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Eleanor's Writings 2016

January 25
November 14, 2016
Dayton: Clarion Call to Action.
"Land of our Pilgrim's Pride" - remember the pilgrims came from every walk of life.
This diversity makes our country great!

November 10, 2016
Freedom Fighters: How do we organize?
Need 'block' groups for freedom fighters.
Go to African-American churches.
Get involved in charities that help.
Use your voice for greater good.

November 11, 2016
Animal Spirits [a rooster walked into our yard in South Park, Dayton, and immediately adopted Mom in 2015.  And, Mom was a constant guardian for the squirrels.]
Rooster - courage, honest, physical and moral fortitude.
Rooster never gives up.
At the herald of dawn, rooster gives you hope.
Rooster draws good luck, prosperity, and over-all good health.
Rooster helps you be. potent protector who keeps negative energies and evil away from your aura.
Squirrel - practical, teaches us to be practical.
Communicates with others effectively to honor those around us. 
Resourceful, excellent organizing and planning for the future.

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