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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, JoAnne Pittman, 70 years old, born on November 14, 1951, and passed away on July 20, 2022. We will remember her forever.
July 22
July 22
Hey sis,
I left you a message on Facebook. I didn’t think about coming here until today. It's two years that you’ve been gone and I just wanna let you know I miss you very much and I pray that you are enjoying your stay with mom and the rest of the family Quentin, grandma, grandpa, aunt Toni and Woody and other family members. Too many family members are gone so far and never expected you to be gone. R.I.P. until we see each other again. I love you and miss you. ❤️
July 21
July 21
Remembering you and all the light you shined. Continue to rest on Momma J.
Your legacy lives on forever.
July 20
July 20
Happy Heavenly Birthday to you ,truly miss by all friends and family
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday Momma J.
I miss our talks and early morning laughs. You are truly missed. I think of you often but it's painful to only have memories.

Rest on Momma J......
Love you,
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday my beautiful sister. I know you’re no longer in pain which is a good thing and I know that you are God’s appointed angel and you’ll continue to keep watch over us every day. I love you miss you very much.❤️
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday my dear friend. I think about you often. I miss you more every day. I hope you are celebrating in heaven. Love you lots!
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Hey mom. Usually I would call you to wish you a happy birthday but going downstairs to chat with you has been good. I am sure you see what's going on and lady I wish you were here so we could talk about these things so we can get our laugh in. It definitely has been different and hard without you physically here. People always ask how we are doing but there are no words to describe or explain a feeling like this. I am sure time will make things easier but never better. Happy Heavenly Bday!! We will chat later. Love you.
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy Heavenly Birthday my Friend! As I think about you today, I am at total peace knowing that you are present with our Lord and Savior. You are truly missed so much and thought of often. Please continue to watch over us all and be that light that shines so bright up in the sky.  Love You! 
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy happy birthday my beautiful sister always thinking about you.
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy Heavenly birthday my dear friend. I think of you often. I miss you more than I ever thought possible. Hope you are celebrating with all you loved ones up in heaven. Love you dearly
November 14, 2023
November 14, 2023
Happy Birthday in Heaven Miss Pittman. Your presence is truly missed but you are in a much better place where there is no suffering and everyday is Sunday! Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.......miss you my friend!
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Hello friend,
Today as I celebrate you, I choose to rejoice. Time has passed, and I often think of what good times we shared. Memories are precious, and I pray never to lose them; I will have lost you forever if I do. You are a wonderful and kind soul I was blessed to have known!
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
Hey Sis

It’s now one year since God called you home to join his army of Angels. Continue to do a good job up there like you did down here. I love and miss you! ❤️
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
My dear friend. One long year without you. My heart still aches. I miss you so much. I still look for you when I go into the office. Until I see you again...
Fly with the angels. Love you
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
It been a year sis and it's still hard to believe your gone. Love you my dear
April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
Hey Sis,

Taxes are done. I know you see me at this at this computer , installing window 11. Yeah I got it done, my system was slow. Miss you. Try giving us all a push in the right direction. Give hugs and kisses to our heavenly family. :-)
April 18, 2023
April 18, 2023
So sorry to learn of Joanne’s passing. She was a sweet, beautiful person. Such a warm personality. My condolences to her loved ones who are missing her presence. May she rest in peace.
February 2, 2023
February 2, 2023
Hello mom it’s the new year 2023 It’s so hard I miss calling you I miss you very much I am trying to cope without you I love and miss you so much
January 11, 2023
January 11, 2023
Hey mom. It’s 2023 and it’s been very hard accepting the fact that we will no longer be able to pick up the phone to call you. I am glad I saved a few voice mails from you. A lot has changed which I’m sure you know. People are who they are and oh I wish I could pick up the phone and tell you these things. You know we would have a big ole laugh. Your presence is still within some of us. I hope you’re at peace and resting well.
November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022
Happy Heavenly birthday JoAnne. Your presence brought contiguous joy for all around you here on this earth and I am sure you are smiling and praying for everyone looking down from heaven. You are never forgotten.
November 15, 2022
November 15, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Momma J.
You are dearly missed and thought of everyday.
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly birthday my dear friend. I miss you so much. I still have a hard time going into work and not seeing you sitting across from me. You are forever missed. I hope you enjoy your birthday with all your loved ones that are up there with you. Never forgotten.
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Happy heavenly Birthday my dear beloved sister missing you
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Joanne God Bless you and your family, I know it's hard but Keep God in your hearts and he will help you through the rough times LOVE YOU GUYS.....
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday Joanne!
I wish I could pick up the phone and sing happy birthday to you, but I have no number to call. I will look up to the skies and sing it to you and I know you are listening.

I love and miss you!❤️
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Happy Heavenly Birthday my friend! I know you are at peace. I talk to you often during my morning walks and I feel so much peace. We will meet again in paradise. Until then......Peace My Sister!  Love You and Miss You So Much
August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022
Our deepest condolences to a wonderful and caring person God be with the family in their time of grief
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Joanne was one of the most kind people I have ever met! She was always so welcoming and took as much time as necessary to ensure you full understood the subject matter. It was an honor to have known Joanne and my deepest condolences to her family! She will be greatly and deeply missed!
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Joanne was such a presence at OIG that it is hard to imagine the place without her there. I will miss her and sincerely regret her passing and the loss to her family and friends.
August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022
Momma J,

My heart hurts just trying to put into words how devastating it is losing you. Ever since you came into my life, I have loved you like a mother, and you always treated me like a daughter. You gave everything to your family and to your job: the epitome of selfless. I’ll cherish the laughs we shared and the talks we had. And I’ll forever cherish you!!

Your warm spirit and loving heart will truly be missed. I love you

Your Bonus Daughter,
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
My condolences to the Pittman family. Joanne was a pleasure to work with and she will be missed.
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
My condolences to Joanne's family. Joanne was such a warm, supportive, strong presence at work and I am so sorry to have lost her. She freely gave of her expertise and her time and her heart. She will be deeply missed.
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
To Joanne's family: I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart is heavy since learning of Joanne's passing. Joanne was such a light and a friend. She was a joy to get to know, share stories & a few laughs, and work with over the years. She will be missed. My prayer is that her family and friends will be comforted in the days and weeks ahead. I look forward to meeting her again one day in the cool breeze of the Garden. Until we meet again.
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
To Joanne Pittman's family - My deepest condolences on your great loss.  Joanne was a colleague as well as a personal friend of mine. We spent so much time together riding in our cars or just chatting on the phone. I will miss her deeply. May you find comfort in knowing that so many loved her and had the highest respect for her. Rest well my Beautiful Friend until we meet again.
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
I was saddened to hear that Joanne passed away. Joanne was a wonderful and amazing woman who cared about and cared for so many. I will remember her smile and welcoming demeanor. She was so genuine. I highly respected Joanne and appreciated her candor and straight talk. I will always have fond memories of our conversations over the years and her infectious laugh. I had the privilege of recently seeing Joanne and talking to her at work. She stopped by for a quick chat after noticing I was in the office. I will always cherish our friendship and that moment. When I think of Joanne, I think of the song “Gone too soon”. She is irreplaceable and certainly is missed. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. I am so sorry for your loss. You have my heartfelt condolences. Farewell Joanne...may you RIP.
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
JoAnne always addressed my retirement questions and transactions with great knowledge, clarity and with the warm attentive disposition of someone who deeply cared for her colleagues' welfare. Every interaction with her made my DOT day better.
May the divine providence shower JoAnne with eternal blessings, and console her family with joyful memories with her, and the comfort of faith.
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
We have lost an amazing person. Joanne was remarkably caring and compassionate, and consistently so. In her handling of complex concerns at work, she always exhibited such equanimity and was so reliable. She left her mark on the lives of all those she helped. It was always a pleasure to see her. She will be greatly missed.
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Sending prayers and comfort to the Pittman family at this tender time. Joanne assisted so many of us at work and will be noticeably missed.
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
I love you Joanne, I hold you in a long hug in my heart. You are kind, understanding, compassionate, the truly good things a human can be. I regret not getting to know you until I started to retire. That was a dumb mistake on my part, reasonable because of the job and distance, but I did miss too much of your goodness for too long by my not really getting to know you until the end of my time at the OIG. I think of you often, and I know that you are one of the ones that make the better ideas of humanity real. You, your kind presence, your effect on others, your effect on me, will be missed. I miss knowing you are here. Love, Dave
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
My sincere condolences to the Pittman family. Joanne was a wonderful person and will be greatly missed. She was an amazing worker and always so pleasant and nice to have a conversation with. Her presence will be missed. 

My prayers are with the Pittman family during this difficult time. May you find peace and strength. 
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Joanne Pittman for a number of years. She was a very nice, kind and helpful person who will be truly missed.  
Sending prayers and comfort to the Pittman family during this difficult time.
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
My sincere condolences to the Pittman family on the loss of your beloved Joanne..... 
I recall the three of us (Joanne, myself and the late Norma Adams) were close friends during the late 60's. Joanne had a caring, fun & lively personality. We often enjoyed going over each other's house to hang out, trying styles on each other's hair & also shopping in the Georgetown area--- sometimes picking outfits that match.
Even though many years have past & we had lost contact, I'm grateful to reflect & value, having known such a kind individual & also the blessing of wonderful memories!
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My dearest Sister,

It's tough for me to sit here and write this letter to you. I’m trying to come to grips with the fact that you are no longer here with us in the flesh. Whenever I called you during your work week you always answered or returned my call. You would say “What’s up” is there anything wrong? I would say, I’m just calling to check on my sister and hear how you are doing. You would say “ I’m fine just working, but I have a few minutes. No matter how busy you were you always had a few minutes to talk to me. You always asked how was the girls and Dwight. You enjoyed the mini video clips I would send you of Sadie acting out. You would say “ Sadie has an old soul” and laugh. Yeah, I ‘m missing your laugh and miss hearing your voice. You were a generous and giving person and your best quality was helping anyone who sought your help or advice. I will no longer hear you say goodbye, and I love you after our conversations. I love you and missing you so very much. You are no longer in pain or struggling to breathe and sleep. God wanted you with him and his will was done. Rest in sleep my dear sweet sister. ❤️
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My sincerest condolences to the Pittman family!
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
I offer my sincere condolences to the Pittman family, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. I met Ms. Joanne sixteen years ago, when she processed me on my first day. Through the years, I've come to respect and truly adore her. She was such a lady, so dignified, professional and kind. She's a loss to all of us and will be dearly missed. RIP beautiful lady.
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My sincerest condolences to the Pittman family, JoAnne will be greatly missed. She was one of the first people I met when I started at DOT OIG and she was always so warm, welcoming and kind. Rest in peace JoAnne.
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My deepest sympathy to JoAnne's Family!
JoAnne was my savior at work in many ways.
She will be remembered. I will miss her for sure.
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My heartfelt condolences to the Pittman family. The sadness and loss felt by her DOT family pales in comparison to the grief and pain you are going through. I worked with Joanne my entire federal career and she was always such a friendly and caring soul to be around. She helped me on so many occasions with various work related matters and I looked forward to our interactions. Joanne always had an answer… and a smile. I will miss our funny conversations and the laughs we shared. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this truly difficult time.
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My deepest and sincere condolences. When I heard the news of Joanne's passing I was weak in the knees. Although I was just a co-worker she made me feel like family. She was the sweet Auntie that would ring yo neck "with her prayers". I could come to her with any issue and she would talk it out and help me to make sense of it. She will be & has been missed. Rest in our Heavenly Fathers arms. 
August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022
My heart is sad and heavy. Joanne Pittman's spirit, laughter, kindness, and energy - all bundled up in a no-nonsense package of truth and wisdom - will be sorely missed. Thank you Joanne. May God's love and peace be with all of Joanne's family and friends - and know, anyone deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we deeply love becomes a part of us.
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July 22
July 22
Hey sis,
I left you a message on Facebook. I didn’t think about coming here until today. It's two years that you’ve been gone and I just wanna let you know I miss you very much and I pray that you are enjoying your stay with mom and the rest of the family Quentin, grandma, grandpa, aunt Toni and Woody and other family members. Too many family members are gone so far and never expected you to be gone. R.I.P. until we see each other again. I love you and miss you. ❤️
July 21
July 21
Remembering you and all the light you shined. Continue to rest on Momma J.
Your legacy lives on forever.
July 20
July 20
Happy Heavenly Birthday to you ,truly miss by all friends and family
Recent stories

Happy Heavenly Birthday

November 14, 2022
Wishing you a heavenly Birthday.  I know you are looking down on us. If you see something. I know you are Shaking your head.  Well today is my first day of being a retiree. I miss you. Love you
August 13, 2022
Posted by Rachel Tolson Nash on August 5, 2022
My sincere condolences to the Pittman family on the loss of your beloved Joanne..... 
I recall the three of us (Joanne, myself and the late Norma Adams) were close friends during the late 60's. Joanne had a caring, fun & lively personality. We often enjoyed going over each other's house to hang out, trying styles on each other's hair & also shopping in the Georgetown area--- sometimes picking outfits that match.
Even though many years have past & we had lost contact, I'm grateful to reflect & value, having known such a kind individual & also the blessing of many wonderful memories!
Prayerfully......    Rachel
July 28, 2022
My dearest Sister,

It's tough for me to sit here and write this letter to you. I’m trying to come to grips with the fact that you are no longer here with us in the flesh. Whenever I called you during your work week you always answered or returned my call. You would say “What’s up” is there anything wrong? I would say, I’m just calling to check on my sister and hear how you are doing. You would say “ I’m fine just working, but I have a few minutes. No matter how busy you were you always had a few minutes to talk to me. You always asked how was the girls and Dwight. You enjoyed the mini video clips I would send you of Sadie acting out. You would say “ Sadie has an old soul” and laugh. Yeah, I ‘m missing your laugh and miss hearing your voice. You were a generous and giving person and your best quality was helping anyone who sought your help or advice.  I will no longer hear you say goodbye, and I love you after our conversations. I love you and missing you so very much. You are no longer in pain or struggling to breathe and sleep. God wanted you with him and his will was done. Rest in sleep my dear sweet sister. ❤️

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