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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Joan Smith, 85 years old, born on July 10, 1931, and passed away on April 30, 2017. We will remember her forever.
February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
Love you nan so so much miss you more than you will ever know x
December 24, 2017
December 24, 2017
Merry Xmas nan xxxx love you with all my heart miss
you more than you will ever know xxx
November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017
Seven months nan x feels like a lifetime miss you so much I
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
Want you back so much what I would give to hold your hand and give you a kiss xxx life never gonna be the same xxx

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April 30, 2018


12 months has gone by and still miss you now as much as the day you left us.

My heart is broken and will never be repaired, not until we meet again..stay happy with the rest of the family xx

Love you so so much xxxx

April 17, 2018

Hi nan

Hope ur ok up there, start thinking back to last year and you were here. I know you were suffering then but we knew you were here and now your gone.

I can’t believe it’s almost 12 months since you grew your wings and left us, I know you didn’t want to but I know you had to go, you lived life to the full and I guess I never wanted to let you go. Selfish I know but we loved you too much

Nothing has been the same since you went and I guess it never will be.

I think about all the things I should have done when you were here learn to drive etc.

Life got hectic but I will make you proud nan, I promise, know that you will never be forgotten. Sienna still remembers you now and will keep remembering you that’s for sure.

We love you millions and always will xxxx

Hope ur resting well up there, Keep looking over us xxxx

April 2, 2018

Hi nan,

I don’t know why I come on here sometimes, it’s so hard not seeing you!

Last night I dreamt about u, u were there clear as day with that beautiful I long to give you another hug, anything.

I can’t believe we are approaching 12 months since the worst day of my life so far, when you left us, to be with grandad, how we miss you and life will never be the same without you here.

Please come and speak over the spirit board, would love to know your ok and happy .

Deep down I know you are....

All my love in the world is with u xx always xxx

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