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All redheads are adopted!

July 19, 2020
It is because of Franny that I am proud to be a redhead! As one of the redheaded Cook twins who lived next door to fellow redheads, Franny & Rocky, I always felt we were connected as family in some way as the Redheads of Richie Lane.  Fran babysat for us, and even played in the snow or swam in the pool with the Brynes & Cook kids! We looked up to her as the big sister.....until she announced to Jane & I that all redheads were adopted! This sent us home crying to our Mom who's response was "Who would adopt redheaded twins?"  My other memories of Fran include being impressed that Fran was a talented & gifted artist and being present at her wedding to John in the back yard between our houses, which at that time was considered to be unique! Franny, you were and always will be "Unique" and my "adopted redheaded sister".  May you feel the love & joy of God and rest peacefully in His arms surrounded by your parents & John.  
Joan Cook Schwartz

Wintry Wrecking Ball

July 19, 2020
One winter while living on Richie Lane, we had a huge snowfall and she built a massive snow fort in your yard. I think she used a large cardboard box as the foundation for the fort. I was probably around 8 years old and she was 16.  For some reason I thought it would be funny to sit on top of the fort, never thinking that my weight wouldn’t be supported by a soggy cardboard box and packed snow.  Franny was in the fort which proceeded to collapse around her and she poked her head up out of the snow and in a very stern voice said “YOU LITTLE SHIT!”.  All I remember is that I was terrified and humiliated. What I thought would be funny turned out to be a disastrous idea. Years later, when I thought back on this happening, I knew I would have reacted similarly, or worse.. Rest peacefully, Franny.

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