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You will be missed.

April 3, 2021
Edewede, you put live into everything you did with jokes and slangs. You will be missed.

Happy buddy

March 31, 2021
What a very rude shock to hear of your demise, you fought with happiness all through and I am really grateful for knowing you.

You were so full of life and you made everyone around you smile/laugh. All the slangs I learnt from you are still what I use till date and I laugh whenever I use them because it always feels like we are facing each other and throwing jabs.... rest on brother 

Rest well warrior...
Rest well Ede..

Ede my guy

March 31, 2021
I really don't know how I will break this news to Iya is a rude shock to me so I dont know how she will take it....thought you survived it after all you went through in the University.  

The last time we set eyes on each other was at Deji Martins wedding and it was absolutely fun. I went to check the pictures and all I could see was a fun loving gentleman that deferred the odds to stay why?

Continue to live where you are enjoying every moment and I'd extend your greetings to mum when I can summon the courage.

Ede my guy

The most cheerful person I ever met

March 30, 2021
...was Ede

And one of the liveliest too. You can add funniest somewhere in between.

I'm sure most will agree with me on all three counts. Ede was a friend to many!
What Sickle Cell disease took from his body was more than overwhelmingly made up for in personality! It is dreadful to even consider what he must have gone through, but knowing him, the thought vanishes quickly.

Ede my G!, I'm not sorry for you at all. Your soul is light and free now and I know you'll always find your cheer wherever you are man.

Still, I am really sorry that the world has lost one of its very best humans just a little too early.

Sleep on … It is over now.. You win
You be at peace forever
It’s a good night
Not a goodbye


March 30, 2021
Ede “the Warrior” ( as per u too dey worry person sha )
 We attended same primary school, we lost touch and reconnected at an event in 2016 where I was the photographer. Months later I relocated to lagos and you were attending my church too. 
 You never wanted to be treated differently, always strong , active and enjoyed every little moment . One thing was sure , you lit up a room once u walked in. You would yabb and had a way of telling the truth without mincing words. you never feared death , u always said “ las las we all go die one day”
Ede that’s how u left without taking me to eat pepper rice in benin oooo!!! You still owe me a spa date .
you are in a better place , finally at rest!
Rest well my warrior friend 
you’d be sorely missed . Forever in my heart

My Warrior Friend

March 30, 2021
I have many fond memories of Ede, much more than I can count. Always referring business deals, pushing me to come up with ideas that can make us money but the fondest memories where Sundays while on Rock Media duty, a particular director would say something over the Comms, we'd both look across the auditorium and exchange silent laughters.

No one is going to get those jokes anymore.

Ede fought a good fight. And won. I have no doubt. He wasn't defeated.

Rest on my warrior friend. Looking forward to meeting you on the other side.


A Faithful Friend

March 30, 2021
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." 
That is Ede for you, in those simple words by Maya Angelou, Ede lived a selfless life...always ready and willing to help out and doing it with a smile.
With him around you knew you had someone at your corner ready to fight for you and give his all to put back smiles on your face. 
I would always remember his random calls "Guy how you dey nah? How your mumsi? Hope say everything dey alright" and he would always end the call with "God no go shame us."  
He wasn't the strongest person due to his health condition but even at that Ede was a warrior, brave and strong even in pain he was there when called upon, I always wondered how he did it, how he kept going and being the best of himself he can be, obviously this guy is and angel sent here to show us how to live our lives positively.
You can't meet Ede and not be impacted positively. 
Intelligent and an amazing guy, he will be missed and it hurts but in all things we give thanks to God Almighty as we celebrate the amazing life of a brother who is now heaven reaping the benefits of his work here on earth.
I celebrate you Edewede Joseph Akhere continue to rest in power in God grace, you fought the fight, you won the fight.
God did RESCUE YOU and I'm at peace knowing that you're whole, no more hospitals, you won! 
Rest in peace my brother

My little love story

March 30, 2021
Ede was too much of an humble friend. He is always persistence with checking up on me, even when i push him away.
We have grown fond of each other over the past few months. He would tell me how he looks forward to spending sometime together, as he prophesies his affection for me, and he always have those right words to make me smile when I'm angry at him. This void may never be filled.
I love him, but God loves him more.
Rest on Ede!!!

An Angel Walked Among Us

March 30, 2021
I honestly believe we had the rare privilege of hosting an angel in our midst albeit for a really short time. 

Ede was a gentle force, always full of life! Always looking for opportunities to do more and help others. I always wondered how he had the strength and time to do this. Figured, angel vibes!

His laughter was contagious. He was one of the most emotionally intelligent people I knew. Had the right words to say at all times. 

While this hurts us all, I’m consoled by the thought that he knew and loved God, and he’s in a better place now, where sickness nor death has no power over him. 

I’ll miss you Ede and I’m inspired all over again to live intentionally, you showed us how. 

Rest in power and bliss, dear friend

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