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January 13, 2022
January 13, 2022
Hi Mrs. Kuest... Its been 11 years now. I was in sixth grade the last time I saw you. I remember being in your math class and always having fun. I still have the list of "rules" that were handed out, and the picture of you and Garrett with your "oh look, a bear!" shirt. Even 11 years later, as a grown women with a family, I think of you and your family often. I hope that wherever you are, you are at peace, and your strong family is doing well. Your wonderful spirit will be in our hearts forever. Thank you for everything.
November 12, 2016
November 12, 2016
I can't believe it's been 5 years that we haven't got to see your smile or hear your amazing laugh.
As I teach the children at my current job I continue to pray that I can live the legacy you lived. Showing the children in each interaction how much their Saviour truly loves them!!!!
Miss you sister and can't wait to run with you on the streets of gold when we both meet our Saviour in the clouds!!!!
Until then, rest well.
November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015
I still miss you and think of you every day Na'Na'!!
I can't wait to see you again when we walk the streets of gold.
Schnoodles got really sick and we had to put her down. It's hard to lose the ones we love. Maybe she will walk with us on those same streets of gold. I wish you were here to meet our new furmily member. She is a little YorkiPoo and the name she came with is NaeNae!!! You would love her. She's full of energy and ornery. But a little cuddle bug too.
Miss and love you lots baby sister!!!!!
Until we fly together to live with our well my sister.
August 10, 2015
August 10, 2015
Happy Birthday Na'Na'!!!
You are always on my heart and mind. I love you Na' and strive everyday to be even half the woman you were. You had an amazing gift. The ability to make every child feel important and loved. And your childlike love for life was contagious. I can't wait to see your smile again and see you running the streets of gold. See ya in the sky sister.
November 11, 2014
November 11, 2014
I miss you Na'........can't wait to see you again whole and healed.
I love you sister!!!!!!! You are in my thoughts and heart every day.
I think I will do a little Wii boxing in honor of you today :)
Rest peacefully sis.
February 4, 2014
February 4, 2014
To mrs Kuest as I go into high school. I remember the fun you had the class do like when we made a web out of string. Also when you played music when we worked on assignments. But when I found out you had passed I cried so much. But I will always remember you in my memories, dreams, and the school. So fair well school guru
November 11, 2013
November 11, 2013
My dear daughter: You are so very missed. It's hard to pass the place where you took your last breath every day.  I miss your laughter and your love for life. Every time I see your son I am so reminded of you. I know I will see you in heaven some day. You touched so many lives during your short life here on earth. I am so proud of you. I love you.
November 11, 2012
November 11, 2012
Jana' My Precious Daughter. I was just thinking all day that this was the last day of your life last year. I can still see you leaving our house and my waving goodbye. Didn't realize it would be my last goodbye though. I would have hugged you harder and kissed you. I miss the phone calls and text messages from you. My phone doesn't ring as much now. Love Mom
November 11, 2012
November 11, 2012
I started building the frog fence in the Brookwood garden for you today Jana. Some of the children on the playground gave it their stamp of approval. It will be good to visit the cemetery to honor the one year anniversary. Each day that goes by feels like it's taking me further from the last moments we shared face to face but maybe I'm just moving closer to when we'll get to meet up again?
August 10, 2012
August 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Jana! I was at school today getting ready to move into your classroom and looked around at so many things that are there to remind me of you. I hope filling your learning space will help me to celebrate you each day and make missing you a little less painful. Starting a new year without you will be difficult but I know I can find ways to honor you. Always in my heart, Maggie
June 7, 2012
June 7, 2012
Dear Jana, You left some pretty big shoes to fill. I tried, I did my best, I felt your guidence when I needed it, I hope I did right by you and the students. As the year comes to a close we are once again reminded of how much we miss you and remember the gifts you left behind. The kids have grown so much and have so much more road ahead of them. See ya when I see ya. Love ya Peggy
May 21, 2012
May 21, 2012
Missing you lots sister! Wishing I could call you and get lots of great teaching advice. You were such an awesome teacher. When I think of all the children's lives you have touched and changed, I am in awe. I hope I can be as positive an influence in the children's lives I meet too. Love you! Can't wait to see you again, whole and healed!
April 20, 2012
April 20, 2012
Jana our 3rd daughter was a real friend also. When we traveled she would sit behind me and massage my shoulders and we would talk while the others slept (what a blessed time just the two of us). We did so many things together alone. I have so many wonderful memories and stories I could write all night. . SEE YOU IN HEAVEN JANA."  
April 12, 2012
April 12, 2012
I miss the early morning talks at school. You always had a solution to any problem that we discussed. I loved your enthusiasm for your students and the pure delight that you took when you created a great lesson for your students. You gave generously of your time and talents and you are dearly missed.
April 5, 2012
April 5, 2012
Jana, I miss being greeted by you in the morning, watching your interactions with the students, hearing your laughter and seeing you out on bus duty. I am reminded of you daily and not just at Brookwood. I hope you know how deeply you touch my life. I am grateful I get to see so much of you EVERY day in Garrett. I am blessed to have had you and your family in my life!!
April 4, 2012
April 4, 2012
Janá, I am so lost without you. Oh how I long to hear your loud, clear voice again, experience your childlike joy, and hug you close one more time. I really wish I could have said goodbye to you before you left, but you already know that. There is a huge void in my life now that you are gone. I will do my best to finish raising Garrett. Thanks for enriching my life so much. I love you!
April 4, 2012
April 4, 2012
I miss you every day Jana. I miss seeing your big smile, hearing your laugh, and looking up to see you peeking in my classroom door. Brookwood lost a bit of its sparkle on November 11th. Now, I just imagine you playing with all the little kid angels and looking out for all the Brookwood children still. My life has been forever touched by your great attitude, humor, and friendship.

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