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May 11, 2021
It took a while for Jean to think I was ‘OK’. I was the ‘city girl’ so the jury was out for a short time. 
Eventually She knew Dennis and I were in love and good for each other and that’s all that mattered to her.   So I guess I got my stamp of approval.  

She and my mom were fun together. They stayed with Christopher and Caroline for a week once. Jean loved to tell  stories about that week.   Once we all rented a cabin together for a weekend.  My parents, Chuck and Jean  and Dennis and me.  One morning we woke up and Jean and my mom were standing looking out a window AMAZED at how still this owl was sitting in the tree. They watched for quite awhile. And whispered about for a long time.   They didn’t realize but we watched them watching.    It turned out it was a fake owl put in the tree to scare off whatever owls scare off.  We never let them forget that!! Hence- owls for Christmas presents!!

Jean and Chuck had the best phrases - like “that’s so far out the roosters were fornicating with the hoot owls.”  I thought my mom was going to have to be picked up off the floor she was laughing so hard. 

They loved all their grandchildren and great grandchildren. You could hear them bursting with pride when they talked about them!

When I think of more I’ll write more. But for now I’ll say I miss them both terribly.   It’s a void in my heart that will never be filled. 
May 3, 2021
“Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal....
Love leaves a memory that no one can steal”

May the wonderful memories and Blessing that you have of your parents and grandparents provide the Brazelton family solace knowing that Miss Jean is resting peacefully in the arms of our Lord. 
And she is reunited with Chuck! 
it was a pleasure to know them!

Sad  to see all of my parents friends go.....
~until you meet again!!!
my prayers are with you all
May 3, 2021
I knew Chuck and Jean from our time at Indian Point Campground together. I remember they always went together, you couldn’t say Chuck without saying Jean and you couldn’t say Don without saying Jo! I loved going to Chuck and Jean’s camper to check their outdoor cushions Jean sewed because they’d always make sure there was money in them for us to find. Jean made mudslides one time and made sure I had a kid version and I thought she was so cool. Chuck and Jean (and Don & Jo of course) came to my wedding in 2016 and I was so thankful they made the trip. I got to dance with Chuck and his cigar at the reception. I have always thought the world of Jean and know she will be deeply missed by all who love her. 

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