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Uncle Eddie

September 27, 2023
I can't believe I'm writing this, I can't believe you're gone. I let too many years go by, always thinking I had time to stop by or give you a call but the kids and the jobs and life just goes by and then something like this happens and there's just no more time I can't even begin to put into words all of my best memories w you because there are just so many. From the very early years when you would take us to great adventure or to play tennis, to all the great holidays and giving me my first real job at Wardell security. You were there for me when Jason died when I had kayla and you were the one who called to break the news and talk me off the ledge when my dad died. My heart goes out to Marie, William and are in my thoughts and prayers. Rest easy Uncle Eddie, before long we will all be together again

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