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August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021
To my "big" sister, I love you . RIP. A celebration of you life was held on August 13, 2021. Love from Sherri Rorer Baker
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Fran will always have a very special place in my heart. We shared many family get togethers growing up. But it is the time we spent together as adults that I hold most dear. Fran had such a flare for everything. She was charming, gracious, funny, kind and I learned much from her insights. Such a bright, talented woman will never be forgotten. Love you Franny! Rest In Peace.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Fran was my neighbor for several years before moving "out west" to be close to her sisters. Fran was absolutely delightful! I loved her unfiltered comments! They were funny and true! She shared many stories with me about the places she had lived and traveled to. I am so glad she looked to me as a friend and someone she could call on when she needed help. When it was clear to me that Fran needed her family, I knew they would come for her. Wow! Fran's sisters whisked in and all worked like a well-oiled machine! What a gift for Fran to rejoin her sisters! Knowing that her last year was happy warms my heart! 
July 19, 2020
July 19, 2020
I will miss Aunt Fran. She had so much art left to be created and shared. I remember feeling so proud when as an adult I heard she had complimented the color combinations I used in a childhood painting that my parents had framed and hung, because I have so much respect for her immense creativity that she could express in so many media or forms and that I found inspiring.
I remember fondly visiting her when she lived in Cochiti Lake, NM. One time she dressed me in all red and took a picture of me – I felt special. I wished my hair was a red as hers, as mine only had a hint of red. I remember Brian and me playing on her big blank foam furniture blocks for hours having so much fun – stacking and climbing them, building forts, using them to move around the room without touching the floor and all the other fun stuff kids with energy come up with for fun. She did eventually make us stop, but looking back now I’m surprised she let us play as long as she did, with our yelling and rambunctiousness. I remember her taking us to Cochiti Lake with her big dog. She wore these see-through pink all plastic sandals that were modern and funky at the time that allowed her to walk into the water without hurting her feet on rocks and not get ruined by the water – I thought how cool that she had something I considered ‘high tech’. I remember her driving just me to her house once and we happened to pass a woman jogging. She made a comment to me along the lines of ‘always wear a bra’ otherwise your boobs will sag to your waist like hers (the jogger). I was so shocked by what she said as it seemed inappropriate to say to a (sheltered, straight-laced) kid, but also felt it was cool that she didn’t treat me like a kid at that moment and I was grateful for her sharing this wisdom with me, as I had not previously noticed how different women’s boobs could be.
I remember when I was very young we visited her and uncle John when they were living in NYC being so impressed with the staircase in their apartment – to me it was unlike anything I’d seen before and thought it was so modern and cool, although at that point in my life I doubt I’d ever been in an apartment before, so it likely was not so different as it appears in my memory. I remember being on their flat roof of the apartment building from seeing photos of us playing with a hose up there. I remember uncle John giving me this ‘big’ model airplane (not a model you put together but more like a miniature of the real thing type model) and feeling so special I knew this man tha worked with airplanes and that he would part with such a cool airplane, that I still have today. I recall asking what the TWA on the plane meant and he said “Try Walking Across” and we laughed.
I recall being a teenager visiting the Rorer’s house in NM for the Christmas holidays and Aunt Fran and Aunt Roxanne were there too. She asked if I had calluses on my toes from all the hours ballet dancing I did. I answered yes, being unsure exactly what a calluses looked like but having heard us dancers get them. She asked me to take off my shoes before and show them to her saying she had never seen callused toes and I was really embarrassed and didn’t want to. I kept saying no and she just keeping at me until I finally relinquished and upon removing my socks she right away said loudly those aren’t calluses those are blisters! I was mortified. But as an adult looking back I almost laugh out loud as that was so her – a character of sorts with limited filters.
I remember not long after Tim and I moved into our single family home in PA that had some empty walls in the tall, open entry way and wanting to get her interior designer opinion of some of my thoughts of what to do / what to place on those walls and to hear her ideas. I never did get to do that.
I have one of the prints she created and look forward to having one of the clay pots she created that I will keep displayed to inspire me to be creative once in a while, and remind me that I do have some creativity in me somewhere.
July 14, 2020
July 14, 2020
From a note sent by Jennifer, a long-time family friend: "Fran remains a style icon of my childhood. I loved going to her store or her home in Cochiti. She was always kind to me and ready with her full-throated laugh."
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
To my beloved oldest sister,
The moment that you left me, my heart was split in two, one side was filled with memories, the other side died with you. I often lay awake at night when the world is fast asleep, and take a walk down memory lane with tears upon my check. Remembering you is easy. I do it everyday, but missing you is a heartache that never goes away, I hold you tightly within my heart & there you will remain, you see life has gone on without you, but will never be the same.

Oh Franny, how I wish we had one more day, there was so much more I would like to say.

With Love,

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