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Jacob knew how to celebrate the New Year

January 25, 2023
Jacob knew how to have fun and loved spending time with his friends and meeting new people. He has amazing social energy it’s like a super power. He held New Year’s Eve parties at his place and other years joined other parties, always with great Champagne, magnum size!

Jake made our engagement into a fairy tale

January 25, 2023
When my told Jake I wanted to propose to my now wife Yulia, Jake helped us to plan and organize everything. He went with me to Brooklyn to practice the rehearsal and video it for us. He worked with Jon Solomon to reserve the carousel under the bridge so we could have one ride just the two of us after she accepted. Jake also helped to find a restaurant near by and arrange the menu. One if so many moments where Jake never hesitated to do anything he could to be there for friends and family

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