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Parliament eulogises late Joshua Kyeremeh

February 26, 2021
The immediate past National Security Coordinator Joshua Kyeremeh, who died on January 18, 2021, has been praised for his role in promoting financial accountability in gold export and revenue generation for the state.

Members of Parliament on Thursday paid touching tributes to Mr Kyeremeh on the floor of the House.

“Right Honourable Speaker, Mr Kyeremeh was not only a colossus in the area of security but was also an ardent promoter of financial accountability, particularly in the sphere of gold export and revenue generation for the state,” Mr Paul Apraku Twum-Barima, MP for Dormaa East, said on the floor of Parliament.

The tribute was read in less than 48 hours after the demise of the security capo, who died at the Ga East Municipal Hospital, allegedly of Covid-19 related complications.

The eulogy harped “his leadership and cooperation with the Bank of Ghana, plugging several loopholes in the export of gold were blocked.”

It added that by 2017, Ghana was able to increase export revenue from $5.1 billion dollars in 2016 to $5.9 billion dollars, a 13% increase.

Mr Twum Barima said, “Right Honourable Speaker, barely 48 hours ago, myself, as well as many of my colleagues in this House, heard the sad news of the passing of one of our nation’s finest personalities in the sphere of state security and intelligence.”

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