste to take You so soon! Until we meet again,Love You Brother Chuck!!!

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