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Ed and Lil's trip to Vancouver Expo 86

July 9, 2011


We have many fond memories of Ed and Lil’s visits with us in Vancouver. One memory Karl and I have is the visit of Ed & Lil together with Ed & Louise Plezia for Expo 86 in Vancouver. Karl remembers well the hot day with the two Ed’s sitting on our back deck watering the grass with the ice cubes left over from their empty beverage glasses. Ed & Lil stayed at our friend’s, who were away, and looked after their cat from Hell, as Lil can attest from the scratches on her arms.
 And who could forget our trip to the Island with 10 crammed in a rented van. A bus load of touring Oriental’s at the park where we had lunch , could not believe their eyes when all 10 of us piled out of the Van, similar to the days of the Shrine Circus with the many Clowns coming out of a VW Bug one by one.
He will be deeply missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
PS: Lil, be sure to call us when you are out visiting Tanis in Vancouver. We can share memories of Ed together.
                                       Love Karl and Marl

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