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October 30, 2023
Bub ,my cousin...He was always there for me.I've been renovating my home all summer and Bub did all the work.I would always ask how much he was going to charge for each project .His answer was always the same " you are family,pay whatever you can and if you can't pay then don't..".He always treated me with such respect...Bub loved and worried about his mom ,Aunt Barb immensely... Anytime I ever met anyone from Drexel I would ask if they new my cousin Bub and the answer was always yes followed by " He's a good man. " He was loved by many...My favorite memories though are that anytime I would visit his house he would always have something to give take home with me..If I were there with kids he would go to the basement and come up with toys for them to take home..As it's said a man is judged by their actions and Bubs actions were all about respect and giving...It's also said a man's life's worth can be judged not by how many people he loved but by how many people loved him....Bubs life was worth a lot because he was loved by many....Your singing and dancing with the angels now and loved ones who have gone before you... Dance with my mom for high you for eternity...p.s.   Bub send someone my way to finish all these projects we started...

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