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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Chester Montgomery, 79, born on July 28, 1932 and passed away on May 5, 2012. We will remember him forever.

May 5
Another year has passed since you had to leave us. Days and months pass and you still live in our hearts. It hasn’t been easy without you and tears still come when our memories of you surface and let me say that is more often even after all these years. Your absence has been hard to deal with, but I know I need to do it for those you left behind and my sanity. I am 91 now and know in my heart I will join you and family in the not too distant future. That is another challenge to leave our loved ones behind but it will be delightful for me to once again see you and those who have left me behind.
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
Hey Dad!! I think of you each and every day. Even after 11 years it doesn’t feel real that you’re gone. Many more babies have been added to our family. Ruby is 2 and a joy! Paxton will be here soon. Bella is 18 and graduating this year and the boys are growing like weeds! We all wish you were here to see it all. A tear still comes to my eyes when I talk to you. Life’s not the same but we all must go on and carry the fun memories we have. I love you Daddy always and forever.
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
It’s been 11 years since you left and everyone still cherishs the memories we all enjoyed and so thankful for them. The kids still bring up your sayings and have a good laugh over them. Your great grandchildren have grown over the years from three to four with another baby boy due in June, making a total of five. I miss you soooooo much and wish to talk with you so many times over these years you have been gone. I do realize your memory loss for so many years would not have been to your liking and would never been acceptable to you making it tolerable for us to accept, no matter how hard it was, your departure from us. Your memory still flourishes!!! I love you my dear one.
July 28, 2021
July 28, 2021
89 yrs. of age today. Surely hope the heavenly family is celebrating with you today. We hope to have an ice cream social in your honor. Ice cream was one of your favorite desserts. We cherish the days (years) you spent with us. We have a great grandson (Logan) who carries your gene in agility in sports. It appears he will be a natural and know you would have loved to work with him because he soaks up any instruction given him in the area you and he excelled. His father has that in his genes as well and know that is a plus for Logan. Oh! Memories prevail! We continue to miss you terribly, but we thank God we have those memories to rely on. I am so pleased the family continues to recall the days we spent together which keeps you alive in our hearts. Your soulmate!
May 5, 2020
May 5, 2020
8 yrs today we said goodbye, until we meet again. I miss you desperately. I thought of you with love today, but as usual memories took me back to wonderful days we all enjoyed. Sometimes I feel you are watching the family on special occasions. Maybe that is wishful thinking, because you were such a part of everything. Your great-grandson (Logan) shows agility and desire in sports like you. He thankfully got his Montgomery genes along with his fathers athletic ability. So see part of you is alive and functioning in your absence. My dear one, another year without you has passed, I realize we must be thankful for the time we had together and do cherish every moment. All my love!
July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019
Your 87th birthday today. My dear one I think of you so often. Only wish we could celebrate like we used to do. But have to honor you by remembering those times, the jokes, the laughter, the hugs and kisses. You are so missed, you were so much a part of our living. The love for you is forever a part of this family. Thankfully you are at peace and no longer lost. Love you forever.
July 30, 2018
July 30, 2018
There is no way that I would ever forget your birthday. I was not on my computer all week-end and your 86th was Saturday. So I will belatedly say 'Happy Birthday' last Saturday. The kids and I remembered you on the 28th - never forgetting how birthday celebrations were always special. Remembering is a way of going back to meaningful special times, no matter how difficult it is to refresh our loss in losing you. Love always, Audrey
June 18, 2018
June 18, 2018
Dad - At church yesterday I wished you a Happy Father's Day with a few tears added. We miss you terribly! I am so very thankful for our memories. They get me through these days.  My love, Audrey
May 10, 2018
May 10, 2018
Mack, I'm a little late this year with my words to you. Just got home from St. Louis marrying off a nephew. So, my buddy, know that you are missed and in my thoughts. love ya, xavier
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
Another year without you!!!!! You are never far from thought. Pictures in a number of places in our home bring a lot of good memories. I am thankful we had our time together and feel fortunate we shared so many wonderful life experiences. God was good to us. Your love lingers throughout this family and real often we all reminisce. Love always, Aud
July 29, 2017
July 29, 2017
Mack - Yesterday attention was brought to our family that it was another milestone you would have reached had you lived. 85 years!!!!!!! We are proud that Xavier remembered - what a true friend. We all continue to miss you so very, very much and more often than not something occurs on a regular basis that reminds us of your absence. You made our lives complete. Forever love, Audrey .
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
It's the 85th Mack. I hope the angels are giving you one heck of a birthday celebration. Missing you, sir. You are always in my prayers. Love ya, buddy. xavier
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
5 years already and it seems like yesterday. 5 years of missing you each day. I keep trying to understand separations like this, but I don't think God intended that for us, since it is according to his plan. I am grateful he gave us a life together giving us unbelievable memories to cherish. My dearest I love you dearly.and my heart aches, Audrey
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
Hi Papaw, I still think about you on a daily, it's funny how similar my path in life is to yours, traveling city to city, sometimes waking up and not knowing what time zone I'm in, helping talented people gain momentum in their career's, who would have thought right? You blessed us all with such great talents, thank you always for your greatness. I love you and miss you papaw, Love Always, Jess
May 5, 2017
May 5, 2017
Hey, Mack, Its been five years since we had to say goodbye. But the memories we shared are still very much alive and with me especially every time I hear "play ball" Miss you. xavier
July 28, 2016
July 28, 2016
HAPPY 84th BIRTHDAY today-never in my wildest dreams would I be celebrating this day without you.My thoughts,as usual,recall all those wonderful years we got to celebrate this special day together.& for those I am most grateful.Although you are no longer a part of my daily life,your memory surrounds me & that makes it possible to endure your absence.Lovingly remembered!!!!! Audrey
July 28, 2016
July 28, 2016
Happy angel birthday, Mack. You're 84 today and probably acting like a teenager flying all over heaven. Always in my thoughts and prayers. miss you, my friend. xavier
May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016
Mack: You are never far from my thoughts especially at baseball time. I truly cherish my time and memories of you. Miss you , buddy.
May 5, 2016
May 5, 2016
My dear soulmate - Another year has passed since you went to join our deceased family and your Savior. Memories are still rampant. We all have vivid thoughts of this day and still mourn our loss no matter how long it has been. We respect why you were taken from us because God knew best and your health had been in jeopardy for quite some time and as a result He felt you had suffered long enough. We miss you daily and cherish the memories and love you gave us My love, Audrey
July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015
HAPPY 83RD BIRTHDAY MACK - I am missing you every day-this was your special day for celebration and we continue to dedicate this date to you. You left us three years ago- those memories still prevail, especially your old cliches you used on a daily basis. Somehow the family can remember a different one that fits the occasion (and there were many and they still bring laughter). HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING AND SAD YOU ARE NOT HERE TO CELEBRATE. Love, Audrey
July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015
Happy Angel Birthday, Mack. Miss you. Wondering if you can do something about the Indians. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Mack, I'm pretty late in getting this to you. Miss you, buddy, especially at baseball time. In my thoughts, heart and prayers always.
May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015
Thinking of you with the fondest of memories of all of the fun times that we shared with you and Audrey! You wouldn't Believe the changes that are being made in our favorite game, Baseball!
Love to you from your "old" friends,
Bill & Shirley V.
May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015
During the years when our children were young and we worked together for Dr. Russell, I so well remember how Mack would always poke fun at us regarding how much alike we were -- if Audrey was sewing a black cape with a gold satin lining so was I -- without any previous planning. The time when Bob was away at summer camp; Audrey and the kids spent the night at our house -- big pajama party! I broke my finger playing volleyball that evening, and Audrey rushed me to the hospital. What awesome memories; all the years I knew Mack, he was always the gentleman who loved his wife and family first. Thanks for the memories.
May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015
My dear soul mate time slips away but thoughts and memories never do. At least, if God decided it was time for you, he allowed me to continue with the memories of our journey together, providing me with the courage to live each day. It is very lonely without you and hardly a day goes by that you don't enter my mind. Miss you & love you, Audrey
May 5, 2015
May 5, 2015
We still miss our Mack! The floors have never been as clean as when he was here :)
July 28, 2014
July 28, 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR SOUL MATE. I miss you terribly!! Nothing softens your absence. Our family is growing with another precious boy added to the Montgomery lineage. You were always so loving to all, no wonder we continue to hold you in our hearts. I will make a visit to the Dairy Queen, we so often frequented, in honor of your birthday. Hopefully, our family who are in your presence will celebrate with you today. I LOVE YOU DEARLY, Audrey
May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
Two years wow so fast. Miss you at Arden Courts. I am so glad to have been one of your caregivers. We are blessed to have you now watching over us.  Linda
May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
It has been two years but it feels like a lifetime. Time goes slow when I grieve. So many thoughts arerunning through my mind at this time. Mainly, I feel like I am missing a part of my soul; I miss my Dad. My only comfort is knowing that "The Three Amigos", (Dad, Aunt Net and Uncle Bob) are playing well below par golf on Heaven's finest golf courses.
May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
Two years without you has been a challenge. Missing you continues and my guess that will never change. Thankfully memories of the short time together gives me courage to face each day. I know in my heart, this separation is best for you and for that reason I must accept what is. I love you, Audrey
May 5, 2014
May 5, 2014
While sitting at a game with Chet, evaluating players, I would go get a coffee at the concession. Of course, I would offer to bring something for him. He would decline by saying, "no thank you. Just give me the money."
December 24, 2013
December 24, 2013
Well Mack another year gone.Christmas '13 is here already. I try, but I still have a hard time with your empty chair.It is the season when memories come flooding back/and those memories are clear and wonderful, & they always will be. I am thankful & treasure our journey in life, it just passed too quickly. U would be happy to know another wee one is due in February to add to the Montgomery line.My heart is with you, I love u dearly, Audrey
May 11, 2013
May 11, 2013
Mack: I really miss "The Whistler". I hope you're keeping the angels on their toes.Love ya, buddy, P.S. I'm counting on you to scout me for the team up there.
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Mack, the love of my life,you are alive in my heart & will always be.The 60 yrs we spent together has given me many fond memories,how could that time pass so swiftly?You left behind a lifetime of love absent of any regrets which speaks loudly to me & our family for we cherish your memory.Missing you will always be, but if it was to be,thankfully you are in the arms of God as he intended.
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Oh Papaw, it's been a year... and in your own words. "How'd ya like them apples?" It will never be the same without you but I know you are in a better place and watching over me every day. Miss you!- Love Always- Jess
May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
We still talk about Mack here. We miss his keeping our floors clean :). We look for him to welcome people with a hand shake and kind word. He was a remarkable man.
May 5, 2013
May 5, 2013
Dad it has been a year now since you left this earth for heaven . I still miss you like it was yesterday. We went to Cracker Barrel in your memory!! Words can't express how I feel. Such an empty place you have left in my heart. I miss your smile and laugh!! I could use one of your hugs right now too!! Memories, Memories Memories...........Precious memories
December 8, 2012
December 8, 2012
Bill and I think of you often and know that you are at peace in a place we all hope will be where we will be together again replaying all of the baseball games and talking about all the talented players and all the big salaries they all earn(?) now! Thinking of you at this special time of year and knowing how much you would enjoy those precious Great Grandchildren on Christmas morning.
December 8, 2012
December 8, 2012
Dad it's our favorite time of year!!! Remembering all of the years of putting up lights, vacations in Florida, "Must be Ruby Bagonia to me" Santa coming in on a boat, Aunt Net singing Silent Night off the balcony and so many many more. I miss you every single day and think of you so often. I wish I could talk to you.... You are always in my heart. I hope I make you proud Daddy.
December 7, 2012
December 7, 2012
My dear one, Christmas is approaching & all the festive lights makes me remember how you loved the lights & the activity of the holiday. You loved the few weeks we all spent in sunny Florida. There are so many fond memories surfacing. We all miss you terribly. However, God felt it was time to share you with our departed family and grant you the peace you so deserved. LOVE YOU, Audrey
July 29, 2012
July 29, 2012
Mack, everytime i whistle you are there. Miss that sound of your whistling during music. More than that - i miss you. You have probably formed the 1st Whistling Angels Chorus. Happy Birthday. Love you, buddy, xavier
July 28, 2012
July 28, 2012
July 28, 2012
July 28, 2012
HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY MACK, family will be celebrating with an ice cream social today in your honor, remembering how you loved it. I miss you terribly but know in my heart that you are doing what the Lord planned for you long ago. You left behind a lifetime of the fondest of memories we regularly recall, causing tears and laughter for which we are so grateful.The void prevails! Love U,Audrey
July 28, 2012
July 28, 2012
Happy Birthday Dad! I miss you but know you are scouting new recruits for your new employer:). Thank you for those last moments you gave me. They are embedded in my soul! The lessons learned weren't black and white but like the teachings of Jesus. They left so much more than the lesson. I love you.
June 27, 2012
June 27, 2012
Mac was one of my most favorite people in the world. His sense of humor was unmatched and his love for the people around him and for life itself was so beautiful. Love you, Alicia
June 4, 2012
June 4, 2012
Chet was a good friend to have and and a good man to work with. I hold firmly the lessons of leadership and baseball that I learned from him. He is undoubtedly scouting running speed and arm strength behind the Pearly Gates.
May 28, 2012
May 28, 2012
Bill and I will miss that smile & the twinkle in the eyes that always meant a "tease" of some sort was soon to follow. We will miss the dinners we shared with you & Audrey in years past. We will always think of you & your love of the game (baseball) that brought us together.
Get the game organized up there! See you later! Luv you, Chet!
May 28, 2012
May 28, 2012
'My Soul-mate--for 60 years we had each other. On that fateful day (May 5th) you left behind some very cherished memories that will always be embedded in my heart. I am comforted knowing you have faced your Lord and reunited with family & friends & at peace. You have moved on to the "Big League" only under different leadership.  Tears still fall when I see your face.  My love, Audrey
May 22, 2012
May 22, 2012
Papaw, I miss you so very much. Although I am sad you are not here with us anymore, I am happy that you have gone to a better place. You will never be forgotten and any time I am in conversation and one of your sayings come up take it as a tribute to your legacy, and anytime I go to a Baseball game I will think of the times you let me hold the gun. I love you so much, Love Always, Jess
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May 5
Another year has passed since you had to leave us. Days and months pass and you still live in our hearts. It hasn’t been easy without you and tears still come when our memories of you surface and let me say that is more often even after all these years. Your absence has been hard to deal with, but I know I need to do it for those you left behind and my sanity. I am 91 now and know in my heart I will join you and family in the not too distant future. That is another challenge to leave our loved ones behind but it will be delightful for me to once again see you and those who have left me behind.
May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023
Hey Dad!! I think of you each and every day. Even after 11 years it doesn’t feel real that you’re gone. Many more babies have been added to our family. Ruby is 2 and a joy! Paxton will be here soon. Bella is 18 and graduating this year and the boys are growing like weeds! We all wish you were here to see it all. A tear still comes to my eyes when I talk to you. Life’s not the same but we all must go on and carry the fun memories we have. I love you Daddy always and forever.
May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023
It’s been 11 years since you left and everyone still cherishs the memories we all enjoyed and so thankful for them. The kids still bring up your sayings and have a good laugh over them. Your great grandchildren have grown over the years from three to four with another baby boy due in June, making a total of five. I miss you soooooo much and wish to talk with you so many times over these years you have been gone. I do realize your memory loss for so many years would not have been to your liking and would never been acceptable to you making it tolerable for us to accept, no matter how hard it was, your departure from us. Your memory still flourishes!!! I love you my dear one.
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May 21, 2012
So I guess as you would say the FAT lady has sung her song huh! TELL AINT NET I SAID TO CUT IT OUT! My Papaw excelled at everything! What stands out the most is that he made you want to be a better person! His energy was fierce his enthusiasm was infectious! It's so important for all to understand how much of a teaser he was! Here is just a few of my favorites... 1. He would answer the phone... Murphy's bar & grill Archie speaking or, 2. Von's SEX shop 3. You want a knuckle sandwich? How bout a Hawaiian Punch! 4. Is a 500 lbs robin fat? 5. Does a big bear sh*t in the woods 6. or if asked so... how you doing? His answer would say, oh everybody I can and the good ones twice! (he was such a flirt!!!! HAHA!) 7. or, he would say as we would leave each other, be careful and if your not careful please NAME IT AFTER ME! 8. Ha! I could go on & on!!! He had so many funny encounters with people and vice versa! He made a point in trying to make you smile with quick witt and charisma! He never met a stranger & was ALWAYS a gentleman! He had an amazing eye for talent but that wasn't all he would be looking for! Character was so important to him in any ball player/person he was looking at! CHESTER, CHET, MACK, MONTY,DAD, these are all names you may know this fine man as but to me he is my papaw! He has made such an impact on so many lives and I vow to continue seeing the beautiful things in life as he did, like squirrels playing and the sound of a birds whistle! Stopping to smell the roses, the way you would notice the sunlight on a tree and the beauty and sweetness in every little baby you saw! I will never forget going fishing at Kentucky Lake & watching a few baseball games & running the radar gun or stop watch! You taught me how to act like a lady and how a lady should be treated always making sure I was walking on the inside from the curb! Your amazing impression of Donald Duck which you were even able to pull out for my little ones at Christmas time this year! I love you papaw! Thanks for all you have taught me and for such an amazing legacy you have left behind! I PROMISE I will pass it all down to my children! UNTILL WE MEET AGAIN! xoxo!!!

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