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January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

We deeply commiserate with you on the Glorious Home Call of the Head of your Family, Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather, CHIEF FESTUS REMILEKUN AYODELE MARINHO KSS, OFR, Former Twice Group Managing Director of NNPC.

We are loss for words due to shock and disbelief at passing of a Family friend who was truly a father figure in our family being a close friend and confidant of our Late Father Chief Popo Balogun former Chief Executive and Managing Director of Phillips Oil Company.

Chief Marinho served the Federal Government of Nigeria like a battle soldier. He left no one in doubt that he was an honest ethical officer in an industry in which many only set their sights in securing oil fields and other riches for themselves. He was loyal and disciplined. He was religious and humane even to officers whom he knew did not put their hearts into serving Nigeria like himself.

His one excess was in selfless service to Nigeria.

On earth Chief Marinho conducted himself like a saint, so he will receive an everlasting welcome amongst the angels in Paradise. Merciful God, send your calm peace and condole this Marinho Family. Grant them all the courage and fortitude to bear this loss. Amen

Rest in everlasting Peace in Paradise. With deep sympathy,
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unheard but always near still loved still missed and very dear. Rest in peace
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Dear uncle,

You were so caring and kind, and you sacrificed so much to bring joy to anyone who was privileged to know you. You were there for my siblings and I when we mourned the loss of our mother (your youngest sister) and you did your best to ensure that we were not burdened without her presence and loved us like your own. I remember spending our holidays with you and aunty in London, trips to the cinema, and the spent hours talking, laughing and praying. All memories that I will treasure forever. I pray that God will comfort and grant aunty, our cousins and all the family the fortitude to bear your loss. Till we meet again, your niece Kemi.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021

All lives that dies
Like yesterday a dream it was,
The forest screamed her tears out
"The great iroko root is sandy
The elephant has fallen"
Gone too soon, back to the creator you are called.

Can the righteous man argue his case before God?
Humbly the deed is done
The good fight of faith you gave
The crown of glory on your head awaits.
Like a soldier free from life's battle,
The Angels in royal display sing
"Come home sweet home, rest well at God's feet"
Dearest belove big DAD..

If the well of tears could it would have brought you back
Oceans of tears my eyes do shed.
But to heaven for you I pray,
Perfect peace of God is all yours.
The Sustainer of life,
The pillar of cloud and fire,
The father to the fatherless
Will forever be the golden rainbow in their cloud.

Death is the end of time
And beginning of eternity,
In heaven we all shall meet!
Such is life.
Adieu great hero.
Good night,
Sweetest rest.
Rest well at Abraham's bosom Big DAD

From Titilayo Abegunde (nee Marinho)
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
I don't remember when was the last time I cried so much. You have left some wonderful memories that will never fade from my heart. Rest in peace daddy
The night of saint Silvester.
Martin Adewale Marinho
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Writing this makes it all too real.
My dearest Uncle aka “Papa Olu”, so many words to say, so many countless memories. You were a HUGE inspiration to us all. Memories of playing chess( I never beat you!), to your days of active squash, all our discussions on the economy and of course your Faith. I would go to the chapel at Divine Mercy before mass and you would always be there...contemplative and prayerful, talking to your God. Your faith guided you, sustained you, nourished you, made you the wonderful Father, Brother, Uncle, Grandpa, Friend that you were. It gave inspiration to myself and so many others. Helped us in our walk with God. You were a constant in my life. Always there. When I met my husband Paul, I told him “ you have to meet Papa Olu and Mama Olu”. They are my parents in Nigeria. Papa Demola and Mama Demola are in london! ( my parents). Paul and Matthew can’t believe you are gone. We are comforted that you are resting in the bossom of the Lord. That you are at peace. We pray that the Lord will comfort and strengthen Aunty, Patricia, Olu, Femi, Bayo and Taiye. Sun re O Uncle.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Chief Marinho gave soul and identity to NNPC and whoever came after him had to follow that identification of hardworking and serious commitment if he/she wanted to count for anything. He, therefore, gave NNPC both soul and identity and whoever came after him must wear that identification. May the soul of the departed rest in perfect peace.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
22nd January 2021

Mrs. Yetunde Marinho and Family.

Dear Family,


We deeply commiserate with you on the Glorious Home Call of the Head of your Family, Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather, CHIEF FESTUS REMILEKUN AYODELE MARINHO KSS, OFR, Former Twice Group Managing Director of NNPC.

We are loss for words due to shock and disbelief at passing of a Family friend who was truly a father figure in our family being a close friend and confidant of our Late Father Chief Popo Balogun former Chief Executive and Managing Director of Phillips Oil Company.

Chief Marinho served the Federal Government of Nigeria like a battle soldier. He left no one in doubt that he was an honest ethical officer in an industry in which many only set their sights in securing oil fields and other riches for themselves. He was loyal and disciplined. He was religious and humane even to officers whom he knew did not put their hearts into serving Nigeria like himself.

His one excess was in selfless service to Nigeria.

On earth Chief Marinho conducted himself like a saint, so he will receive an everlasting welcome amongst the angels in Paradise.

Merciful God, send your calm peace and condole this Marinho Family. Grant them all the courage and fortitude to bear this loss. Amen

Rest in everlasting Peace in Paradise.

With deep sympathy,


January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Since the day you went to be with the Lord,
it’s gotten harder and harder.Seems like yesterday
that we were together.
Then I opened my eyes
to realize you were gone forever.It will slice our heart away
to know you’re not here with us
for the rest of our lives
You are a man that gave us inspiration and courage to achieve our goals.
You told us our rights from wrong
and most of all you put others before you.
A heart that is made of pure gold has stopped beating, one of the most hardworking hands have been put to rest as one way of God, showing us that he is interested in only the best.
Even if you are dead, you are not genuinely gone since your memories will live on in our hearts and minds because we loved you and we will never forget you.May your gentle and loving soul rest in perfect peace.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Chief Festus Remilekun Ayodele Marinho or Grandpa as we called him, was more than a father-in-law; he was a father and mentor. Grandpa was a good family man who operated at the highest levels of industry and public service without comprising his Catholic Faith. In a country, where there are few good role models, he stood out clearly, as a role model par excellence.
Grandpa was a rear breed; a man of integrity, meticulous and ‘biblically’ generous; a man blessed with superior intellect, garnished with panache, a certain je ne sais quoi, a razor-sharp wit, and the flair for keeping everyone on their toes.
Grandpa’s pioneering work in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry shows what a determined manager can achieve in a very short time. 
As with many things in Nigeria however, we can only dream about what might have been if the innovative and audacious initiatives he introduced in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry had been sustained. Unfortunately, ‘No prophet is ever accepted in his own country”, Luke 4:24b.

Grandpa was generous with his time, talent and treasure in the service of God through the Holy Catholic Church. He made monumental contributions to evangelization and pre-marriage formation in the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos. 

In the play ‘A Man for All Seasons by John Bolt, Sir Thomas More (Lord Chancellor of England) said “In matters of conscience, the loyal subject is more bounden to be loyal to his conscience than to any other thing.” … “The King’s good servant, but God first.” Nothing better encapsulates the philosophy of Chief F.R.A Marinho, truly A Man for All Seasons.

January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Patricia Nike Marinho from Inabere

On behalf of the rest of my siblings , Toyin, Tutu, Owolabi, Mosun and Maria Marinho .
We all greet you and your siblings about Dad passing on to glory. We pray that God give him external rest.
May the good Lord continue to protect Mom and be with the family during this time .

Please accept our condolences.
We wish you all well.
Stay blessed.

Mrs Patricia Marinho Ajose.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
It is with deepest great sorrow and the greatest sadness that I write this. You were a great uncle in a million; my uncle was kind, humble, loving and very much caring and the best at heart and soul.!!!
I remember it like yesterday how you were always there for me and everyone. You were our pillar of support in everything. My family and others who you helped to nurture will really really miss you and your fatherly advice. Your sudden death came as rude shock. We did not expect it and wish we had more time to continue to appreciate you. May our father in heaven comfort and sustain your family now and always. May God almighty keep you safe resting in perfect peace till resurrection day,Amen. Goodbye my loving uncle.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Chief F R A Narinho A great Father Leader with vision As we dont want you to go now But nothing can be done because Almighty God Knows than us Rest on Daddy May you Rest In Perfect peace
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021

On behalf of myself and the members of the late Pa James Ameh family, (Baba Josephine), I wish to send my heartfelt condolences to the members of the late  Chief F.R.A Marinho family. It is so difficult for me even writing this. My heart goes out to you all as you mourn the passing away of daddy. This is so hard for me right now. He was a generous and committed Catholic. I continue my prayers for you all. May his gentle soul rest in peace, Amen 
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
To God be the Glory Daddy for a life well spent, for a race well run, with distinction, empathy, selflessness, love and steadfastness. You were indeed focused on the prize from a young man, when you prayed to the Lord, not for great wealth or riches, but for enough to take care of yourself and your family, with something left over to bless others with. We thank God for answering this prayer as your life unfolded. We saw you grow from the outstanding student and Senior Prefect of St Gregory’s College, finishing with Distinction in your exit exams, to the Federal scholar at Ibadan and the Imperial college London. As you rose higher, you carried your siblings and those around, with you, providing for them as best you could. None was left behind. Nation building was your next challenge, and you tackled this responsibility with aplomb stirring the Nigerian oil industry from its nascent birth even to maturity, in the embodiment of NNPC. Your vision and inspiration was great and with a tunnel vision, you accomplished this great fit in 20 short years. Unfortunately, you faced your premature retirement from service at the tender age of 50, with so many unfulfilled dreams of making Nigeria the best it could be. But glory be to God, those that thought you were finished received a rude awakening when you bounced back as an emissary of our God, living out the rest of your days as a blessing to your generation. You were the pillar we looked up to in our home, in the family in our nation and beyond, by the grace of God through Christ Jesus, who strengthened you. Adeo daddy, Grandpa, worthy brother and friend. You will be sorely missed until we meet again at His feet in glory. Amen. Thank you daddy for every thing you thought us, you did for us, you gave us in your lifetime. Thank you for your good name and legacy you have left behind. As they open doors for us, as we proceed to the future, may we continue your legacy with pride now and for prosperity Amen. I love you my sweet loving father, rest in perfect peace Amen.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
My Dearest and beloved Uncle,
Words fail to express how much you will be missed. Words fail to express how much you impacted my life and the lives of so many others. I will miss hearing you tell stories and share such knowledge. I will miss your laughter. You were like a father to me and you were never too busy to chat, text and call. Seeing you was always a delight which I will miss. I am blessed to have had you in my life. I am really sad but I know God knows best. Rest in peace in the LORD's bosom Uncle, lots of love from 'your Ena'.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Chief FRA Marinho was an inspirational leader.
He cared about the welfare of his staff as GMD NNPC.
He was a role model for those of us who are Catholic by his religious life.
On behalf of my family, I pray that God will grant him eternal rest and console the family he left behind. Amen.

Sir. Remi Eluyefa, KSJI.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Daddy, the news of your sudden demise came to me as a very shocking one on the 18th of January 2021. Yet to come to terms with it because after the zoom we had for your 60th wedding Anniversary you were full of life.
With the conviction of your good legacy left behind I know the Angels of God are all over you to say welcome 'my beloved servant and son".
So this is the day you were preparing for when you said " Even death can come now that I have clocked 80 years ....." as part of your speech for vote of thanks.
You have been born, fought the fight and have conquered and the crown of glory awaits you.
The vacuum you left behind on earth in the lives and homes of many are enormous e.g. that of CHARIT of both cash, words, encouragement etc gaps.
I learnt a lot from staying under your tutulage for decades.
I pray that Eternal rest grant unto daddy o Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may his soul rest in perfect Peace amen
May God help those of us you left behind (especially Mummy) fortitude to bear the loss, amen.
Good Night! Good Night!
Olorun aashe ikun niisimi fuunyi ooo amin.
Sunre Sunre Sunre
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Like a thief in the night, death snatched daddy away. With your usual strength of character you battled for almost two weeks. However God determined it was time to take you his humble servant. We are consoled that you are at peace with Christ.Rest In Peace daddy.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Writing a tribute to my beloved father is the last thing I thought I would be doing this year. There was still so much I had to learn from you and you still had so many stories to tell. I appreciate all your sacrifices and your unwavering support. I love you and take comfort in the knowledge that you are with God. Thank you for being my rock. You are missed.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Olusegun Obasanjo

I have received, with great shock and a deep sense of loss, the news of the passing of my friend and your beloved darling husband and companion, Chief (Engr.) Festus Remilekun Ayodele Marinho.

In a country so immensely blessed with scholastic and technocratic talent, Chief Marinho stood out of the pack as an expert Physicist, a most conscientious Engineer and an inimitable Administrator.

He acquitted himself most brilliantly both in the private and public sectors, earning plaudits and laurels for his multitasking hard work, versatility, innovation and visionary enterprise, at home and abroad. Without doubts, he will, for a long time, remain one of Nigeria's most decorated professionals in the vocations in which he thoroughly excelled.

Chief Marinho contributed in no small measure to the development of petroleum industry in the nation. Throughout his lifetime, he epitomized the finest qualities of an Engineer. In death, he would be missed by many who knew him, and mourned by several others whose lives he enriched by his selflessness in public service. As the pioneer Managing Director of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, our Administration, with me as the Military Head of State, was privileged to have him in our team. Indeed, I could not have had a better choice. The depth of knowledge, the diplomatic finesse and maturity that he brought to bear on every aspect of his assigned responsibilities were exceptional and commendable.

In a country where rigorous professional exertions, altruism and selflessness have become rare attributes, the exit of Chief Festus Remilekun Ayodele Marinho is a major loss to our country.

As we mourn the passing of this multidimensional professional, kindly accept my profound sympathies and may you and the rest of the family be comforted as you bear the irreparable loss.

May his soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
An NNPC retiree

Our biggest oga when we transmuted from NNOC to NNPC in 1977. We shall sorely miss you. My condolences to the family. Rest in peace.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
NNPC Retiree

A foremost brilliant leader and courageous patriot.Chief Marinhos death is a great national loss. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Funke Alade-Adeyefa

Dear Pat, once again I am really, truly sorry for your loss. The Holy Spirit will comfort you and heal your heart and hurt, and the power of the Most High will uphold you. The wisdom of God which is profitable to direct will come upon you anew in this season you are in. Peace, be still.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
The Reverend Sisters

Ave Maria Patricia! Good evening! We are sorry for the loss of ur Dad. Be mindful that ur dad is always ready for this. He will see Jesus that he always devoted in prayer "one thousand Thank u Jesus. Its painful but it is time to be in heaven. That last visit on his birthday we take picture with them for d first time that we always come to the house with you taking picture with them. He is the one who said to take picture. I have many things to say. We pray to him that he will help all of you to handle the situation. . We will come in the name of Jesus.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Mr and Mrs F I Danmola CFS

I am really sorry about your loss. Your parents are role models to me and FID and it really hit us hard when we heard the sad news. May he Rest In Peace
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021

Hello Patricia, LIz Has Just Informed Me Of The Sad Passing Of Chief.May His Gentle&Kind Soul Rest In Peace.Amen.My Sincere Condolences.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Sister Ronke

Good morning . Please accept my condolence on the death of your father. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Dr Kola Ogunsola.

Sad indeed. I saw Chief and Mama the week before I traveled on December 17. I sent him a message to apologize for not being able to attend his 86th birthday on Dec. 30. I returned last night to be told this morning that Papa passed on yesterday. He lived a glorious Christian life. How is Mama? May the Lord grant her in particular and the entire family the fortitude to bear this loss. We thank God who gave us an exemplary man in the secular and spiritual leadership. May his Soul rest in Perfect Peace.
January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021
Mallam Mele Kolo Kyari

On behalf of myself, family , Management and staff of NNPC , I wish to commiserate with you and your family on the death of your beloved husband Chief Festus Marinho. The passing of a loved one is always a difficult burden to bear, even more so when the departed was an icon such as your husband was. The story of NNPC cannot be told without reference to the immense contribution pf Chief Marinho who was the Corporations first Group Managing Director . He laid the foundation on which the NNPC was built and I will always cherish the memories of his presence and kind words during my ceremonial instalment as the 19th GMD of NNPC Indeed , we in the NNPC mourn with your family on this sad occasion. However , even as we regret the loss of a man who was a mentor to so many , we take solace in the knowledge that he left an indelible mark during his sojourn on earth and know that he will continue to live on in the hearts or those who knew him Kindly accept , once again our deepest condolences on this unfortunate loss.
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