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February 21
Dave was such a sweet, kind and gentle man. His smile was infectious. I loved the times my husband Mike and I spent with Carol and Dave in Paddy Macs. We had great fun together. He had a terrific sense of humor and was so warm and charming. I treasure those memories. 
Unfortunately due to a family tragedy we haven’t been to Jupiter in years.So we missed out on precious time with Carol and Dave
Our daughter Jennifer’s lovely young husband died suddenly leaving her with a 3 year old and a 3month old. We now spend as much time as we can helping Jenn and her family in San Antonio. Tx. The girls are 7 and 31/2 now. 

We really miss Jupiter and often reminisce about the great times we had while there. I wish we had visited just one more time to raise a glass with Dave and enjoy his stories. 

Carol our heart goes out to you on loosing the love of your life. You are an amazing person. It was so beautiful to witness how you were so devoted, kind and so loving to Dave. And how he in turn adored you.  
Rest in Peace dear Dave. You will be missed by so many!  

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