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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Geraldine (Mom) Davis who was born on May 2, 1922 and passed away on March 14, 2011. We will remember her forever.

April 30
I forgot Antoine is married now and Brittany is so awesome. God blessed him with a angel. Forgot to tell you that too. Love you
April 30
Hi mom… I think about you all the time. So much has changed here. They have torn down and built up all kinds of apartments and buildings. We are all doing good. Antoine is blessed and he is a Pastor now just like you told him he was going to be. You would be so proud of him. You have a lot of grandkids that you would have loved to spoil lol. They would get a real kick out of you. All of your grands and great grands are all doing good. You have 3 new great grands that have come and on the way. The baby shower was a big success and I was so nervous all week. Idk why because I have done this several times before. Phillips fam is doing good. Micah Veniece Jr and Sam is all doing good as well. I miss you so much. So many things remind me of you. Your beautiful smile. What I would do to see that smile again. Your daughter vira has hurt herself again. I told her idk what I’m a do with her we both kinda laughed. She a tough cookie. Pat hurt herself too. Mom I just done know what I’m a do with my sisters. I love them so much. Felix is doing great he and Ruth came to the baby shower for Sam too it was great to see them again. You would be proud of us too mom. We get together as much as we can and I tell you we always bring down the house like we use to do when you were here. I love my family so much and I am so great full that you accepted me and raised me as your own. You will never know how much that has ment to me. I don’t know if I told you but I found my brothers and sisters. U fortune my mom I was not able to meet my biological mom or dad. I was too late for that they had passed away. They don’t all get along with each other but I keep them in prayer and believe that God will bring all of us together. This is my prayer. They are so precious to me mom. They loved me and accepted me and we all get together when we can do. Well I have to get with each one, one on one. But I love it too. You would have loved them too mom. Well I can go on and on but I have to get back to work. I will make sure I don’t make it so long the next time we have a talk. Your birthday is coming up and I will see you soon. Dominique that’s my boyfriend said he would come with me to bring you some flowers. I love you mom so much and I keep you as close as I can. Every day. Love you and will talk soon.
March 14, 2023
March 14, 2023
Hi mom. It’s me your baby girl. I miss you so much. I still feel heart broken that you left me. I wish you was here. I think about when I use to come home from work and first thing I see is your smiling face looking up at me and saying good morning. I talk about you every chance I get about how beautiful your soul was. You never complained about anything. Idk how you did that because I try not to but I feel like a big baby sometimes. My feelings seem to be always know. Good or bad. Your grand kids have gotten so big. You have new great grand kids who you would have adored. They are all truly a blessing to me. Some I see and some I don’t but I love them all the same. No matter what we go thru. I just wanted to give you a shout out to let you know you are never forgotten and always missed. Until next meeting mom I love you soo much….
March 14, 2022
March 14, 2022
Hey Grandmama. I know you're watching down on us. I know you've been having my back lately. Within the last year, I learned that I'm alot like you! Haha! I'm finally starting to stand on my own 2 feet. Learn to love me. What I like. What I don't like. I'm starting to feel free for the first time in over a decade. You'd be so proud of me. I'm actually happy now. And so are my kids. They're growing up so fast. I wish you were here to live on them like you did us growing up. But you're not forgotten. They definitely know who you are. Gosh....I wish you actually were reading this. I have so much I wanna tell you.. Well I love you and miss you, and that will never ever change.
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021
Hi mom its me your baby girl. I wanted to say how much i love you and miss you. So much is going on in my lofe and i wish i could talk to you. You have a fee new great grand babies. They are so precious mom. Nye is veniece daughter and she is a very loving baby girl but she is something else lol. Saphina is sams daughter and she is so smart. Talks so good like a groen person... and king micahel pj and prince and princess amari and mariah are all just a joy to me. Then there is jeremiah and tori and my precious JJ.. so you see mom you have a lot more greats in the family. You have 2 more on the way and i cant wait to meet them too..They are ao precious mom. You would be head over heels about them. Antoine misses you a lot too. He often talks about you and what you ment to him.i miss you so amuch mom. My heart is still broken. Will i ever get thru the pain?
How is dad and all the family. Tell them
Hi for me. Tell them i love and miss them too...
Well mom i wont keep you. I love you so much and i will keep you in my heart forever!!! Talk to you soon.... love your baby girl
May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020
Good morning mom.... I wanted to let you know how much you are missed... I think about you all the time. Especially when i go to the room you use to be in. Looking up at me with your beautiful smile and those deep dimples and say good morning. I cant tell you how much everyone has grown. Most of your grandkids are all grown up with kids of there own. You would be so in love with all of them. Jovan,Deshawn, Lakieva, Lil Michael, Antoine, Phillip, Veniece, and even baby sammy. You only have Vincent jr and Micah that dont have any kids yet...but they are all so enjoyable. You would surely get a kick out of them. All of us kids of yours is doing well. You would be happy mom. We all still keep in contact with each other. We all still try to keep up with joe. Its hard since you are not here. You was the glue that kept us all together. Your birthday just passed and i wanted to bring flowers to you but so much is going on today. So many places are closed. I am so glad your not here to have to worry about this. My stress level i know would be thru the roof. Because i would be worried about your safety. But you are in the safest place now. And I'm sure you are happy. Well mom i have to go for now. But i will be talking to you soon again. Everyone sends there love to you... Happy Birthday mommy!!! Love You So Much.....
May 3, 2020
May 3, 2020
I've been thinking about you alot lately. I wish you were here to talk to. I just wanna make you proud of me.. Thank you for watching over me and the family down here. I love and miss you so much!!!
October 17, 2016
October 17, 2016
I'm sorry mom I haven't been here in a while to leave a message for you, but I talk with you all the time... so I'm sure you can forgive me about this note... I miss you just as much as I did when you left me... I wish you were here with me... I still need you so much... I miss your smile and your laugh.. I miss seeing you when I come home from work.. I know your having the best time with your sisters and brothers and friends and other family... you don't know just how blessed you made me when you accepted me into your life.. you raised me to be a good woman.. I know you see all that is going on with me.. I just wish I could hear your voice again.. letting me know it's going to be ok..all the kids are good.. you have a lot more great grand kids you would of gotten a kick out of your twin great grand kids prince and princess... I love all my grandkids so much...the family is growing every year... it's crazy mom... so much love to go around... well I wanted you to know that you will NEVER be forgotten... tell dad I said hi and I love and miss him too...well I better get back to work ... I love you with all my heart mom... you are my angel... talk soon
March 14, 2016
March 14, 2016
This very day Monday March 14,2016 my life changed forever.... The hardest thing I have ever had to endure... The sun is out bright today mom just how you use to like it... Shopping is what we would be doing just what you liked to do.. Out to eat too at one of your favorite spots.. Smiling and laughing, I hear you mom... I will keep you updated as usual... Love you mommy...
March 14, 2016
March 14, 2016
Hi mom, me and you talk all the time. It's still just as difficult to this day. To not being able to physically talk with you, see you, hear you.. I miss you so much.. My heart hurts so much mom... I wish you was here... Everyone is doing ok... Antoine misses you too but he keeps your pictures up and talks with you too.. Life will never be the same without you here..but I am making it. I know one day I will see you and dad and I look forward to that day where we will be back together again.. I know you are having a grand ole time there with everyone.. Tell the family I love them and miss them too. I will be talking to you again when I get home... Love you Alwayz and Forever!!! Never forgotten.. Your baby girl Becky
May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015
I am so not good at this... We talked yesterday an it's not here I just sent you a message again and once again I kicked myself out .... Well mom that means one thing ... It's truely between me and you... I miss you and I wish you was here... My heart hurts still from you leaving me... But I know you don't have to suffer any more only happiness and joy... I will never forget all that you have done for me... I love you mommy with all my heart and I know you are with me... I wish I could see you again... Let me know you are still doing good... We will talk soon tell dad hi for me and I miss him too!!
May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015
Mom..even after all these years...I miss the smile and all that you do. We know you are with all our aunts and uncles. .catching up on lost time and singing all the songs you so much enjoyed here.. such as Jesus will roll our burdens away.. and more Love you much mom..
May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015
Happy Birthday, Grandmama! I miss you so much!! I miss hearing your laugh and seeing your smile. I wish I could hug one more time and kiss your cheeks again (you got good sugar lol). I'm leaving this flower for you..I'm imagining it being your favorite colors, blue and yellow ;) I LOVE you!!!
May 2, 2015
May 2, 2015
What a Blessing you were to me. Learning about you and our family. Thank you for passing on your Joy and Laughter to share with our world. I Love You!
November 21, 2012
November 21, 2012
I just want to tell you mom I Love You so much and Always will... You will forever!!
November 21, 2012
November 21, 2012
Hey mom it's your baby girl... I was sent a message showing me your sight here... I have visited you many times but hard to see this... I miss you soo much... So much is going on with me and I have no one to talk to..... You would always be there for me when I needed someone to talk to... Your great grand kids are so big you would just love them.... As you always have...
March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012
Sister Davis
I will always miss your smile and how you were always kind and giving. My mother is missing you, you were her dearest friend.

Lela Coleman and my mother Ruby Coleman
May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
Mommy I miss you so much. I remember how much you wanted to celebrate your birthday this year. Im sure you are having a the biggest birthday party with all your sisters and brothers and friends. "Happy Birthday Mom."
May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
Grandma! Happy Birthday! I miss you SO much. Wish you were here so we could celebrate with you. Love you!
May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
Mom just wanted to wish you a happy b-day. This is going to be a sad day for me. Especially bringing back wonderful memories. You almost made it to 89, but it's
all good. Hope you're having a good time in
April 26, 2011
April 26, 2011
Hey mom its me. I just wanted to tell you how much i miss you. there is not one day that goes by that i dont think about you. i missed you for easter. i love you and will NEVER forget you!
April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
Hello mom, Miss you much..but I'll see you again in Glory.I pray you were pleased with your homegoing service.Many are still talking about it.You are the bestest much love mom.
March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011
Samuel Huff:I miss my grandma so much but I should not worry to much because she is in a better place now,she is with god,and jesus hopefully I will be seeing my grandma when I am soon dead of old age. I love you grandma I miss you a lot.
March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011
Mom this is your youngest daughter Becky. I miss you soo much. my mornings and my days are never going to be the same without you. i know you are in a much better place where you dont have any more pain or suffering. I love you forever mommy.
March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011
Aunt Jerry this is your neice Millie, you will be sadly missed by all of your neices and nephews, my sympathy goes out to all your children and grandchildren
March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011
Grandma! I will miss you so much but I know that you are in a MUCH better place. Thank you SO MUCH for all you've done for me. Please watch over me! :) I LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!
March 26, 2011
March 26, 2011
Hey mom, this is Vira letting you know how terribly you are missed, and the family is okay. Joe came to your viewing and shocked us all! We vowed for him to keep in touch with us and call often to let us know how he's doing. Love you and miss you.
March 26, 2011
March 26, 2011
March 26, 2011
March 26, 2011
Aunt Gerri: What a pleasure is was to get to know you. You gave me family history along with some of lifes wisdom with alot of laughter. My heart goes out to family that did not have opportunity to experience the lovely lady that you were. Blessed!
March 24, 2011
March 24, 2011
Thank you Ms Geraldine for being the best godmother to our child. We love you. You love emanated from your bveautiful spirit, and you beautiful smile! Charles and Beverly Ervin
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
Sister Davis was the personification of all that is good. She loved God, her family and friends. My mother Sister Coleman cherished their friendship. May God keep his arms around her and give her rest. The Coleman Family
March 22, 2011
March 22, 2011
Mom Davis’ Home Going Celebration:Friday, March 25, 2011; 10:30 a.m. Tabernacle of Praise Church 10201 Beacon Avenue So. Seattle, WA 98178 Mom, we miss you dearly but we all know you are happy and in a place with sis. Alice and all Brothers and Siste
March 22, 2011
March 22, 2011
Mom, you will forever be in our hearts...the church, the home, the family, the friends, You gave the true meaning of it all through God's guidance..thank you...

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April 30
I forgot Antoine is married now and Brittany is so awesome. God blessed him with a angel. Forgot to tell you that too. Love you
April 30
Hi mom… I think about you all the time. So much has changed here. They have torn down and built up all kinds of apartments and buildings. We are all doing good. Antoine is blessed and he is a Pastor now just like you told him he was going to be. You would be so proud of him. You have a lot of grandkids that you would have loved to spoil lol. They would get a real kick out of you. All of your grands and great grands are all doing good. You have 3 new great grands that have come and on the way. The baby shower was a big success and I was so nervous all week. Idk why because I have done this several times before. Phillips fam is doing good. Micah Veniece Jr and Sam is all doing good as well. I miss you so much. So many things remind me of you. Your beautiful smile. What I would do to see that smile again. Your daughter vira has hurt herself again. I told her idk what I’m a do with her we both kinda laughed. She a tough cookie. Pat hurt herself too. Mom I just done know what I’m a do with my sisters. I love them so much. Felix is doing great he and Ruth came to the baby shower for Sam too it was great to see them again. You would be proud of us too mom. We get together as much as we can and I tell you we always bring down the house like we use to do when you were here. I love my family so much and I am so great full that you accepted me and raised me as your own. You will never know how much that has ment to me. I don’t know if I told you but I found my brothers and sisters. U fortune my mom I was not able to meet my biological mom or dad. I was too late for that they had passed away. They don’t all get along with each other but I keep them in prayer and believe that God will bring all of us together. This is my prayer. They are so precious to me mom. They loved me and accepted me and we all get together when we can do. Well I have to get with each one, one on one. But I love it too. You would have loved them too mom. Well I can go on and on but I have to get back to work. I will make sure I don’t make it so long the next time we have a talk. Your birthday is coming up and I will see you soon. Dominique that’s my boyfriend said he would come with me to bring you some flowers. I love you mom so much and I keep you as close as I can. Every day. Love you and will talk soon.
March 14, 2023
March 14, 2023
Hi mom. It’s me your baby girl. I miss you so much. I still feel heart broken that you left me. I wish you was here. I think about when I use to come home from work and first thing I see is your smiling face looking up at me and saying good morning. I talk about you every chance I get about how beautiful your soul was. You never complained about anything. Idk how you did that because I try not to but I feel like a big baby sometimes. My feelings seem to be always know. Good or bad. Your grand kids have gotten so big. You have new great grand kids who you would have adored. They are all truly a blessing to me. Some I see and some I don’t but I love them all the same. No matter what we go thru. I just wanted to give you a shout out to let you know you are never forgotten and always missed. Until next meeting mom I love you soo much….
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Happy Birthday mom

I just want to say Happy Birthday. You are truest missed and I love you so much. I brought you flowers today. Hope you liked them. Me and Veniece and your great granddaughter Nye came and we took pics with you and dad. I just can’t say how much I miss you. Life is not the same without you here. To be able to talk to you about things going on in my life and to get your advise. Your love and support. I’m sure you are having church up there and is free feeling no pain hurt or sorrow. Tell dad hi and I love and miss him too. Always you are in my heart. My angel always…. Love you mommy. 

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March 14, 2022
Hello mom its me again. I also wanted to tell you that there is another new addition to the family and that is Lovell… another one of Phillips sons… he is such a beautiful and handsome grandson. I dont see him as much as I would like but I hope to bring all the grandsons together one day soon… will be back in touch mom… love you ;-)

My Beautiful Angel- Mommy

March 14, 2022
Hi mom, its me your baby girl. I miss you so much. Never a day goes by that I dont think about you. I wish i could hear your voice again. See your beautiful smile with your deep dimples. So much has been going on. You have several new great grandkids. You would be so in love with them. They are so precious. There is Westley sams baby boy, Saphina his oldest daughter, and his baby girl Avaiya. Then you have Phillip who has had Maya, Jeremiah, Amari, Mariah, Prince, Princess, Pj, King Michael and now baby boy whos on the way. Veniece has had Ayniyah she is something else… Micah And Jr dont have any kids yet and Antoine only son De’Azaray. They are all getting so big. Antoine married now mom and his wife has a daughter named Lasha… she is awesome and you would love his wife Brittney.. She is the best person that could have been sent to be by antoines side.. a true angel for him. We are all doing well. You would be happy to know that I keep up with Vira. She is doing good. Do shopping for her when she needs and do her hair. Pat is doing good as well. We get together as much as we can to just have some fun together and Felix and Ruth join in too… well mom just wanted to give you a update on whats been kinda going on. I know I talk to you all the time but I just wanted to let you know on this day. It changed me forever. My heart hurts as you are not here. But I know you are in a much better place. I miss you and love you eternally… until we talk again….

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