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July 8
July 8
Another year gone by, USA is a mess, always hope because God is in control.

There is a series on TV called Chosen, Don ,God didn’t forget us, it fantastic, about the life of Christ and His disciples. It shows the humanity and His divinity. It is so inspiring. I have watched many tines.

I miss you so much, seems like more the older i get.

Love you

September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
Well its been and interesting year, to say the least. 
I was in pain, debilitating back pain for 4 1/2 months. DR thought it was my right hip, after many months of tests and procedures, realized it was my back. So finally on Aug 7th i had surgery. DR Albertstone, a neurosurgeon,did a great job. Tues nite i almost joined you, but they gave me a transfusion and that brought me back, plus lungs started to fill up as well. The Lord was with me and that made all the difference. The recovery has been slow but sure.

Today i got my Dog, Lily back, she a delight.

You wouldn’t recognize the USA , its sad whats being done. The Demrats, are a party of porn, pot,mutilating children and killing babies. Feels more like Sodom and Gomorrah. They took God out of there platform years ago.

I lost a good/friend/cousin, Jojo, my neighbor. She joined you in June.

The kids are all fine, getting older. Grandkids some finishing college, some starting some working, all doing great. Great Grandkids too 

Darling, i miss you each day.

September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022
Just a note I have a monitor called pix-star that has over 6000 pictures on it.
I have taken all our photos albums and put them on the pix-star. I call it my memory board. I tried to recall who, what where and when. Fun to see all of our trips. I smile every time i see you, sometimes with tears in my eyes.

Love you
July 7, 2022
July 7, 2022
Well Sweetie you would have been 84 today. Wow.
This has been quite a year. You would not recognize the USA. It’s hard, devil is working hard. As always I trust our Lord and Savior. 

Our kids are all doing well, all busy raising their families. Zack and Tyler both have lovely girlfriends. A blessing by the Lord. Sorry i didnt get a picture of all of our kids at Tylers Birthday party. Dannielle ,Zack and Ashley left before i could get a picture, Darn
I still miss you, sweetie and always will. The kids are helpful and kind that is a blessing. Thank the Lord. Love you, your wife
January 20, 2022
January 20, 2022
Hi sweetie, i am going through our pictures and found some that i wanted to share.  Love you sweetie
September 28, 2021
September 28, 2021
Good morning Sweetie. I left a picture in the Gallery. It says Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. So true. All the adventures we had are treasured memories.

Are kids are so helpful, kind and loving. All are doing well, healthy and with Christ. It makes me cry, to think that they all love the Lord too. Thank you Lord. This goes for there spouses as well 

The USA is in a total mess, you are lucky you are not here. Biden is dividing our nation in many ways. Its is so sad. Demrats have managed to bring back the 1918 pandemic,1929 depression, race riots of 1968 and gas is almost $5.00 a gal all at the same time. It is so sad. I refuse to worry, as I no the Devil will NOT win. You do Christ. Its an upside down world. The Plandemic is still going on, they want us to wear masks, its so sad. They speak out of both sides of their mouth and lie and its not even debated. No logic to any of it.

Enough said I love you and miss you. Your ever loving wife
July 7, 2021
July 7, 2021
Hi Don.  Wish we could wish you happy birthday in person. We do miss you.
  Bill an Sharon
March 4, 2021
March 4, 2021
Hi sweetie. I know you know this. Your brother died Thursday nite Feb 25, 2021. 
Ray and Gay were in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving. We were at Jeff and Denise house.  When I got home I had a strange voice tell for the 2nd time since Vegas. So I FaceTimed with him. The voice said “ I will greet Him”. Didn’t know why or who. He had a friend tell him “ I will meet him”. So he surmised it was the Holy Spirit.
I know you would been there to greet him too. Enjoy your reunion. Love you miss you as ever
September 29, 2020
September 29, 2020
Hi Don....As Vonna says, a very upsetting year. The fires in California have been devastating. So many people lost homes and business's.  I imagine that some of the places you may have hiked are now just ashes. But God will renew the land. Miss you....Bill and Sharon
September 28, 2020
September 28, 2020
It’s interesting the time heals but never forgets. This was the day that you passed From this life into your loving Lord and Savior arms.
A day I will never forget.

The US and most of the world is still in lockdown from Covid. We have learned to cope in these trying times. Thank goodness for the Lord.

It is an election year and everything is in a turmoil besides Covid. The negativity is awful.  I pray every dayThat the Lord will heal our lands and Nation. And that we stay with God and trust him. And not become a socialist country. Lord we pray to you.

Will never forget you sweetie.
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Hi sweetie Love you
Today would have been our 55 Anniversary. Wow you have been with our Lord and Savior almost 10 yrs. Doesn’t seem possible. We were Married this day in 1965 in your parents living room. With our family in attendance.

They were amazing yrs. i trusted God that you were the right man to lead us. God blessed us with 2 more wonderful children. So our family was three. Jeff was 3 years old. 

A life with many adventures, from camping in a tent to trailer to small motor home to large motor home. Traveling every summer all over our wonderful nation. Seeing’s 46 oF our 58 National parks. Seeing many state parks as well. Even in Canada At Bowron Lakes. Also going to Alaska. Almost forgot the Mexican Riviera.
Hiking every where in those parks and hills,mountains and streams.
To having a canoe, speed boat for learning to ski to a sailboat And sailing the Pacific.
To flying to Australia,New Zealand for 6 months. China and Japan. Also with our time in Cancun with Hurricane Keith bearing down on us. Chad and Terri too. Even lots of helicopter rides in Hawaii, Australia and of course New Zealand. 

I know you are doing the same in heaven.

I heard the other day, Prayer is the key to heaven but faith is what unlocks the door. Lord you never left me nor me you when times were tough.  Thanks for blessing my life with Don, your faithful servant. 
July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
Well, Hello Don. As Vonna says, the world has been in turmoil for this year.
We miss you and know that you could answer some of our questions. Vonna and I visit, mostly phone or email. We will be seeing you. Love Bill and Sharon
July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
I will ever be grateful for the support given by Don, while I was a student at MSAC and later in life while trying to restart my life. Don supported Froylan and I in our journey towards marriage which lasted for 38 wonderful years.
July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
Hi Sweetheart. Another year has gone by. This has been a strange year. The world got hit by a virus, called Corona19 from China. It literally shut down most of the world, including the USA. President Trump and the CDC thought that million would die if we didn’t isolate from each other. Closed us down in middle of March. The USA is finally opening up. This is July.

It hitChad and his business really hard. He has been trusting the Lord and was able to hire back his employees. He is so like you it’s wonderful. He has come up with so many creative ways to keep his business going, shield for the face, 3D printing. Now he has FDA approval to manufacture swaps for testing. 
Chad and Terri celebrated they 24th Anniversary yesterday. Wow

Jeff business has done fine. So thank the Lord.
Jeff and Denise hosted my 80th Birthday at their beautiful home. Because of the virus we had Scrap our plans. So Ray and Gay, Mary Lou and Ahmad, Duane snd Ollie could not come.  I drove to Vegas the back way, easy.
Got to their house and the next day had my hair cut by my old Hair dresser, with everything shut down I was Shaggy.

Met Peggy and went to lunch. Got back and Chad , Terri and Tyler arrived. Tyler is getting so tall and handsome. 

Jeff BBQd a great dinner, breakfast all the days. He is amazing cook.

We went swimming and the spa. It was so delightful. They made it special with great Decorations, Denise did a great job. Sometimes I got sad cause I missed you.
It was nice to celebrate with them. John Mark was there too. He is delightful. You would be proud of all our kids, grandkids and of course Great grandkids.

When I drove home I stopped and saw Ted and Janet they moved from Diamond Bar to Apple Valley. Their home is delightful over looking the golf course lake. They were so sweet. 

When I got home Dannielle sent me a beautiful flowers arrangement. We order dinner in for my birthday. Restaurant were closed. 
Her job has been fine. They did work from home for a couple of weeks. School were all closed. Zack and Ashley are wonderful kids. Smart and beautiful.

Things are starting to open. Thank the Lord.

As far as I am concerned, I live a quiet life, I walk , play bridge on BBO as I have done for years. Run my errands. Jojo my neighbor and friend are together almost every day. I have been helping her with bridge. Every Sunday we have breakfast together since this has started. We watch church on line.

I guess that catch’s you up 
I love you and get tears in my eyes yet thinking of you

September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019
8 years already. Days are slow but months and years fly by.

Dannielle and I went to Chad and Terri ribbon cutting ceremony. All the Anaheim dignitaries were there presenting many certificates , for opening a new business in Anaheim.
It was a proud moment for them a goal achieved after 19 years of renting to own it. God has been good to them and they recognize it all is by His grace.  It was a long day. You would have been so proud. I certainly was.

Summer is turning to fall. We had our 1st rain last nite. 1st morning I didn’t sit outside it was to cool. You know we always ate outside to enjoy Gods creation.

Dannielle brings me fresh flowers every Thursday, all kinds I Love them. It makes my week. We generally go out for dinner than.
Chad calls every morning M/F nice. Jeff calls several times a month.

I know you are cheering us on from heaven it nice to know. We all know God is with us.
Love you sweetie
September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019
Remembering Don's kindness and care on this day, with so many memories. When I has hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) in 2000, Don wanted to walk with me but was dealing with Parkinson's Disease, in early stages. I wanted to share time with him, too, so we developed a plan for almost a week in July. He drove back roads to meet me each evening, and we camped together. He brough plenty of food, cooked meals, and carried my backpack and supplies in his car. I only hiked with a light day-pack, and was able to hike over 40 miles/day. We had such a good time together every night, with lots of remeniscing about our hiking days as Boy Scouts. I continue to remember my Big Brother, who was a mentor for me, and continues to be through these fond memories. I know the day will come when he will welcome me home.
September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019
I'm forever grateful for Uncle Don's advice, for many people have no advisor.
September 28, 2019
September 28, 2019
Hi Don....Vonna and I are still best friends. Just getting harder to get together.We both are not so good at nite driving. But....I will be seeing Vonna at Thanksgiving. Bill and I still talk about you with fond memories. Sharon and Bill Kirkland
July 7, 2019
July 7, 2019
Wow I can’t believe its 2019 already, the years are flying by.
Well i am settled in Camarillo CA in Leisure Village, I am happy and well. It has been a hard year however, since last June I have been in the hospital with 11 surgeries or procedures. Nothing serious but strange, no cancer, a blockage in my bowels, gallbladder went bad, 5 times with upper G I , had blockage in my duedum, finally got it out,yea. Enough of that.
Jeff and Denise are doing well, they just moved back to Las Vegas and are moving into a place. I am anxious to see it. They always do a good job. It has a pool and spa plus BBQ area that. Jeff says is great. That something. Plus fruit trees , nice. I think they are happy in away to be back. John Mark lives there too. The grandkids are growing up fast and beautiful. Jeff is back to his old job and doing well. God has really been watching over them.
Chad and Terri are experiencing empty nest in away. Tyler is going to Philmont with the scouts for 10+ days. He’s hiking almost every weekend to get ready for philmont, which includes scout camp for a week. Plus his tennis camps.
They bought 2 big buildings in Anaheim and moved into, they are so excited. Their business is doing well God has blessed them too. Jeff and chad may be doing some things together, for Chad company. Nice
Dannielle changed jobs, she actually works 2 miles from me. Lord really moved her to a great jobs and she is doing very well. Most relaxed i have seen her in years. Thanks Lord. She with Ventura County Board of Education. Zack has his driver license and loves his independence. He has a girlfriend, nice she spends most of the time at Dannielle’s, cute. Ashley is doing well, she is a pretty little gal and has beautiful hair. Zack graduated from High School and also completed 2 yrs of college. He does well and is good kids a good son. Dannielle is blest.
Don you would be proud of our kids, all with Christ and honest with integrity, I am glad they are with the Lord they are very helpful to me as i am getting older.
I still play bridge like we use to, but finding a church has been a struggle. I know the Lord will provide.
I miss you sweetie, but I know we are both fine. Psalms 37v5. I love you. ❤️ All the things i have been through I know the Lord is with me with His unfailing love Prv 19:22
September 28, 2018
September 28, 2018
Hi Don......You will never be forgotten.  We'll be seeing you.  Bill and Sharon Kirkland
July 7, 2018
July 7, 2018
Life is a harsh teacher. However, Uncle Don made it easier.
July 7, 2018
July 7, 2018
So blessed to have had Don and his family sow into my life. Don chose to make a difference, and in a quiet, wonderful way, he showed us how Father God loves us. Someone once said, "Those that have gone on before us are cheering us on......from the grandstands of eternity." I can see Don doing just that, and for that and all he did in my life, I am eternally grateful. Well done, good and faithful servant.....
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Well today would've been your birthday 79 wow anyway I'm back in California I sold the house in Las Vegas because of my eyes. I'm living with the Dannielle as the house I purchased won't be ready until the end of the month. Don you and I looked in leisure Village a long time ago when we left Penn Valley. I remember you didn't like it because it didn't have a two car garage for the most part .
I still miss you greatly but it's a new chapter in my life and I know you will always be there for me with the Lord.
It certainly is a busy year Jeff turn 55 Chad turn 50 Dannielle moved into a new house I bought a new house Jeff and Denise are buying a new house in Denver Colorado near Alycia and Kris .Noah graduated from high school this year doesn't seem possible and Alycia and Kris had twins a boy and a girl really cute and really little. Zack has his permit to drive and is so excited.  Ashley is going to middle school and Tyler is working for the summer in Chad's company all good and all growing up. But one thing we all know is that the Lord is with us and that is good. You would be proud of our children they're all honest have integrity and with the Lord and they're all doing well.  Love you sweetie forever and ever
September 28, 2016
September 28, 2016
Ray and Gay sent me a text today that was sweet.

Forever Missed  we think of you often and especially today with prayers of peace and comfort.
It's hard to believe that Don left his earthly home for heaven 5 yrs ago.
May you be filled with cherished memories that put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Also got a wonderful texted from Deb and a sweet phone call from Susan. 

Don you made such an impression on people's lives you would not believe. 

I miss you and always will.  Love and God bless my coming and goings.
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
During his times in Hacienda Heights, my Uncle Don was always helpful to family, friends and neighbors. We miss him but are lifted by remembering all his contributions to us.
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
Well today would've been your 78th birthday. It's been five years since you've been gone gone and I still miss you. It's not fun to be alone but of course that's being selfish. I know you with the Lord and that makes me happy .
I'm up in big bear California in a delightful place that you would've loved too. 
Enjoying company and the peace and the quiet and the lovely sound of the breeze through the trees plus all the wonderful smells of pine. I just know you're hiking all of her heaven, because that's what we would be doing here. Love you as always
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
well another year has passed, still miss you everyday. Its always catches me off guard when I get notification from my phone, saying its your Dad's Birthday today. I start thinking about all of the hikes and adventures we had. It makes all the difference in the world as I spend time with Tyler, knowing how special it is.

Love you.... POP!
October 12, 2015
October 12, 2015
Uncle Don had many roles and titles. We called him teacher, mentor, scout and man of solutions – basically a MacGyver at times.
For example, Uncle Don modified a 1980sToyota motor home into a gadget filled wonder for family fun.
I definitely miss him.
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
Well Don its been 4 yrs today of your passing...The days go by slowing but the years fast. This year has been a year I have experienced Christ, so much. I traveled to Europe and many times felt your presence with me. But I went to OR, MN and CO for 3 weeks, what a blessing. In MN meeting by cousin Dorothy and Guy was such a delight. I listened to them for 9 hrs. with my jaw dropped open at their life stories and how God worked in their lives. I came home praising the Lord in so many ways. 
Also the books I have read, explaining heaven, I just knew they were true. I knew you would be HIKING all over heaven. What a joyous feeling I have had with that. 
Also the blessing I received from the Lord on your birthday, I still cry over what the Lord showed me that day. Don I miss you.
Thank goodness for the blessing of the Lord on my life. Love
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
Hi Daddy, I miss you so much. I think you often and the "Definitive Christian Gentlemen" that was used to describe you. Mom and you were truly blessed by God to find each other in this world and share your love together. Ashley and I lit a candle this morning for you, we decided to let it burn all day in remembrance. We discussed you and the book of Daniel, since I have been reading it lately. I am trying to instill in my kids, the love of Jesus, reading God's Word and the hope that one day they will accept His love in their hearts. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but God is in control and he will decide on their timing. I want us all to be together in heaven. I truly miss you!! Love Dannielle Joy XOXO
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
Vonnay, Don was a great friend and colleague of Froy Tiscareno and a good friend of mine at MSAC. I know you must miss him and now I am missing Froy. To my great sorrow, Froy passed away Sept 3, 2015. I feel a big hole in my life and am so lucky to have our girls. Love, Millie
July 8, 2015
July 8, 2015
Wow Don time passes so quickly, but does not diminish my feelings for you. I feel you at times in my thoughts and of course my dreams.
I finally made the trip you and I wanted to go on, from Romania to Amsterdam, a river cruise, I thought of you soooo often. At times it was hard, but the Lord is always there to help me, and I so appreciate HIS presences Honey I love you and miss you
July 7, 2015
July 7, 2015
I miss you so much and think of you often. Today, the kids and I celebrated your 77th birthday. We made you chocolate brownies. Happy Birthday Daddy!!! I continue to grow my faith everyday. I am praying much and have asked The Lord to grow His love and faith in my children. I know you are keeping watch over us in heaven. I Love You so much!!! Your daughter, Dannielle Joy
September 30, 2014
September 30, 2014
Heaven is REAL! Don is there with our Lord waiting for us. He is never far from my thoughts. I am thankful for my big brother. Praise God for Don and the legacy he left with three beautiful children and for a thousand generations to come. God promised to "show his love to a thousand generations of those who love him" (Exodus 20:6) and the Lord "remembers the word he commanded for a thousand generations". Gay and I joyfully celebrate our love for the Lord, and for Don, with Vonnay, Jeff and Denise, Chad and Terri, and Dannielle.
September 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
Whenever I think back on my childhood, and the many great times visiting the mountains which I have now called home for the past 26 years, Don Brook is a part of those memories. For me, his greatest gift, was giving his time to kids like me, who've grown into men that are paying his love and passions forward. Well done Don...good and faithful servant.
September 28, 2014
September 28, 2014
Uncle Don was always so helpful. I remember in 1985 he taught me basic statistics for a physics class I was taking at CalPoly. He made it fun and interesting. I truly miss you uncle Don.
September 28, 2014
September 28, 2014
Wow, Don. time does march on.....this is the day you went home to the Lord. No way could I ever forget the day or you. You were my sweetie, and the love of my life and I do miss you. Time heals but doesn't forget. I am in the Lord's hands, it is the only place I feel safe and secure, thank goodness,
Had a surprise this week, Margaret Clark die and also went home to the Lord. I just feel you would have greeted her too. Don I love you and truly miss you. As always I rely on Psalms 37V5 Commit everything you to the Lord and trust in Him to help you and he will. Love Vonna
July 10, 2014
July 10, 2014
My big brother is never far from my thoughts and memories always flood my mind on special events, like his birthday this past Monday. We celebrated the day, like Dannielle and other family members. Don was my mentor from birth to forever. He was always going ahead of me, preparing the way and sharing with me. He went to be with the Lord almost three years ago and those words Jesus spoke to his disciples (John 14) ring in my ears, as not only from Jesus but I imagine them being said to me from my brother: "Do not let your heart be troubled, trust in God, trust also in me. In my father's house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you"........Don, I know you are there and I look forward to seeing you again whenever Jesus says to me "Come!" I love you brother>
July 7, 2014
July 7, 2014
Happy birthday, Don.  Miss you and your wit and smile.  See you when we all get to heaven.  Sharon and Butch
September 28, 2013
September 28, 2013
It's been 2 yrs since you left to be the Lord. I was recalling your memorial service where you were defined by your friend as a Definitive Christian Gentleman. Your strength and faith in God defined you as a man. I am growing my strength and faith & I know you would be so proud. My goal is to baptize my kids as you had always asked for. I still want to make you proud. I love &missyou dad
August 28, 2013
August 28, 2013
Today would have been your 48th Anniversary. God blessed your marriage. Song of Solomon 6:3 I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. In your marriage you loved and respected each other through words and actions. Both of you showed a marriage through Christ. I am grateful that God delivered me into your hearts to grow up with such wonderful parents. I love you and miss you Dad!
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
Danniellie, Zack and Ashley baked you a birthday cake Don for your
75th.. It was so darling I posted it on your photo. Makes me sad but happy too.. Lord take care of him, I miss him
July 7, 2013
July 7, 2013
Happy 75th birthday Daddy!!! I miss you so much. Pastor's sermon today talked about you and the seasons of life. He reminded us that God said life is short and to choose to be joyous today. It's hard because I miss you dearly, but I know I will see you again in heaven. I will light 75 candles on your cake and celebrate your life and my memories of you with the kids. Love you lots Daddy!!!
September 28, 2012
September 28, 2012
Hello Dad, I cant believe its been 1 year. I have missed you sooo much! As I play with Tyler, there are so many memories that flood back to me..... Riding my bike and day hikes with the Cub Scouts. You are included into all my memories..... The smile comes back....

I love you dad!
September 28, 2012
September 28, 2012
Daddy... I miss you so much!! I was compelled to come be with mom during this very difficult day today. We have been reading your journals, looking at pictures and sharing memories of you. I'm in such need of your strength, wisdom, compassion, love and support. I know you are still in my life watching over me. I love you dad!
September 28, 2012
September 28, 2012
No stories to add, but a quick note to say that he has been and will always be pleasantly remembered.
   Norm Rumpf
August 28, 2012
August 28, 2012
Happy Anniversary Daddy! The other day on the digital frame, I saw a picture you took of mom at the waterfall in Maui...the month long trip to celebrate your 25th anniversary. I closed my eyes and felt I could see you grinning at her. You both loved, cherished and honored each other everyday of your life together. I am truly blessed and grateful to have such wonderful parents. I miss u!!!
August 28, 2012
August 28, 2012
Well today would have been our 47th Ann. I miss you so deeply, in that I know you are with our Lord and Savior, but still doesn't quench my feelings of you. How I loved you, I miss you so much, my sweetie. God will and is taking care of me and I truly know that. If you were here I would have baked your favorite, Apple Pie..Love you, your ever-loving wife. It almost 1 yr since you left
July 8, 2012
July 8, 2012
I miss you so much Daddy. I thought about you all day today on your birthday. Ashley and I sung Catalina Madelina and laughed at the lyrics. I told her that you taught me the song and I am teaching it to her. I love you and I will keep you forever in my heart. XOXO
July 7, 2012
July 7, 2012
I was climbing in the Valley last week, and thought of Don and all of our wonderful trips there with him back in the day. Those are some of the best memories of my life, and Don was such a huge part of those special times. I will never forget him. Love to you all!
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