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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved James "Chip" Escar Moore. We will remember him forever. 

2024 April - sharing the link to Chip's remembrance video that was compiled last year. See below for time stamps. Much love, Charissa
CHIP IV on Vimeo

2023 April – 10 Year Remembrance. This year makes 10 years since Chip transitioned. To honor his memory, I decided to put together a 30-minute video featuring our close friends and family. This compilation highlights their fond memories. Listed below is the timestamp outline. Thank you to everyone who participated. Chip was an inspiration to many of us and he continues to be remembered for his integrity, kindness and big, loving heart. Much love, Charissa
CHIP IV on Vimeo

Intro Music (Chip’s guitar played by Casey)
00.10 Emily, Javier (friends)
01:36 Nimone (friend)
02.57 Chet (father-in-law)
04.11 Margaret (mother-in-law)
05.11 Mika (friend)
06.49 Gail, Jeff (friends)
07.28 Kate (friend)
08.13 Olga, Javier (friends)
09.41 Uri (friend)
10.44 Alexis (niece)
11.28 Kevin (friend)
12.34 Danielle “Dany” (niece)
13.34 Brooke (niece)
15.14 Dolly, Sophia (sister-in-law, niece)
16.22 Fred (brother-in-law)
17.48 Patrick (godson)
18.32 Vida (friend)
19.52 Alex (godson’s brother)
20.38 Uncle Ranjan (friend)
21.19 Sharalynn (friend)
22.22 Yon (friend)
23.25 Casey, Kim (godson and wife)
24.48 Andy (brother)
26.02 Carrie (mother)
26.27 Charissa (wife)
29.24 Casey playing Chip’s guitar
29.49 Tyler (godson)

2022 April. CHIP….He knew that the full Windsor was classic but noted that had gone out of style. He subscribed to GQ, Whiskey and Cigars – stayed current but classic. He had the old brush and shaving cream, just like my dad had when I was growing up in Africa. He didn’t care for fluff, relished everything about life. He was interested and fascinated by the stars, anything physics, all kinds of religions, beliefs, people. He used to tell me that he could people watch all day. Just sit and watch. Loved games with skill and thought. His mind was always busy, always doing something that used his mind. He loved working with his hands. He took pleasure creating, making things beautiful. Loved woodwork, he loved working with wood. Patient and impatient, with great attention to detail, great pride in the work he did with his hands. He loved history and things that were old, but he also loved gadgets and the newest of the new. Always went for quality, not anything cheap. “It lasts longer if it’s built right Reese,” he would say, so we’d spend a bit more $$ and get quality.

He came from a state that had and has big pride. He went to a ‘labeled’ school, something I never got to do and always wanted to. But that didn’t affect his humility and sense of real – but he had pride about his upbringing, his schooling, how he lived. He treated everyone with love and kindness. He talked people up, made them feel like they were something special. Humor, he was so funny. His humor was dry but super witty and smart. Never mean to anyone even self-deprecating in his humor. That took a special kind of talent and empathy. He was so kind and funny, so funny. Movies. He loved the most bizarre, disturbing ones to things as light and mindless as Clueless; from off beat B flicks to the heavy Reservoir Dogs, and Clockwork Orange. He loved music and his taste in music was as diverse as his interests in movies. He was comfortable to be around and with himself. But he was actually a very shy guy, but that added a lens of real and caring. What a wide spectrum and he stayed current too, in music and the latest video games. He loved the ocean, he loved swimming. When he was in the ocean, he’d be lost in another world of discovery with all the fish, sea creatures and plants. Looking through his eyes, were looking at something through eyes of wonder and newness. I swear he was a fish in another life. If he had gills, he’d live in that underwater world. He could stay there for hours exploring. He lived in the now every single day.

2021 April. Earlier this week, I came across a picture of Chip and one of his colleagues Gil, at ENGEO (see Gallery tab photo 8, ENGEOBowling 011). It was at a group bowling activity taken exactly 1 day before Chip passed away. As I looked at the picture, I kept and still keep looking at it thinking to myself, these two look so happy and content like everything is fine. Who knew that 24 hours later, everything would change? Just like that, in a blink of eye, life changed completely. Chip always lived in the moment. #livefortoday#foreverlove

2020 April. Sometimes, it's the simplest of words....
❤️ Chip, my heart, my love ❤️

2019 April. I am continuously reminded that this journey of grief is not linear. After 6 years, I entering a space that feels even less clear. This continues to bring up emotions that create moore questions in my mind about this life path and what's next. The emptiness, anger is still present. I ask myself, 'why am I given this cross to bear?' Not a question that I've found an answer to...still. I do what I've learned to do...lean into the grief...scream, laugh amidst the tears, and pray for peace. 
Every year, I reflect with family and friends, as we share memories with laughter, sadness and tears. Chip is BIG love. His light continues to shine and guide as much as is needed. He walks this journey, from above. I know I've said this before, and I'm saying it again, grief is something that will always be carried. It's part of me...through the anger, sadness, laughter, love, pain, and tears...can't bury it. It just is. #everpresent #everpersistent #foreverlove #forevermissed ❤️❤️
2018 April. Yesterday, I saw this quote: “I wasn’t’ prepared for the fact that grief is so unpredictable. It wasn’t just sadness, and it wasn’t linear. Somehow, I’d thought that the first days would be the worst and then it would get steadily better like getting over the flue. That’s NOT how it was.” I thought, how true. It made me think about the last 5 years and reflect on my grief journey. After the initial stages of grief, there are constant adjustments as the finality of it becomes “moore and moore” real. There is a heaviness mixed with the realization that life is not ever going to be the same. Chip is no longer here in my physical space. I will always carry that anchor and it is now who I am. Having said that, the bond we have, now that he’s in a different energetic space, only continues to grow. It’s a bond of love that fills my heart space and keeps me grounded. I remind myself daily to lean into the love, while staying quiet, connected, and being here in the present. #foreverlove #forevermissed #foreverwithme
2017 April. 4 years sounds long, then again, it really isn’t. This past year, as I continue my grief journey, it feels as though Chip’s presence is much more evident. His spirit keeps me calm. Sadly, I’m no longer in the “blessed bubble.” There is harshness and rawness to this reality, as I struggle to create a routine and survive. My health has been affected. It’s as if the body is reacting to the months and months of stress by manifesting in the physical. I’ve now taken a step back to refocus my attentions on taking care of myself and being calm and prayerful. 
Music is once again becoming part of my life and healing space. It was such a big part of our lives before. I’m finally able to listen to music, something I couldn’t do for 3 1/2 years. “Miraculously,” I was able to get my hands on a free piano. I’m gradually starting to play again, building on 15 years of lessons. I value the time with my nieces, nephews and god children. They always make me smile. I’m grateful for friends and family who continue to show their love and support. The trips I’ve taken this past year to Sedona and Alaska were spiritually significant, as I’ve been able to find tranquility in nature. The present journey holds great significance as Chip’s spirit continues to be with me. It opens up my connection to spirituality and the path ahead. The journey continues, just in a different way. 
2016 April. Another year, still can’t believe that Chip has transitioned. Honestly, I cannot say which of the past 3 years has been the worst, because each year has been pretty difficult. The first year, actually almost 2 years, it felt as though I was in a bubble, and don’t really recall much of anything. This past year, it felt as though that protective bubble started to dissipate and whoa…what a smack of reality! The way that grief is processed is so individual and there isn’t a formula to follow.  I’m constantly reminded by my counselor, support group and friends, to take care of me. Slow down, reflect and lean into the pain. At times I felt as though the distraction of work, meager attempts at socializing, gave me a bit of a reprieve, but grief doesn’t really give you a reprieve, at least not in my case. The waves of grief continue and whack me up-side, affecting me at the most inopportune times. Then, I’m reminded to give myself the space and take time to just be. Take the time to just sit and be. I think about Chip and the love that continues, just in a different way. That moves me into a calmer head and heart space. My anxiety, something I never had before, is a constant reminder to release any and all control, control of anything and everything. Releasing seems to quiet the anxiety, sometimes giving me some calm. It’s almost as though Chip’s way of living in the moment is manifesting in my life now, as I work to calm the anxiety. And that’s no accident. It is part of the journey learning to live in the moment. I’ve become much more aware of energies - mine and others - which is also connected to the anxiety. This awareness has forced me to look at people with more compassion, and to look at life through the lens of love, a lens of no judgment, the way that Chip did. He continues to be present in spirit.  So, the journey continues, step forward, step backward, step sideways and every which way. Got no idea what’s coming next, but it doesn’t really matter, as long as I live in the moment, live with love. #foreverlove #forvevermissed. Charissa
2013 December. It has been an extremely difficult time after the unexpected passing of my husband, Chip in 2013. He was my rock, my heart, my soul, my life, my love.  He had a wonderful, gentle spirit, an extremely smart wit and a dry sense of humor. He loved life and he was love. Though I am not sure of the future, I know in my heart that he continues to be with me and continues to carry me. It was divine that we were put on this earth to be together, even though short. Some who read this will know the story of how we were brought together over 20 years ago, and understand what I mean when I say it was divine.    
In December 2013, Chip received an award posthumously by his employer, ENGEO, called the ENGEO-ness Award. ENGEO-ness is defined as “the willingness and commitment to ensure the success of others.” The award is the highest honor ENGEO gives, and in the case of Chip, it is a tough thing to imagine that anyone would ever epitomize these sterling qualities the way Chip did. His character of excellence in professionalism, commitment to quality in all aspects of work and service, plus that special something - it will be a rare person indeed who can ever hold a candle to Chip’s ENGEOness. These characteristics were evident in Chip’s career and every personal relationship as well. Additionally, for future recipients, the award was named in Chip’s honor “the Chip Moore ENGEO-ness Award.”  
I am continually grateful for the support and understanding of many, as I continue to navigate this road. I hope you will take the opportunity to remember Chip, and when it moves you, to post a thought, phrase, story or picture.

April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Chip was a colleague, and Poker buddy. One year ago I lost a great friend. The Poker Table has never been the same without Chip "Leno" Moore. His jokes and one liners live on. Thinking about you today Charissa.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Oh, Charissa. I will never forget the shock and disbelief when I received the call a year ago today. I will never forget that it felt like a knife had gone through my heart and yours, and the hearts of the entire ENGEO family. I miss Chip every single day. You both have been such good friends to me over the many years, and I wish for you strength and courage as you continue to navigate the road ahead. I am here for you, always.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Our hearts are heavy as today we remember our dearest friend Chip. He will always be remembered as the gentle spirited and fun person that he was. He will always be missed...Charissa you are in our continued thoughts and prayers.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Charissa, somehow it occurred to me that it was this time last year that Chip passed. What a great romance it was and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing something so fabulous first hand. I didn't know Chip as long as most, but what an amazing positive person. It's obvious, he is missed by many. I miss his friendship in the brief time we knew each other. But as they say, it's not how much time you spend in someone's life, it's the quality of the time that they're there that counts.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Charissa - I've been thinking about you today, and was so pleased to see that you have set up this memorial website for Chip. I hope knowing how much you are both loved helps in some small way on this difficult day. Thank you for the invite to this site.
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Charissa, I still remember the first time I met Chip in San Francisco years ago. We all went on a tour all over San Francisco. You hadn't even started dating yet, but very soon after that trip, or because of that trip, lol, love blossomed.  I could truly see the love and happiness between you two, especially the last time I saw the two of you together in Nov 2010, and also in your 2012 Christmas card; you were both beaming like newlyweds. I kid you not, the very night he passed, I was thinking about you two, and could not believe it when I got a text from your brother a few hours later. I'm sure that this is the hardest thing you've ever had to deal with, but I'm glad that you have so many happy memories that you can treasure forever. You are always in my prayers. Love and hugs, Courtney
April 8, 2014
April 8, 2014
Both you and Chip touched our lives with your friendship and your love and zest for life and adventure. We miss our Tequila buddy and hope that you know our thoughts are with you today.
March 26, 2014
March 26, 2014
My dearest friend Charissa,
I have known you for most of my life. We met when we were both 10 years old. We have been through so much together, both good and bad. When you introduced me to Chip over 20 years ago I knew he was the ONE for you! (Even though at the beginning you insisted that he was just your roommate!) You could not have found a better match. He was your soul mate in so many ways!

I met my husband, Javier because you and Chip brought me out that weekend I visited you! We transitioned from single life into married life together.....from apartment dwellers into first time homeowners together. We helped each other with moves, house clean ups and house fix ups. We saw each other all the time. Our lives back then were so intertwined with each other. We spent weekends, birthdays, holidays and countless double dates together. You were both there to witness the birth of my first child, even though it was 4:30 a.m.!!!

Chip was and will ALWAYS be so dear to us. We have so much love in our hearts for him. There are so many happy and joyful memories of him. When I think of Chip, I think of happiness, selflessness and warmth. Chip spread happiness where ever he was, to everyone around him. 

Just little things make me think of him often: The "Chip Step" (the one that he built for us 18 years ago), the "Chip Cup" (the one that he left at our house). When I see the steps in my house, I think of him. When I drink from his big purple cup every night, I think of him.

It is close to the one year anniversary of his death and Chip is missed more than ever!!!!! He will always be in our hearts and his spirit continues to stay with us. I am blessed to have known him.
I love you my friend! Emily
March 26, 2014
March 26, 2014
Charissa I am very sorry for your loss. I had been going through some old drawings Chip had dome and some letters we wrote back in college, so I wanted to see if I could get back in touch... then I find out he has been gone for almost a year. We came to know one another through a mutual friend at college and soon became room mates. We were room mates after college for a while as well. Chip was just a hoot. He brought life with him to every situation. He was a good friend, even when I wasn't. There will be remembrances of him from camping, and from volleyball, and from all things College Station had to offer us . I am better off for knowing him. Love ya Chip
February 24, 2014
February 24, 2014
Chip's memories will be with our family forever. He was a great, humble, and sweet person to have chat anytime. He was really a special friend and will be missed forever.
January 21, 2014
January 21, 2014
I will always have pleasant thoughts when I remember Chip... He was a calm and peaceful force. I will never forget the great time we all had years ago on the Disney Cruise and him being a good sport with us guys playing "The Village People" at the variety show. He wore that cowboy hat well...Great sport.
He will be forever missed and Charissa our continued prayers and thoughts are with you.
December 31, 2013
December 31, 2013
Dear Charissa,
What always struck me about Chip was his devotion to and love for you. To me, you were always the perfect couple meant for each other. I looked forward each and every year to your Christmas cards and I have many years of portraits of you both. When I look at them all it is easy to see that you made each other happy. I hope to see you soon. Thank you for sharing this memorial site with me. Judi
December 24, 2013
December 24, 2013
Chip will always hold a place in our hearts. There are so many good memories to remember him by. We decided to present a memorial wall here at the San Ramon Lab for him. Thank you Charissa for giving us a place to go to get our Chipper fix. If you need anything just let us know. You will always be family!!!!!
December 20, 2013
December 20, 2013
As soon as we met Chip in 2001, we immediately knew we wanted him at ENGEO.
He epitomized all our core values with his impeccable character and integrity, tireless commitment to the service of others, always-positive attitude, and ever-present smile.
Once aboard, he quickly took on many responsibilities and soon became a Principal, overseeing all special inspections, materials testing laboratories and structural engineering company wide.
Chip immediately earned the love and respect of everyone. The more we learned about him, the more we loved him. 
We already knew he had the best hair at ENGEO, but we also learned that:
He was an accomplished poker player and routinely won our Texas hold’em tournaments
He was quite an artist - see program; he drew that when he was 10
He could sing
He was a rabid fan of his Alma Mater, Texas A&M
He always had the BEST Halloween costumes (drag queen, rabbit, etc.)
He had a phenomenal sense of humor – (tell eat-my-shorts story)
Most of all, he had the warmest, most kind nature.
Never bragged about his accomplishments
Never complained
Never spoke badly about another
He always searched for opportunities to help others, and never waited to be asked.
He wasn’t merely a coworker or colleague; he was a brother, a mentor and, for many, a father figure.
He always seemed to bring a warm light to his surroundings that elevated all of us every day.
Have you ever met a person that no one had anything negative to say about? That was Chip. And that is what we should all strive to be.
Chip, you have had a profound and ever-lasting influence on all of us and we are truly proud and honored to have worked with you. 
The greatest wish we can give someone is Peace, and we know you have found yours. We love you and miss you very much.
December 17, 2013
December 17, 2013

As a fellow Principal of ENGEO I did have the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with Chip professionally……but never really had the opportunity to know Chip well personally. Still, one always felt very close to Chip, he was just that kind of guy. He had the most amazing demeanor….. forever calm and level headed . Chip always reminded me of something my Mother always told me “Remain calm on the surface…and paddle like hell underneath” 
I miss his smile…
I miss his insights..
I miss talking football 

Thoughts forever….Shawn
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
Charissa, Your wonderful husband made a permanent mark in my life, though I only knew him for 8 short years. We worked together, played together, and he was my group leader (a mentoring role) at ENGEO for a couple of years. Chip was the kind of guy that you wanted to be around you, and therefor was part of every activity we had at work. He was fun when there was fun to be had, comfort when you needed help, knowledge when you had a question, and always witty… When we had our softball jerseys made up, Chip chose the number π, yes π, and his name for the back was “Mama’s Apple”. I miss him dearly every time I wonder past his old office or think of any one of a thousand moments in time that we shared. He will always be with us in memory, so thank you for creating this website and allowing his memories to be shared by all.
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
Charissa, I was saddened to learn of Chip's death. He was a wonderful guy who loved people. I always felt comfortable around him and loved joking with him. I had such a wonderful time vacationing with both of you in Cancun. You and him helped me get through many difficult employment difficulties (no need to mention, you know). My hope is that you come through this with your usual resiliency. I am here for you and would love to chat with you anytime you need a friend. Love you!
December 14, 2013
December 14, 2013
Charissa my friend. Although I didn't get to know Chip well I know he must have been an exceptional person as you are the same. I do know he was taken from this world too soon and that I missed my chance to experience his wit for more than one night. I feel for you my friend, the one that is left on this Earth and know that you are always in my heart and thoughts. Love, Alli
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
dear charissa-thank you so much for sharing this site & for the invite to peruse. the pictures teared my eyes & brought a smile to my face. so grateful for the times spent time with you & chip. i look forward to our meet up...miss you :) xoxo 
love lisa
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
My Dear Sister. It just does not seem like words are enough to express how I feel about Chipper. I have sooo many good memories with both you and Chip. He was my brother and friend. Always there to lend a helping hand or hear what I had to say. He made me laugh and gave me the best hugs when I cried. You both were there for Danielle and myself through our deepest darkest times and helped support and pull us through. I want you to know we are also here for you to love, help, pray and support you through this difficult time. There are hundreds of stories in my mind and going through my day I reflect on them. Danielle is constantly hearing songs that remind her of her sweet Uncle. She remembers going on hikes with you both and sitting down while Chipper took out all the foxtails in her socks. Some of my fondest memories were dancing with Chippie in Puerto Vallarta and on the cruises to Alaska and the Caribbean. Our songs were "Rock Lobster" and "Love Shack". I am sad my 2 month old daughter Sophia will not have the chance to experience Chips love and laughs. I will share the stories and memories I have of him with her. He was always so loving, giving and selfless. I miss and love him dearly. Love you too Sis.
December 11, 2013
December 11, 2013
My dearest Charissa. Words always seem to fail me when it comes to describing how much you and Chip mean to me and how to make you feel better. You are always in my thoughts. I too will always remember that phone call with you asking me.. Hey what do you think about me and Chip... And how happy I was to hear those words.. Always a team from day 1. Love you so dearly. Keep strong and know I am always here for you.. Thank you for the invite to this site.
December 11, 2013
December 11, 2013
Thank you, Charissa for sharing this site. Chip was my boss when I worked at ENGEO, even after I was no longer at ENGEO Chip and I still kept in contact and meet for lunch. We'd exchange emails just to see how each other was doing. Chip became a very good friend and I miss him dearly. We had some fun times! He was a great listener and easy to talk too. He gave great advice and was always there. Every time him and Charissa would go on vacation they would bring me back a shot glass. One of my favorite memories is when we dressed up as Pimps and Hoes for Halloween one year. Chip had no problem dressing up like a Hoe (Me and Mike H. didn't even have to twist his arm.) I know Chip is watching over everyone, especially Charissa. When I'm not having a good day or just stressing, Chip I know is right there. His card I got from Charissa will fall, and I know Chip is saying YO! Chip: you are missed very much, loved a lot and will never be forgotten. Charissa: you and Chip will forever be in my heart......
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Chip was a dear friend. He had a great sense of humor and knew how to have a great time no matter where we were. I remember playing board games such as scrabble and Rummy with Chip and Charissa and my husband, David. I used to find some of those games challenging but Chip was always encouraging and gave me some good tips. He was easy to talk to and made people feel comfortable. I still remember his great grilled steak, home made 'garlic' bread and yummy almond bark that he made during Christmas. One thing I will always remember Chip for is the way he maintained that beautiful aquarium and took care of his fish. I was going to ask his help with our fish tank. But unfortunately, I waited too long. Chip will 'truly' be missed in person but will live in our hearts forever.
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Charissa, I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Chip.
David & I always looked forward to seeing you guys at business functions because Chip was always so fun to be around. (And you too!)
He made us laugh and always feel welcome. We used to talk about how we wished you guys lived closer, so we could spend more time with you. I often thought of you these past few years and wondered how you were doing..... People like you and Chip were a rare find in today's world and your loss is shared by many.
What can I say? "It WILL get better"! The hurt and loneliness will
always be there........ But it will get better, over time. You see, I know .... I lost David to cancer just over 3 years ago. Just know that Chip's spirit has not died..... Just his body. He is with you today just as he always was. I have found this to be true of David. Look for the signs that he and his Lord are sending to comfort you, and allow yourself that comfort. I love you girl........ Jennifer
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Dear Charissa,
We are honored to be able to share our memories of your beloved husband Chip. We will always remember how he greeted us with such great big smile, when he would come in for his dental visits. We will never forget his kindness, his hard work ethic and most especially his love for you. May God continue to comfort you and keep you safe in palm of His hands. We will continue to pray for you.
Much love and blessings,
Laurie and Rolando Bercasio
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Thank you so much for inviting me to share this wonderful memorial. As you know, Chip and I knew each other from the old Dames & Moore days. Even though we had minimal interaction during that time, when we reconnected at the Central Subway subconsultant reception, it was like we worked closely together for years. Chip was such a wonderful and warm person who will be missed by many. If you ever need anything or just want to chat about nothing, I'm here!
December 9, 2013
December 9, 2013
Hi Charissa, thank you for inviting me to this page. Is it really 20 years ago? I remember that early blossoming romance back at Kleinfelder's Milpitas office. Those were fun days. So much has happened for all of us since then but Chip was a great guy to work with then as I know he was until the end. He was truly special and is missed. Hang in there girl! When you are ready to have lunch let me know. I will be there!
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Recent Tributes
April 9
April 9
Missing you my friend! Thanks for being an example for all of us to emulate.
April 8
April 8
Chip, we know you're very proud at the accomplishments of all the folks you led and nurtured.
We miss you, buddy.
Recent stories

Garbage can train pass

April 22, 2018


Scott and I are in the kitchen remembering when you were here with Chip, Gail and Jeff.  Scott, Bradley and I were laughing how he held you upside down to get my train pass that you accidently threw away.  Gail and Jeff wrote about in in Januayr 2014 but the story still lives in our memory of the fun time we had and what a special person he was! Hope you are well and know you are always welcome in Scarsdale NY!

All our love,

Sue and Scott    

Oh so many stories.....

April 8, 2014

This one is a short one.  We embark on one of many business trips, this one to Phoenix, AZ.  Not knowing where to stay, not wanting to be in a bad part of town but also not wanting to spend a fortune on a place to sleep we decide on a place near the airport.  We chose the Vagabond Inn.  It looked clean and seem to have business people there (note this was in the day-time).  Well we spent the day doing meetings, had dinner and went back to the Inn. On or way to our room we noticed a few people at the other end of the second floor cat-walk.  We looked at each other and smiled, our look to each other said 'no it couldnt be'.  In the room a little while later after settling down watching TV and having a Rum & Diet Coke....There was a knock on the door.  Chip opened the door was aone of the women that we had seen earlier.  And yes our earlier look and unspoken thoughts to each other was confirmed.  Chip graciously and wittily declined the womans offer, thanked her and closed the door.  We both laughed and had another Rum and Diet Coke.....  

March 23, 2014

I'm not afraid to say it took a few drinks to get this out. The words seem to escape me every time i try.
As a child Uncle Chip and Aunt Charissa's house was a release. It was a vacation we took three to five times a week, where I had the freedom to swim and feed fish, and be in a place where a 6th grade opinion was always valued.
As i grew i drew myself away from others. I felt that i knew what was best for me and no one could tell me otherwise. This introversion ultimately led to my own suffering.
I got myself together too late, but he saw me find direction.
He saw my wedding.
He saw my enlistment.
I wanted him to see me become a soldier.
I wanted him to see the birth of my son.

My son will be humble.
My son will be welcoming.
My son will be charismatic and sport the witt of a thousand men.
My son will know the man for which he is named. 

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