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April 14, 2016
April 14, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are keeping well. We have not seen each other for 7 months today, but you are always in my thoughts and everything I do is for you, all I want is for you to be proud of me. I am so proud to have you as my husband and I always will be. Take care my love, all my love as always Janine, xxx
April 13, 2016
April 13, 2016
Hi darling, hope all is fine with you. Trying to get everything back to the way we had things before you had to leave me. I am finding it difficult but I am getting there slowly. I am also striving to come over to Ireland to see you on your anniversary which I know I will find very hard. I am having a drink with Pat tomorrow and will raise a glass to you as its seven months since that terrible day that shattered my whole life. Love and miss you more every day. Janine. xxx
April 12, 2016
April 12, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are well, thank you for your sign today, the robin came to see me twice. I haven't got much to say except I love you with all my heart and soul, miss you every hour of every day and can't wait to be with you again. Take care my sweet. Janine. xxx
April 11, 2016
April 11, 2016
Hi darling, I have spoken about you a lot today and showed the lady I was working with pictures of you. Thursday it will be 7 months since I held you and looked after you, it breaks my heart to know that I will never be able to do these things again. A big part of me died with you, I sit here thinking how I want to be with you, I wish my time on this earth could end I miss you so much. Sending you all my love as always Janine. xxx
April 10, 2016
April 10, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are well and had e drink with Margaret today as its her birthday. worked again today came home cooked dinner and watched the football, i'm going to bed shortly as i have another early tomorrow. Love and miss you with every part of my lonely body Janine. xxx
April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016
Hi darling, nothing much to tell you, I spoke to Maura today and she tells me Celia is recovering from a knee op very well.Sending you all my love and hugs Janine. xxx
April 8, 2016
April 8, 2016
Hello darling, hope you are well. I am so tired with all these shifts but I am getting there. I haven't much to say as all I seem ti do at the moment is work and sleep. I still talk about you all the time and love you to pieces. All my love as always Janine. xxx
April 6, 2016
April 6, 2016
Hello darling, nothing much happening as all I am doing is getting up going to work coming home and going to bed at 8pm so tired. I got covered in petrol yesterday which would have made you laugh so much. Every day I think and talk about you and wish I could touch you again and tell you how much I love you. Take care my love. sending you all my love Janine. xxx
April 5, 2016
April 5, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are fine. I have been to work today and have another 10 days till i get a day off, trying to get back on track and make you proud of me. The time is 20,05 and I am going to bed as I am so tired. Love you so very much. Janine. xxx
April 4, 2016
April 4, 2016
Hello darling, hope all is fine with you. I went to bed very early last night thinking of the words you used to say hours before midnight are worth more than the hours after. I still feel low today, I get days when I feel I can't go on without you and other days I still have the pain that you are not with me but can cope easier with it. I have just had a few tears becaus sometimes writting to you makes me cry. Love you sweetie, take care .Janine. xxx
April 3, 2016
April 3, 2016
Hello darling, hope you are ok. I finished work this morning but didn't get much sleep because of next door making so much noise. I have caught up with all my chores as it is Pat's birthday tomorrow. I have been thinking of you today and don't know how I can carry on without you as you were the love of my life and it is so hard trying to live life to the full, I can't do it alone I need you with me. Sending ypu all my love as always Janine. xxx
April 2, 2016
April 2, 2016
Hello darling, I hope you are alright. Yesterday I was very ill I kept being sick but feel better now. I am feeling tired as I worked all night last night and am doing tonight, next door made a lot of noise this morning so I didn't get much sleep. I think about you every day most of the day as I miss you so very much. I am concentrating on making you proud of me by taking on board the things you impressed on me. Love you with all my heart and soul, take care. Janine. xxx
March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016
Hell my darling, feeling very tired today I have been up since 4.30 but I can have a sleep in the morning as I am on nights. I have had a good day with some compliments which as you know are nice but I get embarrassed. Hope all is well with you. I think everyone is beginning to know what a wonderful man I am married to as i speak about you often. Loving you more every day as I did when you were here with me, stay safe Janine. xxx
March 30, 2016
March 30, 2016
Hello darling, I had a fairly good day today, glad to be home. I have got to be up early tomorrow as i start as 6 but I like that shift, Friday night I am nights. Love you for ever Janine. xxx
March 29, 2016
March 29, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are well today. had a good day at work, thanks for sending the robin it was just what the doctor would have ordered. I didn't sleep very well last night you were on my mind, as I told you yesterday I was very low, I am bit like it tonight. I wish I could walk over to your chair give you a big cuddle tell you how much I love you and make you a cuppa, just like we used to do when sitting indoors watching the football. Always in my heart and soul, all my love as always Janine. xxx
March 28, 2016
March 28, 2016
Hello darling,I am having a bad day today, feel sorry for myself, I was alright then went down hill.I hate being on my own and not sharing things with you life seems so pointless. Love and miss you Janine. xxx
March 27, 2016
March 27, 2016
Hello darling, hope all is well with you. I went to the party last night and loads of people were talking to me about you and looking at the photo's I have of you on my phone, it was really nice knowing that you are still iin peoples thoughts. You are such a wonderful man and I am so pleased and honoured to be your wife. All my love as always Janine. xxx
March 26, 2016
March 26, 2016
Hi darling,i am having a busy weekend, I went out with Pat and her sister yesterday, a 60th birhday bash tonight and Pat is coming to dinner Sunday. Easter Monday I will be quiet indoors so I am ready for work Tuesday. Hope everything is good where you are.We are all thinking of you. Sending you all my love as always.. Janine. xxx
March 24, 2016
March 24, 2016
Hello darling, I have now finished my first week at work as its Easter, I had good reports, I hope I am making you proud of me. When I went to lunch today there was a group of young children playing hymns in the main corridor, I went up to listen to them, as I got closer they started to play the old rugged cross, you have guessed right I burst into tears. I am learning to carry on without you but its not living and the smallest thing can make me cry. As always I love and miss you with every breath in my body. Janine. xxx
March 23, 2016
March 23, 2016
Hello my darling hope you are ok today. I have had a busy day at work and am feeling very tired, I am not used to all these early mornings. I will wrote a little more tomorrow or Friday but my eyes have had enough of computers for one day. Love as always with all my heart and soul Janine. xxx
March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016
Hello my darling, started training today I dont think it will be long till I am back in the swing of it. I am trying to get into some sort of routine. As I tell you every day I miss you so much starting work has brought back the memories of you making my lunch and how much you looked after me. I will always be grateful to you and will never stop loving you.Take care my sweet. Janine. xxx
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are ok. Finished my first day at work,I am shattered and thinking of going to bed now 21,30hrs. I will have more to tell you tomorrow. Love you more each day, sending you cuddles. Janine. xxx
March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Hello my darling, hope you are alright. I have been very busy this weekend cooking meals that I have frozen as I start work tomorrow. I will find it hard at first but I will get there. Thank you for the sign today, it made me cry because that song always does now. I love you with all my heart and soul, take my love.
March 19, 2016
March 19, 2016
Hello darling, hope you are well today. I am having a quiet weekend cleaning and cooking before I start work on Monday. I hope I can make you proud of me, I never want to go back to the way I was before I met you. I have taken on board lots of things you taught me and I will use them in my life to make me a stronger person. Love you with all my heart and soul. Janine. xxx
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016
Hello my darling, I had tears today I found a video of your birthday, you were thanking everyone for turning up to your party. First time in 6 months that i heard your voice, it was so nice to hear you and see you so happy but broke my heart again because I want them days back so much. Heart broken again today. Sending you all my love Janine. xxx
March 15, 2016
March 15, 2016
Hello darling, I hope you are well today, I am fine today but I did get upset yesterday when I was writing to you. I have another 6 months of loneliness without you to share my life with. I love with every part of my body, take care sweetheart. Janine. xxx
March 14, 2016
March 14, 2016
Hello my darling husband, 6 months ago Our Dear Lord took you from me, I have not forgiven him yet but i'm sure I will do in time. John sweetheart my life will never be the same without you but I hope the life you live with Our Lord God is better than I could offer you here with me. Again sending you all my love as always Your loving wife Janine. xxx
March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
Hi darling, quiet day today, sitting indoors looking at your photos wishing you were here with me. love you yesterday today and for ever more. Take care sweetheart. Janine. xxx
March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
Hello sweetheart, I hope you are well today. I am going to meet Dave and Val today we will have a drink to you as it is 6 months anniversary on Monday. I know I tell you every day how much I miss you its because it hurts so much living here without you. I don't think I would miss a limb in the way I miss you. You were and still are my whole life. Sending you all my love as always Janine. xxx
March 11, 2016
March 11, 2016
My darling John, I love you with all my heart, trying not to think about Monday 6 months without you. Love you always. Janine. xxx
March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016
Hi darling, hope you are keeping well today. I have had the council in today doing the ceiling in the bathroom, glad you were not here they would have driven you round the twist, its taken them all day to do half a job, if they were self employed it would have taken them two hours, they have to come back to finish it more bloody mess. I am nogt so low today but miss you with all my heart and soul. Sending you love and cuddles. Janine. xxx
March 9, 2016
March 9, 2016
Hello John my darling, I have had a very quiet day, I was very low this morning and tearful having one of my off days. I hope you are keeping well, please let me know you your ok some how. Sending you all my love as always. Janine. xxx
March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Hello darling, hope you are well today, I have got up and done the worst job of all the ironing, you know how much I hate doing that. I find when I am busy I do not get upset although I am constantly thinking about you, today is Tuesday so we may have gone out. I wish I could put my arms around you and tell you how much you mean to me, I don't think I would miss my arms as much as I miss you. Take care lovely all my love as always Janine. xxx
March 7, 2016
March 7, 2016
Hi darling, I have had a better day, had a bit of a spring clean which I will finish Wednesday as I am going to Romford tomorrow to see the family. I have gone out in the car today with Pat, I am getting more confident every time I drive. I hope you are alright. Love and miss you so very much. Janine. xxx
March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016
Hello darling John, I hope you are keeping well, I am going through another low stage wishing you were here looking after me and not where you are, I miss you so much. I was speaking with Dave and Val and I am going to meet up with them Saturday. Take care sweetie all my love as always. Janine .xxx
March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016
Hi darling, another day and night I have got through without you. I seem to have taken a few steps backwards and i'm feeling lonely. Thankyou for the white feather.I love you so much John please never forget that. All my love as always Janine. xxx
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016
Hi darling, I have been very down today missing you so very much, I can't believe its just shy of you being gone six months. I really miss your smile. your laugh in fact I miss everything about you. Sending you all my love as always Janine. xxx
March 2, 2016
March 2, 2016
Hello my darling, hope you are well today, I have a spring in my step today as I am starting work again 21/3/16. at least I now have a purpose in life again, I lost that when I lost you. I know you are still with me as I have started seeing some signs again that you are around. Love you always sweetie. Janine. xxx
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
HI darling, hope you are alright, I have had an ok day, I have had to go out in the car as I must build up my confidence. I hate the car as it was for you and myself to have some nice days out in the summer, never mind i'm sure you will be at my side where ever I am. Love you more each hour of every day and night. Janine xxx
February 29, 2016
February 29, 2016
Hello darling, I have woken up full of energy, the day is very bright but extremely cold. Another weekend gone, that could be a reason why I feel better today. I don't seem to notice many signs from you please send me a sign. Thinking of you more of the day than not, sending you all my love as always.
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
Hello John hope you are ok and getting on well in your new chapter, I am still trying to adjust to you not being around I can't say I am enjoying but I have my memories. I have been watching football today as I always do on a Sunday, Spurs won again and stay 2nd in the table, don't know what I will do when the football finishes. Love you with all my heart and soul darling.Take care.
February 27, 2016
February 27, 2016
Hi darling, quiet day today, I have sat indoors and done nothing except thinking of you. Love and miss you so much. Janine. xxx
February 26, 2016
February 26, 2016
Hello my darling, today I feel sad as day by day I am removing little bits of our home away well your clothes, then I say to myself stop being so daft I have more pictures of you around the house than ever and I know I would much rather look at a photo of you than a pair of trousers. I am still finding it difficult to adjust to single life, a life without you by my side is so very hard to imagine. Love you with all my heart. Janine. xxx
February 25, 2016
February 25, 2016
Hi darling, very hard day today I have taken your clothes to the charity place. I kept back two jackets that you loved, I need to go through your bedside cabinet now. Love you John.Janine. xxx
February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016
Hi darling< love you with all my heart and soul. Janine. xxx
February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
Hi darling, I did what I said I would do, I have packed virtually all your clothes for the charity, it was one of the hardest days I have since your funeral. I know that I have just packed up material things and my memories are worth so much more. John I love you so much please always remember that. All my love as always Janine. xxxx
February 22, 2016
February 22, 2016
Hi darling, I am thinking of taking some of your clothes to the charity shop but keep getting upset, it really hurts. I have been thinking about you constantly the last few days so it doesn't help. Love you to the moon and back.Janine xxx
February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
Hi darling, I have had a busy weekend but you have been in my thoughts all the time. I do go out but its not the same without you, I hate the fact I am alone I didn't realise how much we shared together. Love and miss you so very much, take care my sweet. Janine xxx
February 18, 2016
February 18, 2016
Hi darling, I have had a busy day, I decided to clean the mould off the bathroom ceiling and started to crumble so I had to stop and wait till someone can look at it on Monday, nothing is straight forward. You will need to send me some of your Irish luck although I would prefer to have my little Irish hubby back. I am sitting here looking at all the pictures of you around the lounge, every where I look is a picture of you I love it. I am signing off now Love you always Janine. xxx
February 17, 2016
February 17, 2016
Hi my darling hope you are ok. I went out with Pat today and we spoke about you most of the time all good thing. I love you so very much and always will. Take care love always
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