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November 16, 2022
We had the best time! I can say this man right here had such a caring heart I'm gonna miss are Wednesday together and you telling me chris how bout a chicken dinner and I'll reply why not and we get that Wednesday special

Ed Shock Heating Service Calls

May 10, 2022
Some of my fondest memories of Dad are back when I was around 8 or 10 years old. I remember that ou house phone was used for his heating company too. Often times during the winter people would call because their furnace was not working. Dad always went out to get them some heat no matter what time it was. He often took me along with him to “help”—which consisted of holding the flashlight for him. Looking back on it—-it was probably just to spend some time with me since he had to work late! He always got them some heat before we went home and they were times I will never forget!


April 27, 2022
I was going through a scrap book the other day, and I found this clipping:
"Alex Rado's Rockets won a hard fought football victory from the Franklin Vets Wednesday night by a 7 to 0 score.  Eddie Shock scored the winner's touchdown when he plunged over the four-yard line while Jack Lowery made good on the conversion."
Most of us will remember Ed as an old man who lived a long life.  It's safe to say that no one reading this will remember that night or that game.  Our memories and experiences are limited by this mortal coil on which we exist.  But oh, what fun it would be to break those bonds and find oneself sitting in the stands on a cool October night in 1946, watching and cheering as a young version of the man we knew hurled himself over the goal line.  

More Curtis

April 27, 2022
The stories about Curtis have been bringing back memories for me too. Papaw always had a stash of bread for us to feed the ducks, although God help them or the seagulls if they loitered on his boat dock. I remember riding in his truck, and how he would bump our knees with the gear shift if you happened to be in that middle seat. Watching game shows in his trailer. Going for pontoon rides with our toes in the water off the front of the boat. Watching the sunset over the lake. And of course the fish fry - nobody makes fried fish and potatoes like Papaw. <3
April 25, 2022
When I close my eyes, I can remember back to when I was a teenager and used to spend my summers at Curtis with Papaw and Steve.  I'm sitting in the chair on the corner with the ottoman, usually with a book on my lap.  Steve is sitting on the corner of the couch on his blanket that Granny Smith made once upon a time going through one of his many car magazines that he loved.  Papaw is sitting on the other corner of the couch, sometimes with a book, other times with a letter or something else he was working on.  A Braves game is on the TV and the waves from the lake are gently crashing against the shore.  We're watching the game, chatting about our books, and just enjoying spending time with each other.  I learned so much from him and words can't do justice to how much I will miss him.  I will always treasure these memories and I'm so happy that he got to meet Kaylee and be involved in her life.

The Bears

April 23, 2022
I remember the first few years we went up north to Curtis.  My brothers were teenagers; I was around eight.  This was before my dad got his place up there, we stayed a Gordon's cabin.  A high point of the trip was going to the dump.  If you shut off the car and stayed quiet, eventually the bears would show up.  My brother Ed asked Dad how we would know when the bears arrived; Dad said we would be able to hear them because they're pretty noisy.  We waited a while but didn’t hear anything.  Suddenly a car came around the bend and its headlights lit up our area.  We were surrounded by bears we didn’t know were there.

Christmas lights (continued)

April 20, 2022
Dara, I remember your dad telling me about blowing a fuse with his Christmas lights. I'll add to your story that he said one Christmas it caused many of your neighbors electricity to go out as well! Good thing wiring is better so many decades later. I'm laughing at the memory as I write this. Clark Shock. :)


April 19, 2022
At Christmastime we had live trees.  My dad almost always brought home a crooked one.  We never knew if he did that because they were cheaper or if he just didn't notice.  But we often had to anchor the tree to the wall using string and tacks.  He also had a movie camera that he was very proud of.  After he strung the Christmas lights around the house, he would take the camera outside to film his work.  Everything went fine until he turned on the massive light bar that came with the movie camera and blew a fuse.
He was doing that years before Chevy Chase did.

At the Ballpark

April 19, 2022
As a child I spent a lot of time at the local ballpark in Trotwood.  My dad was a coach for my brother Ed's baseball team, and they would take me along for the games.  Being around age five, I was mostly interested in the concession stand.  I remember watching the games with my mom.  Sometimes we watched from the car so that she could run the air conditioning.  My other brother Stephen liked this because he could watch the teenagers drive up in their muscle cars.

Thanks for making my life better, Ed

April 19, 2022
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said but I will add this short bit. Ed was a good friend from whom I learned a lot about life. I found him to be much more open minded for a guy his age and of his generation than I would have expected. Yup, he had his strong views and opinions, that's for sure. But we always found common ground in our conversations. He wanted the best for his kids and worked hard to make sure they had good lives. He missed his wife, Doris, dearly and talked about her a lot. He was smart - book smart and street smart. He liked a good bargin but also knew how to give generously. He loved his Dayton Flyers (and the Cleveland Browns as long as they won a few now and then). He ALWAYS had a kind word for the staff who cared for him at the VA. I've never heard so many "thank you"s for the simple things they did for him. 

He told me on one of our last visits that he just wished for peace in the world...whether it was as far away as Ukraine or as close by as family. 

I keep thinking I'm going to head up north to see him again and then I have to catch myself...and remember, that's he's right here with me. Thanks for making my life better by being in it, Ed. 
April 18, 2022
Papaw used to sing this song to us and then to our babies - must have been one of his favorites. The lyrics seem fitting here

I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day and through

In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut trees, the wishing well

I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's bright and gay
I'll always think of you that way

I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you.


April 16, 2022
To those who knew him, Ed's thriftiness was legendary. I remember a time I spent with him at the lake. It was early in our relationship, just a year or two after I married his daughter. He owned a red motor boat, and he took me out on the lake to try our luck with the walleyes. There was a small stash of beer on board, and Ed offered me one. I reached for a can and started to open it. Just as I pulled the tab he said, "yeah, I've had a case of that in my garage for the last seven years; thought I'd bring it up here." As he uttered those words I opened the beer and was rewarded not with a rush of compressed air but with a dull click. Not wanting to offend the hospitality of my new father-in-law, I bravely took a sip. Despite the label it was not, in fact, Milwaukee's Best. I finished the can, but if I'm being honest, the fish enjoyed the lion's share.

I got a laugh from Ed when I told him that story a while back. But I'm a little worried about what ever happened to those remaining cans.

I Am Standing Upon The Seashore

April 15, 2022
(Henry Van Dyke)
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side, spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then, someone at my side says, "There, she is gone"

Gone where?

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast, hull and spar as she was when she left my side. And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.

Her diminished size is in me -- not in her. And, just at the moment when someone says, "There, she is gone," there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!"

And that is dying...

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