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May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023
It's very saddening to hear that Jacob has left us. Jacob was one of my best friends in NYC, and he is also the most kind and generous person I've ever known. Although met relatively late ( I think we met around 2014~15), I was lucky to share some of the best moments in NYC with Jacob. He was always caring, optimistic, trying his best to cheer everyone up while being real. It was also because of his generosity a lot of wonderful things became possible. 

Jacob was the kind of friends you want to have for the rest of your life. It's a tragic loss to his friends and family that he left us so young. I can only hope he went to better places, and we may meet him again in the future.
February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
So saddened to hear this news. RIP Jake. You were a good one.
My deepest condolences to your family.
February 6, 2023
February 6, 2023
My name is Adam Cooper, and I had not been in touch with Jacob for a long time. Yet, for a few years in middle school and high school we were very close friends, and spent a lot of time together.

We were quite different from each other: Jacob was friendly, optimistic, and sometimes boisterous; I on the other hand was kind of moody and reserved. Yet for some reason we hit it off and began hanging out. We met in 7th grade German class, and we were brought together in part by our shared interest in Star Trek and Dr. Who, which we were slightly obsessed with in those days. Fortunately, we lived in the same neighborhood and I remember very fondly the days of going to Jacob’s house after school. Mostly we would play games like King’s Quest on his dad’s PC, or watch some movie for the ten billionth time, like Spaceballs. I’d usually nag him for snacks and he’d always oblige. One time we had the idea of riding the Metro to every single subway station on the system in a single day: it ended up being a monumental waste of time since we didn’t even go past the exit gates to look around, but we got it done and at 12 years old or so we felt very proud of ourselves. 

I remember, too, Jacob’s dad and mine taking turns driving us to Star Trek conventions all over the DC area and as far as Baltimore. We would spend the entire day together in some middling hotel looking around at adults dressed up in bad costumes and waiting on autographs. One time Jacob brought his video camera (he was always an avid user of technology) with the idea that we would make a documentary: I remember him filming me in a stairwell as I tried to describe the event and then having to stop over and over again as people walked in front of us. I got progressively more frustrated but he just started giggling at my annoyance: he had a very memorable giggle.

Jacob was a very generous person. With him, what you saw is what you got. He was always available and encouraging, and he gave me a lot in the time we were friends. He gave me snacks which I happily mooched off of him; he gave me company when we hung out at the mall or went to see a movie; he helped me get my first job at Jack’s Famous Deli in White Flint Mall, where we slung corned beef together; he gave me rides to school when I didn’t know how to drive. It's been over ten years since Jacob and I saw each other, but the news of his passing has hit me very hard. It has really made me realize that it is always easier to lose touch with a friend than it is to make a new one, and that we should take the time to cultivate friendships and hold on to them while we can. Yet that realization, too, is another gift from him. Even in his passing, Jacob is still giving.
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
In the course of working with Jake for 4+ years in Toronto, he was kind enough to humor me to accompany me to the Royal Winter Fair one year. I will never forget his kindness lingering for a quite lengthy amount of time through the cattle - carefully pondering their souls. It's a great example of true kindness I can only hope to emulate for the rest of my life.
January 27, 2023
January 27, 2023
I still can’t believe this is real. Jacob you were too young to leave us so soon. You had too much life left to live.

You were a true friend, a kind heart who always wanted to help, who always took the time and remember things important those who were privileged to have you in their lives. Whether it was messaging to see how I was feeling or to wish me a Happy Veteran’s Day, you were always there. 

Your facebook messages and our conversations could be deep and serious or just plain hilarious. Where did you find some of those outrageously funny reels you would send. Your sense of humor brought so many laughs to us all.

Sultan’s in Miami will never be the same, I know how much you liked that place. The press risers where we shoot will have an emptiness moving forward where you stood.

But the greatest emptiness will be in our hearts as you will be missed forever. RIP Jacob.
January 27, 2023
January 27, 2023
Jacob Lustig, RIP. 1.22.2023. My heart is saddened, lost for words. Jake was one of my best friends who I’ve known for 10 years, UWS Lincoln Square neighbor, fellow foodie, champagne, espresso connoisseur, and fantastic videographer and my interview partner for NYFW and Miami Swim Wk.
We would enjoy talks walking along the pier in Riverside South Park, brunch with friends at his favorite spots-Friedman’s West, Hudson West Kitchen, Harry’s Table, The Smith and Il Gattopardo.
Who was Jake?
He was full of life, wisdom, compassion, generosity, kindness, love with a keen sense of humor. You could always count on Jake to make you laugh, the ability to put a smile on your face during the difficult and happiest of times. Dry sense of humor, political sarcasm, always offering sleeves of limited edition fine Nespresso or Jenny’s gourmet ice-cream. I always thought of Jake when I would treat myself to a cappuccino or latte on the weekend, he was a culinary coffee connoisseur, and fine Barista in his home, who made the perfect cappuccino.
His life will be celebrated- he is now a butterfly who will shine happiness on all who loved him. Happiness will return.
In his honor, when we sit and have a cappuccino this morning with our loved ones, remember to tell them you love them and let’s pray for Jake and smile because he showed his love by acts of service. He always showed how he cared by being a good friend.
He would like us to celebrate and play music loud with mega bass using his ultra modern DJ speakers, that could entertain a concert at Webster Hall. Let’s celebrate his life with a fine vintage glass of Moet Rose champagne.
A Lasting Legacy

Remember someone so loved, so warm-hearted, strong and kind,
recalling all the laughter shared,
the love they left behind…
We celebrate the legacy and keep them close at heart, and know, through favorite memories, we’ll never be apart.
January 27, 2023
January 27, 2023
For nearly 40 years you have been apart of our family and always welcomed ours into yours. From Bar Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, birthdays, random weekends and visits back home you were a part of so many and always thought you would be in the future. You were always a gentleman, honest, funny and noble characteristics Steve and Arlene are proud of the man you are and the memory you always will be. I love and miss you from so far away.
To Arlene, my condolences and I wished I would never have to celebrate another life ended too early. There is nothing I can so or do except promise to keep the memories of Jacob in my mind and heart.
With love, sorrow and strength from AU.
January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023
Dear Jake,

You were an original. Always there to send birthday, holiday, special occasion wishes. There first, when my mother died, to ask, what can I do? Beneficently sharing your love of good quality food, drink and coffee beans. Passing along your last Gen electronics to friends as you upgraded. Engaging in lively and intelligent conversations with no holding back on your political views. The world was richer for your time here. You are missed. ❤️

To Arleen,

May Jacob’s life and memory be a blessing. May you be comforted by the love we all have for him and knowing you brought a real mensch into this world and you did your job well.

Much love and with a heavy heart,
January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023
Jacob was a great friend and fellow media photographer/videographer. Our best times together were during Miami Swim Weeks.

As a big fan of my Alaskan Malamute, Jedi, AKA "The Most Interesting Dog In The World", he'd share dog anecdotes and pictures of friendly dogs he came across. He messaged me the Saturday evening before his passing with a picture of his neighbor's dog, a Pomeranian. He continued to ask me if I was going to get a new dog in the near future and if I was going to get another Alaskan Malamute or a different breed. I replied if I didn't get another Malamute I was going to consider a Bernese Mountain Dog.

Jacob was a thoughtful and generous guy. Since Miami Swim Week usually occurs around my birthday, Jacob would rally the gang to celebrate and even went out of his way to get a proper birthday cake for me. He had a sharp, dry wit and always cracked me up with his timely comedic remarks.

My prayers go out to Jacob's family and loved ones at this time and he will surely be missed by his fashion media friends and colleagues...
January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023
Jacob, my friend, you will be missed. I've been going through my memories of our long friendship together. First meeting at the bus stop in our neighborhood. Going to your house to see all the cool new toys. Learning to work on cars together and giving tune-ups to each others cars. Cursing GM for making their cars almost impossible to work on. The backpack! Cheesy jokes. 

We went our separate ways for college but always kept in touch. We were in the process of reconnecting once again and you were taken away. Your passing is heartbreaking for me but I hope you and your family take just a little comfort that even in your leaving you have been a catalyst to treasure our current friendships and re-kindle ones from long past. You have brought together old friends that haven't been in touch in years. Thank-you for decades of steadfast friendship. 
January 25, 2023
January 25, 2023
Our friend Jake is very special ! He has the biggest heart and cares about everyone he knows. His kindness, generosity and friendship have touched many souls. He’s also a very talented voice impersonator : ) He makes us laugh easily with his cartoon voice and quirky humors. We will forever cherish all the good times, beautiful memories and silly jokes we shared together over the years.

He is loved by many and he will live in the hearts of all those he touched.

May his memory be a blessing. Rest in Peace. We will miss him so much, miss talking to him, miss receiving his funny voice clips, and more.

Sending love and my deepest condolences to his mom Arleen and family.

Love always,

Ellen (Li Xiong) & Richard/ Totally Cool
January 25, 2023
January 25, 2023
My deepest condolences to Jacob’s family. I knew Jake as the best friend and truly a family of my husband, David.
He quickly won my heart by just being himself. He was the kindest and most generous person I have ever met.
He was an absolutely irreplaceable part of our family too… he was there to help us with engagement party, wedding and even organized our baby’s bris ceremony.
We traveled together to Miami and always had the time of our lives.
Love, forever…
Yulia Berman
January 25, 2023
January 25, 2023
Jacob and I hadn't crossed paths since our High School graduation. It was wonderful to see him at our thirty year reunion in November. We all had such a great time that we agreed to meet annually, or even semi-annually.

In fact, just Saturday night, our group was texting about meeting in February! Jacob suggested Karaoke in Rockville; he claimed that we needed to test everyone's vocal abilities. After a classmate or two expressed apprehension at singing, Jacob offered his perspective:

"A couple of drinks makes even shy people like me sing.  I love to pretend to Sing Journey or Bill Joel"

I went to sleep Saturday Night, so excited at the prospect of seeing this handful of old friends once again and, especially, listening to Jake, with a slight buzz-on, giving us his best "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" maybe. I'm sad now that I'll never see that, but I'll hold on to the imagery, and the dry wit that gave us so many laughs that evening in November.
Godspeed, Jacob.

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