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A Bright and Blinding Sun

April 10, 2022
In 1939, Uncle Joe hopped a train in Memphis bound for San Antonio to search for his Dad, (my grandfather). He was 12 years old. 

His Aunt Ethel has moved to San Antonio along with others from the extended Johnson family. Joe keeps Ethel’s address stuffed deep in a pocket. The person he really wants to find is his father, a carefree wanderer who collects silver dollars to give away and works as an itinerant horse trainer and sometime commercial chef. He’s been known to kill a fifth of whiskey like it was Coca-Cola,11 but Joe remembers him with fondness. The father has disappeared. Maybe Aunt Ethel will know his last location.

Early one morning in late fall 1939, without telling a soul, instead of heading for school, Joe makes a beeline for the railroad yard. He finds an empty boxcar heading toward southwest Texas, looks both ways, and jumps aboard.

Joe Johnson is twelve years old and venturing into the great unknown, as blind and unsuspecting as to where the road will lead him as the little bird walking.

Excerpt from New York Times best selling author Marcus Brotherton’s upcoming release, “A Bright and Blinding Sun”.

A Bright and Blinding Sun - National Release May 24, 2022

April 4, 2022
Hello friends. In a few short weeks, our book will be released with nationwide distribution.  Below is a excerpt from the preface of the book. I hope it piques your interest to be one of the first to get a copy! Also, please take a moment and share this post to your Page.

Now, I didn’t know if I’d die that night in the rain with the door not opened to us. But if you’re a soldier you got to be willing to die for the folks you’re called to protect. Looking back on it all now, I can’t say I was always willing. I ain’t no hero. Neither then nor now. Scrapes I been in. No way I should’ve been in the Army at my age, and no way I should’ve been inside a whorehouse in the first place. No way any kid like me should’ve been standing up to what was coming next for all of us—civilians and soldiers alike—full invasion of the country by Imperial Japan. And after the Philippines fell, well ... when a boy grows up in a POW camp—working as slave labor for one of the most vicious enemies the world has ever known—lots changes for him on the road to becoming a man.
You ask: how had I gotten myself into this trouble? How did I ever manage to survive?

Folks have told me my story is one for the ages. One that sounds so farfetched you have trouble believing it’s real. But it ain’t fiction. Every damn bit of it happened. If you’re gonna read about me, you should start at the beginning. It’s a survival story and love story like no other.  Joseph Q. Johnson 

-A Bright and Blinding Sun, Marcus Brotherton

October 24, 2017

Joe attended all of the Sun City Grand Armed Forces Support Group tributes to World War II veterans from 2012 until 2017. Whether he was the guest speaker or an attendee, his smile, conversation and graciousness was always enjoyed by all.

October 24, 2017

Birthday Greetings

In October 2015 I was recovering from the first of two colon surgeries. The second surgery was performed in December 2015. The only thing I had was an abundance of time. Joe hardly missed a day without calling to check on me, or ask Michele if she needed anything. It was during this time I decided to do something special for Joe’s upcoming 90th birthday in January. What if I could arrange for him to receive 90 birthday wishes? I started writing and contacting as many people as possible informing them about Joe and his life story. He didn’t receive the 90 cards that I hoped for; however, there were some very special greetings among those he did receive. They came from all over the country and even some from France.  Joe was especially pleased by the cards and photographs received from President George W. Bush and actor Gary Sinese. Joe’s overall favorite greetings came from General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) Ronald Green.  Sergeant Major Green sent him a of the SMMC challenge coin, truly rare and unique gift.

Birthday Greetings

October 24, 2017

Birthday Greetings

In October 2015 I was recovering from the first of two colon surgeries. The second surgery was performed in December 2015. The only thing I had was an abundance of time. Joe hardly missed a day without calling to check on me, or ask Michele if she needed anything. It was during this time I decided to do something special for Joe’s upcoming 90th birthday in January. What if I could arrange for him to receive 90 birthday wishes? I started writing and contacting as many people as possible informing them about Joe and his life story. He didn’t receive the 90 cards that I hoped for; however, there were some very special greetings among those he did receive. They came from all over the country and even some from France.  Joe was especially pleased by the cards and photographs received from President George W. Bush and actor Gary Sinese. Joe’s overall favorite greetings came from General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) Ronald Green.  Sergeant Major Green sent him a of the SMMC challenge coin, truly rare and unique gift.

Happy 90th Birthday

October 24, 2017

Birthday Greetings

In October 2015 I was recovering from the first of two colon surgeries. The second surgery was performed in December 2015. The only thing I had was an abundance of time. During that time Joe hardly missed a day without calling to check on me, or ask Michele if she needed anything. It was during this time I decided to do something special for Joe’s upcoming 90th birthday in January. What if I could arrange for him to receive 90 birthday wishes? I started writing and contacting as many people as possible informing them about Joe and his life story. He didn’t receive the 90 cards that I hoped for; however, there were some very special greetings among those he did receive. They came from all over the country and even some from France.  Joe was especially pleased by the cards and photographs received from President George W. Bush and actor Gary Sinese. Joe’s overall favorite greetings came from General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) Ronald Green.  Sergeant Major Green sent him a of the SMMC challenge coin, truly rare and unique gift.

THe Story of the Biography Photo

October 24, 2017

POW 408

Look carefully at the cover of Joe’s autobiography “Baby of Bataan.” In the picture he is wearing a jacket with the number 408. The picture was taken by the commandant of the last POW camp in which he was a prisoner. Joe said a former POW at the camp retrieved as many of the pictures as possible, hoping to return them to as many POW he could find.  Luckily he found Joe who was recovering in a Manila Army Hospital prior to returning to the United States. Thus the commandant’s picture became the cover picture on the book.

Just read about Joe

July 23, 2017

Love, Loved, his book. Also feel in love with Joe. So sorry to hear of his passing.

Has he written anyother book?

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