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June 26
June 26
Happy Heavenly 9 years Gwen! So many changes.... believe you and Mom are watching from above and see the happenings. Thank you for watching over us and being in our hearts! Sending love, forever in my heart!
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Good morning Gwen.... eight years and hope you still feel the earthly love, we all still miss your earthly presence and know you watch over us. Kevin provided an opportunity to salute you yesterday with a Miller Lite for those present and the balance in prayer. Sending hugs to you and Mom. Sharing a couple of pictures for 2023. Hugs!
July 27, 2022
July 27, 2022
Happy Birthday Gwen! Miss ya a bunch. Have a great 65th up there with mom and everyone else, Love ya
May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022
Just one of "those days" thinking of you Gwen --- lots of memories shared a few pictures and sending you some hugs and filling the corner of my heart that loves you! Have a Happy Mother's Day and give Mom a few hugs from me please.
July 27, 2021
July 27, 2021
Happy Birthday Sis! Miller Lite held high - 64 years since my first baby sister hit the ground running and never stopped -- the staircase to Heaven was a glorious run! Hugs Gwen, until we meet again.
June 27, 2021
June 27, 2021
Good morning Gwen! Thank you for the "visit" yesterday - yes the rain was falling and as you taught us "dance in the rain". Eric and Emily danced into their new lives as husband and wife. Am sure you were there with them, along with Mom, warming their hearts and sharing their love. Hope this isn't too early in the morning (ha ha) to share some love and feelings of missing you. Love always, Nadine
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
How time passes six years missing you just as much? Wishing you and mom were here today for this celebration of our nephew, I will tip back a Miller for you ! Love ya sis give mom a hug for me
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
5 yrs on 6/26/20, I’m a little late but my life has been a mess. I think of you and mom every day. And it still hurts. I wish you could both be here, I miss our talks and your support with my choices I had made. You always had my back. It will never be the same and it definitely doesn’t get easier. Love you always and forever. Until we meet again!! Hug mom for me!!
June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
5 years and still miss you just the same would love to talk to you and hug you once again till we meet again Love ya
February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
Good morning Gwen! You and Mom still celebrating Megan and Matt's engagement? Pop open a Miller Light and toast the couple? Just read their announcement --- their picture says it all --- they look soooo in love and happy. Know you will continue to watch over Megan and Dustin --- 2020 is quite the year for your family. Will keep them in my earthly prayers and you will take care of the rest. Love and hugs always!
July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019
Happy Birthday Gwen - it would have been 62 years and early retirement! But you are where it is best --- thank you for the beautiful sunrise! Hugs to you and Mom
July 27, 2019
July 27, 2019
Happy Birthday sis miss ya and Love ya ! Give mom a hug for me
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Another year has passed but not one day you haven’t been forgotten Love ya Gwen
December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018
Another Christmas without you and it just isn't the same....miss you so much! To being together again some day
December 23, 2018
December 23, 2018
Merry Christmas Sis miss you lots. Give mom a hug ! Lov ya
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
Happy 61st Heavenly Birthday Gwen! Love never ends! Raise a Miller and cheers to you!
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Happy birthday Gwen. We love you and miss you so much!!!
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Happy Birthday! Have a heavenly one! Love and miss you!❤️
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
Happy 60th Heavenly Birthday Gwen! Wishing you a Heavenly Celebration! Wish you were here if only one more day! Oh the places we were going to go and things we were going to see once we were both over 60! Love you!
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
Those people who say it gets easier with time obviously never lost someone as amazing as you! Two years later I still miss you like crazy!!
June 26, 2017
June 26, 2017
In comparing to Eternity two years is but a blink in time....and every time I blink I think of you. Comfort continues in knowing you are in your Heavenly Home..........
February 19, 2017
February 19, 2017
Sharing some pictures Gwen from 12 years ago....some special moments ... that continue on in treasured memories. Visit with Mom and she what she remembers of that misty Saturday with fog that night when we moved them in - February 19, 2005 going down Main Street on a flat trailer and holding appliances :)  Know you can't share the discussion but enjoy it. Love always.
August 30, 2016
August 30, 2016
Well it's just a little over a week away from Janessa's wedding and I really wish you were here. There isn't a day I don't think about you and I pray that I will see you again your in my heart and I love ya . Tell mom I miss her just the same and both are deep in my heart won't forget you two on ness and phils special day . Love ya
July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016
Happy birthday Gwen, I think about you and mom everyday. Sometimes I think it's all a bad dream and then it hits me. It sucks but I know you are no longer in pain. Have a wonderful birthday, hugs to you both. We love you and miss you two so much!
July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016
Happy Birthday to my second mom! Love you and miss you very much!
July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016
Good Morning Gwen! Wishing you a Heavenly Happy Birthday! Love and sooo miss you! See you soon. Celebrate with Mom - have her make you an angelfood cake!
July 2, 2016
July 2, 2016
Thank you for the rain - - - it was time to walk with you in the rain, to share a year's worth of love and memories, to dance, to sing "Just 5 More Minutes", to cry because just what was needed was one more hug, one more laugh,but to know that you are at peace - your wings spread wide. With Mom, pain free and watching over us. Love goes on and for now so does the hurt of missing you both. Maybe the rain is your tears of peace to let us all know you are with us. Lovin' ya!
June 27, 2016
June 27, 2016
I miss you! I know you are at peace but you took a big piece of my heart with you!  Give mom a hug! Love you!
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Well today has been a year since your passing. You and mom are missed so much. I think of you two all the time and we wish we could see you two again. It's really hard they say it gets easier but for me it hasn't. But knowing your at peace and not suffering helps. I love you so so much!!!
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
I can't believe it has been a year! I honestly never thought I would make it thru, but thank goodness I got your strength. Some say the first year is the hardest and others say it gets harder. I really hope the first people are right.
The selfish part of me wants you back here so badly, but the selfless love you taught me knows you are at peace and not suffering anymore and for that I am grateful. I know they say she still sees you and knows what is going on and is there, but I want to be able to see you too and be there for you like we always were! You are my best friend!
Love you bunches!
June 26, 2016
June 26, 2016
Good Morning Little Sis! Thank you for the visit - memories rushed as you let me "tidy your home". A whole year .... the millions of times family, friends and co-workers have thought about you, missed you, continue to love you. We walked together this morning and watched the sunrise as we have many, many times. Thank you for watching over us - we can still all love and we all can still be PIAs. Send some butterflies, a rainbow or two, the whispering in the breeze we are all still with you! Love, love, love and miss you!
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
In the early morning light
At your eternal place I sat
Your image in my site
My heart racing, the tears flowing
Brushing away the daily dust
The Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Aunt, Grandma ribbons
Then being straighten
A Butterfly, A little light were placed
To provide some evening shine
Saying I love you and
Happy Mother's Day!
May 1, 2016
May 1, 2016
Gwen, thanks for the visit today. The rainbow roses from your family are still beautiful --- they are loving this rain. Til next time, Nadine
April 30, 2016
April 30, 2016
You are now laid to rest
For eternity
A place to visit
Oh selfish me
For in my heart
You will always be.
April 26, 2016
April 26, 2016
Good morning Gwen! 10 months .... time moves on .... send my love every day. Thank you for watching over us as we know you are there. Love you eternally!
March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016
Happy Easter Eve Gwen! Thinking of you - saw you in the sunrise yesterday morning! Thank you for continuing to watch over all of us. Assume it is a busy Heavenly time preparing for the most important day for mankind - the rising of Jesus who saved us all. Say Hi to Mom and have fun hiding Easter Eggs for the Heavenly Children --- have your Easter Bunny outfit? Love you through eternity!
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
There are so many things I want to call and tell you!! It is so hard without you here for all of the exciting things going on. I wish I could see your smile and hear the excitement in your voice. Love you bunches!
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Eight months of revisiting past times through pictures, videos, and places shared, thinking of you multiple times per day --- seeing in the sunrise, in the birds, in the flowers, the twinkling snow, the sunset --- whispering back when I wonder "What would Gwen say?" Lovin' you!
January 26, 2016
January 26, 2016
Thank you Gwen and Mom - I know both you took the wheel today and helped through the situation. Was praying as I was traveling and you were there at the right moment. Seven months, but still share the praying done every day. Love you and thank you.
November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving Gwen! So thankful to have you as a sister --- this morning already have come across some items involving you and Mom that caused visits to memory lane. Give Mom a hug and ask for you both to watch over family today if they decide to travel. Five months.....
October 26, 2015
October 26, 2015
Good Morning Gwen! Four months....time moves forward...think of you zillions of times each day. Give Mom a hug. Love ya!
October 1, 2015
October 1, 2015
Gwen, how was the first day with Mom? Getting her acquainted with Heaven and her wings? Thank you for a beautiful sunrise. Love.
September 26, 2015
September 26, 2015
Three months ago today Jesus took you home - question: Does Jesus like Miller Light? Love you to the moon and back and even more!
September 21, 2015
September 21, 2015
Butterflies, sunrise and sunsets have taken on an additional meaning - all share your unconditional love and laughter. Millions of butterflies hear us say - "Hello Gwen!" "Love you Gwen".
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