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Many, Many Memories From Years Ago!

August 8, 2023
My sister Sheila Jones James, and I grew up as neighbors with Joan and her sister, Elaine! We only lived 2 doors away from each other so we spent a lot of time visiting each other. In the summer, we enjoyed hanging out on each other's front porches chatting, gossiping, playing games and daydreaming! You know how young girls can be! We loved each other like sisters! As we became adults, we grew up, moved away from each other, developed our own lives, lost touch with each other! Now we come back to each other! We did not know it would be this way! Our prayers, thoughts, sympathies, are extended to all of the family and friends who loved dear, sweet, lovable Joan! God bless you all! Rest in Peace, Joan! Love, Gwen

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