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Forever King

July 19, 2012

This was taken on Aug 24, 1988, Dad's 44th birthday. The faces are priceless of all of us. Ellis too cool for school, Danny with his mouth wide open, me acting coy...and Dad showing the face of a father of three.

We are so blessed to have had such an amazing father. He will always be the "King" to us.


July 17, 2012

This is Jason's first skiing trip and he was thrilled!  It was the beginning of 
a love for skiing.  Robert is manning the enormous video camera (Hal's )
We thought we were in tall cotton that spring!     thank you Morgans

at the Onion Creek house. /

July 17, 2012

This is Ellis Frank and me holding our squirmy kids. Clearly we were
each tired of our own kids and had traded babies.  I got the easier
end of the stick.
Becky DeShong 

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