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Esta página fue creada en memoria de nuestra querida Gabriela, quien nació a la vida eterna el 13 de Febrero del 2013.  
Su familia y sus amigos desean que sea un espacio para que todos aquellos que la llevan en su corazón puedan recordarla y compartir sus fotografías, historias y sentimientos.  Este es un documento vivo que cambiará y crecerá con la contribución de muchos.  Gracias de antemano por el tiempo que le dedicarán a esta labor de amor, pero, más que nada, gracias por haber sido parte de su vida.
Celebremos todos juntos la vida de Gabriela, les invitamos a recordarla.

This site was created in memory of our beloved Gabriela, who was born to eternal life on February 13th, 2013.
Her family and friends wish for this to be a space where all those who have a special place in their hearts for her may remember her and share photos, stories, and feelings.  This is a living document that will change and grow with the contribution of many.  Thank you for the time that you will dedicate to this labor of love, but, more importantly, thank you for having been a part of her life.
Lets celebrate Gabriela's life together, we invite you to remember her.

February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013
No tuve el gusto de conocer a gabriela , pero tengo el honor de conocer a juan jose su hermano . Que siempre hablo de la gran mujer y fortaleza con la habia enfrentado los retos q la vida le mandaba . Gran madre y gran hija . Como bien dice juan hizo una gran labor desde chiquita fue grande, dio su mejor ejemplo a sus hermanos como mejor sabia.  Le pido a dios les de resignacion y fuerza.
February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013
Gaby, Su valentía, fortaleza, la pasión por la vida, el amor por su familia y sus princesas, siempre las recordaré.  Cambio la vida de muchas personas incluyendo la mía, le doy Gracias a Dios por haberla puesto en mi camino, y tener la oportunidad de trabajar con usted.  Siempre estará en mi corazón, con todo el cariño y el agradecimiento de siempre. La extrañaré mi jefecita querida
February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013
Su legado mas reconocido es su fortaleza, su perseverancia, su determinación de no rendirse. Pero también deja su pasión, su interés genuino por los demás, su fe y confianza en Dios. Celebremos su vida dándole gracias a Dios por haberla puesto en nuestro camino y haber sido una bendición poder haber compartido con ella!
February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013
Usteeeed me oye?That's what I would hear everytime you called me! And I did, loud and clear! I still do..Tu voz,tu cara,tus caricias las tengo grabadas en lo mas profundo de mi corazon. Nunca te lo dije, pero si sos y siempre seras mi hermana preferida! le digas a las gemelas ;).Sos mi ejemplo a seguir hoy y siempre.Te amo!Este no es un adios,si no un hasta pronto.Tu ombligo feroz!
February 15, 2013
February 15, 2013
Gracias por todo lo que me enseño Mama (como le llamamos con mucho cariño y respeto), gracias por todos esos consejos, jamás se me van a olvidar y los aplico en mi día a día. El respeto, aprecio y admiración que le tengo lo llevare conmigo el resto de mi vida. Fue un honor y gracias por todo.
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December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022
Me gradué de la universidad mama. I did it. We did it. Es mi logro tanto como el suyo y el de todas las personas que me han apoyado. Soy todo lo que soy por todo lo que fue usted. Gracias por guiar mi camino y ser mi ejemplo a seguir. Gracias por enseñarme a caminar por la vida de la mano de Dios. Siempre he pensado que la prueba de amor más grande de una madre con cáncer para sus hijos es luchar por su vida. Gracias por luchar tantos años por darnos a Sofi y a mi una vida llena de amor, risas y alegría. Gracias por tanto. Hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar. La amo para siempre. Le mando un abrazo de boa hasta el cielo.
September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022
happy belated birthday. I miss you. Hasta que volvamos a cumplir juntas.
February 6, 2022
February 6, 2022
A unos cuantos meses de graduarme de la universidad. No dejo de pensar en que me diría, qué pensaría, y lo más importante, si estaría orgullosa de mí. No hay día que no extrañe su sonrisa, sus consejos, sus chistes y sus abrazos. Solo basta ver mis manos, para sentir la falta que me hacen las suyas. Tantas pláticas que nos quedaron pendientes. Tanto que me faltó por aprender de usted. Tantos consejos que me faltaron por pedirle. Daría todo por tenerla cerquita, por un último abrazo, por escucharla una última vez diciéndome "mi niñita," un último cualquier cosa. Espero estar viviendo mi vida como usted quisiera que la viviera. Voy a hacer que se sienta orgullosa de mí, se lo prometo.
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April 3, 2017

Tia Maria y yo. Compartimos el mismo cumpleanos y espero que muchas cosas mas. 

That Last Christmas

December 25, 2016

There are some people in your life that you know are there for a reason. You can feel it. You can feel how their presence changes you and although you may be thinking you are changing their lives, they are actually changing yours. My mother had Stage III Breast Cancer and I saw her suffer through every chemotherapy as well as every surgery. From the eyes of a little girl, the world seems perfect, but I knew, in my heart, that my reality was far from perfect.

At the age of 12, I used to stand behind my mother’s bedroom door to hear her talk so I would know what was going on and I used to stay awake at night, listening to her breathing, so I was certain she was alive. I used to be afraid of falling asleep because I feared that when I woke up I would have lost the person I loved the most. Despite everything, I was a little girl, undertaking the role of a mature young woman and I had to show my mom that I was capable. I had to prove I was capable of taking care of myself and of my younger sister as well.

For many months I saw my mother battle every day for more breathless moments. I stood beside her every single time she started a new treatment; when she was so weak she could barely walk, when she lost her hair completely, and most importantly, when she smiled through it all. I saw how much it killed her not being able to work, but not because she missed work, but because she missed feeling independent and feeling capable of doing anything she set her mind to. Truthfully, the sickness and pain did not matter to her, or to me, what mattered was that my mother was alive, and that she was able to celebrate yet another Christmas with me, even if it was going to be her last. As much as it pained me to admit, that next February 13th, I lost my best friend and the reason I lived for.

Losing her was exactly that, losing her. My heart ached permanently and I felt as if a part of me had died along with her. I craved her company, her kisses, and her advice. For the first time in my life, I had no one to turn to. I felt so vulnerable and I felt as if everything and everyone was against me. Every night, I cried myself to sleep or I stopped sleeping at all. It seemed to me as if my mind was always racing and I was overflowing with words I did not have. That 13th of February, I lost my soulmate and the only person who understood me. As hard as it was for me to admit, there were many mornings when I’d wake up and I’d question everything I’d ever known, including God. I could not understand how God, the loving father, had taken my mother away from me so cruelly. Honestly, I did not want to be alive in a world where my mother did not exist. Devastation run so deep, that for many months after that, I refused to go out. I wanted to be left alone, but I did not want to be alone. I was experiencing excruciating pain, but after those harsh times, I realized that, I can hurt without breaking.

Regardless of how different my childhood was, I would never want to change it. Her death did not change me, it revealed me. The grief I experienced taught me to trust God above all things and to appreciate the small moments in life, as they are the ones that truly count in the end. I also learned that there is a purpose for everything that happens and for every person that comes into our life, regardless of whether we know it or not. Life is all about the small moments that take our breath away and those breathless moments, are the ones we should cherish the most. Every time I look at my sister, I am reminded of that person I loved and continue to love with fierce intensity. I am reminded that I need to appreciate every single day and every single thing I have in my life, for I am more blessed than many. Regardless of what happens, we have to learn to be thankful and to accept things as they come, for God has a plan set for each and every one of us. Hope is the last thing we should lose and our faith has to be greater than all our battles.

To my momma, I love you. Thank you for your invaluable advice and for your unconditional love. You are my greatest inspiration and my role model. Once we are reunited, I hope you will be proud of what my life has been. My accomplishments are all for you, my biggest supporter. Wherever you may be, I hope you are laying on the beach, tanning, as you loved to do. Cancer did not take you away from me, no one did, it was just time for you to make the angels laugh. I miss you more than words can convey. I hope you know how much you have impacted my life and how much I will always love you.

Los calcetines de oso

March 3, 2015

Recuerdo una noche con mi mamá, recién había venido de Houston ese día. Me dijo que fuera a agarrar el chocolate abajo, que nos comíamos todas las noches juntas. Cuando subí, vi que mi mamá se reía a carcajadas, y yo pensaba que era algo mío. Me puse enojada porque no se paraban de reír con mi hermana. Al rato me llamo y me dijo que le sobara los pies. Yo la empece a sobar pero sentía algo muy suave. Siguiendo enojada, la seguí sobando. Me dijo que viera sus pies, y en lo que veo, mi mamá tenia puestos unos calcetines de osos. Se los quito y me dijo: "Mira mi Piola, te  compre estos calcetines, para que cuando me vaya de viaje, en la noche te los pongas y me recordes." Hace pocos días los vi y me recordé de esta historia y ahora, los tengo siempre a mi lado. 

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